Turnitin launches iThenticate 2.0 to help maintain integrity of high stakes content with AI writing detection
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Max Watson

Going Beyond the Originality Report to Support Students’ Growth and Integrity

Max Watson, an Assistant Professor at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul, South Korea, is revolutionizing the way Turnitin is used on his campus. Beyond simply checking for plagiarism, Max has created custom QuickMarks for each of his subjects, providing targeted feedback faster than grading on paper. He allows resubmissions up until the due date, so students can check and revise their work, which encourages early submissions and student autonomy. Furthermore, after the peer revision process, all of Max’s students have access to their classmates’ final papers in PeerMark, so they can read the polished work of their peers and learn from each other in meaningful ways.

“Not only does peer feedback assist the reviewer and the reviewee with writing, it allows the course to have a student-centered approach. Assigned essays are urged to be written in a way that is understandable by anyone in the class, even if they’re based on different topics. The extended audience Turnitin creates fosters motivation and self-satisfaction in writing, as the students know that the progress of their work will be read and commented on by several people.”

Working with almost exclusively with English Language Learners, Max has found that the ETS rater within Turnitin provides accurate and actionable grammar feedback automatically, which he can then be sure to highlight for students who benefit from it most.

“Not only do I use Turnitin to enhance my courses in ways that promote academic integrity… I employ Turnitin in innovative ways that enhance my courses and ultimately provide a better learning experience for the students.”

Check out all of the 2018 Global Innovator stories here!


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Excellence In Academic Integrity Award 2018
Asia, Higher Education
“Not only do I use Turnitin to enhance my courses in ways that promote academic integrity… I employ Turnitin in innovative ways that enhance my courses and ultimately provide a better learning experience for the students.”
Max Watson
Assistant Professor, English Linguistics & Language Technology
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea
Excellence In Academic Integrity Award 2018
Asia, Higher Education