Turnitin launches iThenticate 2.0 to help maintain integrity of high stakes content with AI writing detection
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Accidental plagiarism: Prevention and research excellence

It’s important to consider accidental plagiarism as a risk factor in the research landscape and put in safeguards to prevent it from happening. We'll discuss the causes causes of accidental plagiarism, its consequences, and ways to ensure research excellence by mitigating it.

iThenticate 2.0: Advancing research integrity with AI writing detection

Turnitin is delighted to introduce the latest iteration of iThenticate, now enhanced and more intuitive than ever before. Join us as we journey through the key features that new users of iThenticate can enjoy, starting today.

Turnitin Advances Academic Integrity with Launch of iThenticate 2.0 and New Similarity Report

AI-powered capabilities and enhanced features anticipate market needs, deliver insights about use of AI writing tools and create a seamless user-experience

Argumentation with integrity: Lesson 1 presentation

This student-facing presentation guides students through processes designed to aid them in choosing and refining a topic.

Source credibility comprehensive/final lesson- scaffolded

Presentation with instructional support for practice applying all six steps of evaluating a source's credibility.

Paraphrasing Graphic Organizer

This organizer is intended to support students in determining the main idea and supporting points (a discussed strategy) to paraphrase a passage. Consider conducting an exercise with this resource and having the organizer accessible for future practice.

Getting started with AI writing at Turnitin - for instructors

This guide for instructors introduces resources to support classroom use of AI writing detection capabilities.

Sample Higher Order Thinking Questions

Check out this list of sample higher order thinking questions as you design your exam to fully demonstrate student learning and comprehension.

Paraphrasing practice presentation

This presentation may be presented as a game or guided practice.

Argumentation with integrity: Lesson 4 presentation

This student-facing presentation guides students through drafting and the revising/editing processes.

Nine Lesson Plan Ideas for Writing and Revision

How do you engage students in writing? Download these nine lesson plans to help strengthen your students' writing and revision skills today!

Source credibility self-assessment- open-ended (B)

An open-ended self-assessment of source credibility factors for use before and/or after instruction.

Paraphrasing practice worksheet

Use this handout with the Paraphrasing Practice resource. Provide students with this handout in order to participate in the exercises presented in the practice presentation.

This, Not That

Help students to establish the right mindset before taking assessments--in-person and remotely--with this helpful "This, Not That" matrix which offers concrete examples of how to approach exams.

Collaborative activity: Part 1

Worksheet to help students explore the values of academic integrity.

Lesson 2 graphic organizer: What do I already know?

This student-facing graphic organizer helps students narrow their position and support on their chosen topic.

Lesson 1 worksheet: Choosing and refining a topic

This student worksheet walks through the process of choosing a topic and refining it prior to crafting a claim.

10 activities using short responses to target writing instruction (remote)

This guide presents remote learning activities for using short answer responses to target writing instruction.

Paraphrasing resources educator guide

The educator guide will help educators use the "Teaching academic integrity: Paraphrasing" unit to its full potential.

Argumentation with integrity educator guide

The Educator guide presents a description and suggested order for resources contained within the Argumentation pack.

10 activities to practice DBQs and historical analysis writing

Explore activities focused on the skills of document-based questions, social studies, and writing in the humanities.

Lesson 2 worksheet: Thesis or claim

This worksheet walks students through distinguishing characteristics of thesis and claim statements.

Ethical AI use checklist for students

This student-facing checklist allows students to self-monitor their use of AI to complete assignments.

Argumentation with integrity: Lesson 3 presentation

This student-facing presentation guides students through locating and evaluating resources in support of their claim.

Source credibility lesson 2: Author

A presentation to guide educator-directed practice activities focused on evaluating the author of a source.

Source credibility self-assessment - multiple choice (A)

A multiple choice self-assessment of source credibility factors for use before and/or after instruction.

How might I improve next time? self-assessment

This student-facing worksheet requires students to reflect on their process to determine areas they could improve.

Source credibility lesson 6: Relevance - student worksheet

A student-centered resource to accompany practice activities focused on evaluating the relevance of a source.

Paraphrasing self-assessment

A self-assessment that can be used before and/or after any of the lessons in this resource pack.

Lesson 4 graphic organizer: pre-drafting

This graphic organizer provides a structure for students to organize their prewriting prior to writing a rough draft.

Six steps for effective paraphrasing handout

Review the poster and provide the handout for students to keep for future reference.

Source credibility lesson 2: Author - student worksheet

A student-centered resource to accompany practice activities focused on evaluating the author of a source.

Where did I go wrong? student self-assessment tool

Worksheet to guide students in post-assignment reflection when work has been flagged as questionable in any way.

Source credibility lesson 3: Purpose - student worksheet

A student-centered resource to accompany practice activities focused on evaluating the purpose of a source.

Paraphrasing assessment

This assessment may be used to assess students' abillities to accurately paraphrase a passage.

Source credibility lesson 5: Academic - student worksheet

A student-centered resource to accompany activities focused on evaluating the degree to which a source is academic.

Argumentation with integrity: Lesson 2 presentation

This student-facing presentation guides students through preliminary research and crafting a claim.

AI use/misuse activity guide

An educator's guide to accompany the AI use/misuse activity.

Paraphrasing checklist

Provide this resource to students as a self-checklist to review upon completing a paraphrased passage.

Argumentation with integrity lesson sequencing guide

This downloadable pdf suggests a lesson sequence for educators using these resources as a unit of study.

Building and maintaining a classroom honor code

A guide for educators to include students in all stages of planning a class honor code.

Argumentation or persuasion cloze activity

Scaffolded cloze activity to help students identify essential differences between argumentation and persuasion.

How might I improve? self-assessment

This student-facing worksheet requires students to examine work critically before turning in a final draft.

Argumentation writing process checklist

A student-facing checklist to aid students in self-monitoring their writing process.

10 activities to practice DBQs and historical analysis writing (remote)

This guide presents remote learning opportunities for historical analysis writing.

Source credibility lesson 1: Origin - student worksheet

A student-centered resource to accompany practice activities focused on evaluating the origin of a source.

Plagiarism lesson - Guided notes

Guided notes worksheet to support students while working through the Plagiarism Lesson Presentation.

Disrupting plagiarism - Educator guide

An overview of the resources available in this set and suggestions for their implementation.

Original thinking throughout the writing process poster

This poster shows how a student’s focus on process showcases original thinking.

Source credibility lesson 4: Perspective

A presentation to guide educator-directed practice activities focused on evaluating the perspective of a source.

Paraphrasing - the reading/writing connection

Paraphrasing is most commonly taught as a writing strategy, but there are several underlying benefits to this mighty literacy skill. Learning to paraphrase also strengthens academic integrity and reading comprehension. Just think... students must first make sense of what they’re reading in order to paraphrase. This consists of reading and rereading texts to determine big ideas and supporting details. Hence, teaching paraphrasing is often applied as an intervention for reading comprehension.

Source credibility lesson 4: Perspective - student worksheet

A student-centered resource to accompany practice activities focused on evaluating the perspective of a source.

Post-assignment student questionnaire

Worksheet to guide students in post-work reflection and provide educators with progress update on student work.

Source credibility final lesson - worksheet (single source)

A student-centered resource to accompany cumulative activities focused on evaluating the credibility of a single source.

Source credibility comprehensive (final) lesson

A presentation to guide educator-directed practice in applying all six steps of evaluating the credibility of a source.

Source credibility final lesson worksheet - scaffolded

Worksheets with leveled instructional support to guide students through evaluating the credibility of a source.

Academic integrity lesson seeds

Ten activities to introduce, practice, and reflect upon the concepts of plagiarism and original writing.

Source credibility lesson 1: Origin

Presentation focused on Origin, with practice activities to complement and extend the Lesson 1: Origin video.

10 short answer lesson seeds

10 writing analysis activities specifically curated for short-answer responses.

AI vocabulary glossary

A glossary of terms commonly used in education and media to help educators easily differentiate between them.

Source credibility lesson 3: Purpose

A presentation to guide educator-directed practice activities focused on evaluating the author of a source.

Argumentative academic vocabulary list

An extensive list of academic vocabulary that is related to argumentation and writing.

10 activities to practice writing in the STEM classroom

Explore activities that strengthen both writing skills and STEM concepts.

Academic integrity lesson seeds (remote)

This guide presents remote learning activities for practicing academic integrity in the classroom.

Collaborative activity: Part 4

Worksheet for students to reflect on the implementation of the honor code in the classroom.

Argumentation with integrity anticipation guide

Introductory activity to give educators insight into student background knowledge on argumentation.

Teaching academic integrity: Paraphrasing one pager

Accurately paraphrasing and citing sources helps students avoid plagiarism.

Anticipation guide presentation

This student-facing presentation asks students to respond to ideas that are foundational to argumentation.

Source credibility final lesson- worksheet (multiple sources)

A student-centered resource to accompany cumulative activities focused on evaluating the credibility of multiple sources.

Three Literacy Lesson Plans

Here are three K12 literacy lesson plans from Turnitin that emphasize the connection between reading and writing.

Research strategies - Lesson presentation

Presentation with instructional support to understand research strategies.

The source credibility guide - poster

A full-color poster for 6th-12th grade classrooms to anchor the six-step process of evaluating source credibility.

Research planning worksheet

This worksheet supports effective student note-taking during the research and writing process.

Source credibility suggested lesson sequencing guide

This downloadable PDF provides a suggested lesson sequence for educators interested in integrating Turnitin's Source Credibility Pack.

Collaborative activity: Part 3

Worksheet to guide student thinking on creating a commitment to the values of academic integrity.

AI use/misuse activity

A presentation deck meant to facilitate discussion on what constitutes AI use/misuse.

Mid-work check-in worksheet

Worksheet to guide students in mid-work reflection and provide educators with progress update on student work.

Plagiarism - Lesson presentation

Presentation with instructional support to understand and avoid plagiarism.

Argumentation with integrity standards alignment guide

Content standards from several countries and organizations are included to focus educators' planning.

Collaborative activity: Part 2

Worksheet to guide student thinking on putting the values of academic integrity into practice.

Paraphrasing lesson presentation

Introduce paraphrasing to students by using the presentation.

Evaluating source credibility - Educator guide

An overview of the resources available in this set and suggestions for their implementation.

Original thinking throughout the writing process handout

This handout demonstrates how a student’s focus on process showcases original thinking.

Source credibility performance assessment

A comprehensive assessment of students' learning about source credibility for use at the end of the instruction.

Source credibility lesson 6: Relevance

A presentation to guide educator-directed practice activities focused on evaluating the relevance of a source.

10 Activities to Practice Writing in the STEM Classroom (Remote)

This guide presents remote learning activities for practicing writing in the STEM classroom.

Source credibility lesson 5: Academic

A presentation for educator-directed practice activities focused on evaluating the degree to which a source is credible.

Plagiarism Spectrum Poster

A poster for classrooms, libraries, and institutions that illustrates the 10 different types of plagiarism.

Building an honor code: Tips for institutions & educators

Guide to support educators in all stages of implementing an institutional honor code.

Academic Research & Writing Principles checklist

This helpful checklist offers 12 suggested guiding principles for producing high-quality research and original writing, from the pre-reading stage to final submission. Fill in this short form to download your copy today!

Logical fallacies handout

This student-facing handout helps students identify common logical fallacies that often occur in argumentation.

AI misuse rubric

This rubric helps educators proactively prepare writing assignments for possible misuse of generative AI writing tools.

The powerful direction of "Where to Next?" feedback | Whitepaper

Enhance student performance at your institution with Dr. John Hattie's "Where to Next?" feedback. Discover how to implement it in our free whitepaper.

Aiming for Integrity Paper

A survey was sent out to 25,000 students and educator on integrity. See how they responded in this report and better understand how to educate about the importance of being original in your work.

AI misuse checklist

This checklist is a resource to aid educators in reviewing assignment prompts for potential vulnerabilities to generative AI tools.

Updating your academic integrity policy in the age of AI

A resource to guide educators in reviewing/revising existing academic integrity policies to address threats from AI.

The source credibility guide - Hand-out

A grayscale, student-centered hand-out to anchor the six-step process of evaluating source credibility.

Formative Essay Feedback Using Predictive Scoring Models

This scholarly paper examines the performance of the predictive essay scoring models that power Revision Assistant and the innovative use of these models to provide actionable feedback to student writers.

The Effectiveness of Turnitin Feedback Studio

This study follows the trends of average similarity scores among students within education institutions for the first five papers they submitted to Turnitin Feedback Studio since 2015.

Misuse checklist or rubric?

A guide to help educators determine which resource is more applicable to their instructional situation: the AI misuse checklist or the AI misuse rubric.

Understanding the Similarity Report: An educator guide

Educator guide explaining how to interpret and use information included on the Turnitin Similarity Report.

From Here to There: Students’ Perceptions on Feedback Goals, Barriers and Effectiveness

The process of teaching students how to write is centered around feedback that can guide student understanding of how their writing was received and interpreted. Feedback is essential to writing instruction. In order to provide more effective and engaging feedback, we need to ask: how well do students comprehend and act upon the feedback we deliver to them? Turnitin conducted a survey with over 1,000 students in the effort of trying to answer this question.

Plagiarism Spectrum Handout

The "Plagiarism Spectrum" identifies 10 types of plagiarism based on findings from a worldwide survey of nearly 900 secondary and higher education instructors.

Each type of plagiarism has been given a digital moniker to reflect the significant role that the internet and social media play in student writing.

Print this 8.x5x11 flyer and pass it out to students in your classes and courses, even other educators.

AI writing: An annotated hotlist for educators | May 2023

An annotated hotlist of blogs and articles noting the challenges and potential of text-generated AI in the classroom.

Getting started with AI writing at Turnitin - for Administrators

This guide for administrators introduces resources to support instructors' use of AI writing detection capabilities.

Argumentation or persuasion handout

This student-facing handout summarizes essential differences between argumentation and persuasion.

Understanding the Similarity Report: A student guide

Student guide explaining how to interpret and use information included on the Turnitin Similarity Report.

Student-educator conference guide

Educator guide to support student-educator conferences regarding student work.

AI writing: An annotated hotlist for educators | Jan 2023

An annotated hotlist of blogs and articles noting the challenges and potential of text-generated AI in the classroom.

Approaching a student regarding questionable work

Educator guide to support educators when approaching students regarding questionable work.

Approaching a student regarding potential AI misuse

This educator-facing guide provides support in facilitating open conversations about potential AI misuse.

Discussion starters for tough conversations

Educator guide to support difficult conversations between students and educators.

The source credibility guide - poster

A full-color classroom poster to anchor the six-step process of evaluating source credibility.

Discussion starters for tough conversations about AI

This educator-facing guide provides discussion starters to support open conversations about potential AI misuse.

Superintendent Brief

Learn how to integrate writing into instruction with this strategy guide from Turnitin.

The powerful direction of "Where to Next?" feedback | Whitepaper

Enhance student performance at your institution with Dr. John Hattie's "Where to Next?" feedback. Discover how to implement it in our free whitepaper.

Download Free Digital Learning Report

As one of the world's leading education technology companies, Turnitin recently featured in Raconteur's prestigious Digital Learning Report in The Times newspaper. Fill in this short form to gain invaluable insight into 2020 digital learning trends today!

Logical fallacies poster

Ideal for displaying in classrooms, this poster presents logical fallacies that commonly occur in argumentation.

Thesis or claim handout

This student-facing handout summarizes essential differences between thesis and claim statements.

Station guides - Scaffolded

Signs containing guided questions for each factor of source credibility.

Avoiding Plagiarism Student Guide

A handout for secondary and higher education students that highlights strategies for avoiding plagiarism.

Not All Plagiarism is Created Equal

For both higher and secondary education institutions, plagiarism has become a rapidly-growing concern for their academic reputations. Plagiarism-free writing is no accident, but it requires skills and knowledge that many students simply do not have and to which they do not have ready access. Placing focus on helping students acquire these skills will lead to great benefits for educational institutions, including: instructors who feel more secure that they and their students are protected by the school’s policies, stronger student engagement, lower attrition rates, and more robust reputations.

Discover how to overcome the challenges of online assessment | eBook

Overcome challenges of online assessments by learning how to design assessment that upholds academic integrity with resources from our free eBook.

AI conversations: Handling false positives for students

A guide sharing strategies students can consider to help when confronted with a false positive.

In the Loop: Getting the Most Out of Feedback

Middle and high school teachers spend a lot of time providing feedback to students, but do students know why feedback is important and how to apply it? This resource will help your classes start seeing the impact of feedback on their writing.

Avoiding plagiarism poster

A full-color poster for classrooms to illustrate strategies that students can use to avoid plagiarism in their work.

AI-generated text: What educators are saying

A resource outlining the conversations that educators are having globally regarding AI.

Disrupting Plagiarism: Building a Culture of Academic Honesty

Explore resources designed to provide teachers and students with a formative approach to maintaining academic integrity and addressing plagiarism meaningfully when it occurs. Fill in this short form to access your free teaching pack containing 20 resources today!

Argumentation or persuasion poster

Ideal for displaying in classrooms, this poster summarizes essential differences between argumentation and persuasion.

Guide for approaching AI-generated text in your classroom

An educator guide providing suggestions for how to adapt instruction when faced with student use of AI.

AI conversations: Handling false positives for educators

A guide sharing strategies educators can consider to help when confronted with a false positive.

Avoiding plagiarism handout

A handout for secondary and higher education students that highlights strategies for avoiding plagiarism.

Educator tips for implementing and maintaining an effective honor code

Tips for educators to help effectively implement and maintain the honor code in your classroom.

Lesson Plan Ideas: Engage Students & Improve Writing Skills

Educators are faced with an increasing challenge of engaging students. How can teachers effectively reach students and help them become better writers? What are effective approaches for promoting critical thinking and original writing? Check out these nine lesson plans for creating ways to engage students and improve writing skills.

Setting reasonable expectations for the Turnitin Similarity Score

A guide for educators for determining when more or less similarity is expected in student work submitted to Turnitin.

Gareth Crossman

Gareth Crossman

Nebrija University

Encouraging Autonomy in Students to Effectively Develop Integrity Skills

Believe Bariledum Nwamae

Enabling Resubmissions to Promote Academic Integrity

Croydon College, London

Global Innovation Awards 2017: Winner

Universidad Internacional de La Rioja Modernizes Higher Education

Universidad Internacional de La Rioja Modernizes Higher Education

Dr Motaz Alfarraj

Saudia Arabia Professor Leverages Gradescope to Transform the Grading Experience

Lynn Gribble

Using Feedback Studio to Improve Student Learning Outcomes

Showing secondary students a better way

Showing secondary students a better way

La Universidad Internacional de La Rioja moderniza la educación superior

La Universidad Internacional de La Rioja moderniza la educación superior

Ben Edwards

Ensuring the Feedback is Meaningful and Done in the Most Efficient Manner Possible.

Tom Hey

Tom Hey

Academic Integrity Core to University’s Success

Academic Integrity Core to University’s Success

Rajneesh Choubisa

Advocating For Integrity and Affecting Campus-Wide Change

Mehmet Mirat Satoglu

Mehmet Mirat Satoglu

Management and Science University

Healthy, Cyclical Ecosystem of Academic Integrity.

Iris Kimizoglu

Iris Kimizoglu

Irene Glendinning

Irene Glendinning

Alarna Priestley

The Importance of Writing

Full Sail University

Full Sail University’s mission is to “provide students with an innovative style of education delivered by a staff of dedicated individuals, that addresses the career opportunities available in an ever-growing, constantly evolving industry.” Immersive, fast-paced curricula are essential for delivering on this mission and preparing students for careers in the entertainment and media industry.

Robin Crockett

Robin Crockett

Elischa Link

Elischa Link

Alyson Waterson

Students Prepare their Assignments in Advance

Des Waters 2

Cutting Marking Time in Half

Amy Emanuel

A Holistic Program that Models Academic Integrity Every Day

Turnitin is an ally that has allowed us to continue forging critical thinking in students.

Forging critical thinking in students with Turnitin as an ally

Paolo Cuya Chamilco

Cultivating a Culture of Honesty on Campus to Prepare Students for a Bright Future

Marye Smith

Global Innovation Awards 2016: Winner

Improving student outcomes through effective feedback

Improving student outcomes through effective feedback

Andrea Rumler

Andrea Rumler

Zaan Bester

Zaan Bester

Chartered Banker Institute

Overhauling Turnitin Usage to Focus on Quality in Banking Assessment

Cultura de la Originalidad Team - Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD), Colombia

Supporting Distance Education With a Strong Originality Culture

Turnitin Feedback Studio makes life easier for researchers at Andean Region University Foundation

Turnitin Feedback Studio makes life easier for researchers at Andean Region University Foundation

Jason Stephens

Prioritizing Communication and Transparency Increases the Academic Integrity of Student Work

Emilia Illana Mahiques

Developing English Language Learners with Integrity and Originality

Turnitin and its expansion at the Universidad Continental of Peru, an experience of fast adaptation to new contexts

Turnitin and its expansion at the Universidad Continental of Peru, an experience of fast adaptation to new contexts

Dr. Maritza Alvarez Feliz

Shifting Paradigms

The Gandhi Memorial International School

Preparing Students to be Critical Thinkers

Juan Frau Munar

Juan Frau Munar

Omar Tamayo

Original Thinkers and Writers

Teresa Johnson

High Academic Standards that Serve Students in College and Beyond

Smitha Sunil Kumaran Nair

Building a Foundation of Research and Academic Integrity

Elischa Link

Elischa Link

Walter Schmitting

Walter Schmitting

Ms. Hasina Afroz - Brac University, Bangladesh

Building National Awareness of Academic Integrity from the Ground Up

Sofía Fernández López

Preparing Students to Lead Successful Careers and Ethical Lives

Technology that Promotes Values in Higher Education

Technology that Promotes Values in Higher Education

Arunima Haldar

Global Innovation Awards 2017: Winner

Gregory Dean

Turnitin as an Educational Tool

Palmerston North Girls' High School

A Tool to Improve Levels of Academic Integrity at the School

Iris Kimizoglu

Iris Kimizoglu

Zeenath Reza Khan

Zeenath Reza Khan

Marco Sepulveda Medina

Utilizing Turnitin Beyond the Classroom

Sara Velic

Sara Velić

Renaissance College, Hong Kong

Positive Response from Students

Prashant Bhushan Pandey

Preparing Students for University and Beyond

Lisa Russell

Unlocking Student Enthusiasm for Academic Integrity

Ayman Daoud

Modernising Traditional Practices to Gain National Academic Accreditation

Amel Ben Abdesslem

Online and On-Campus Learners Benefit from Personalized Feedback

Deakin University

Deakin University

The advantages of integrated technology in a learning environment

The advantages of integrated technology in a learning environment

Ng Siew Hua

Allowing Students to Exercise their Voice

University of Kent Making the move to online assessment with Turnitin Feedback Studio

Making the move to online assessment with Turnitin Feedback Studio

Ben Crockett

Very Focused Feedback

Maribel Avila Sastre

Adapting Instructional Technology to Meet the Needs of an Ever-Changing Education Landscape

Using Self and Peer Feedback to Improve Academic Writing

Using Self and Peer Feedback to Improve Academic Writing

Andrea Rumler

Andrea Rumler

Constance Nwosu

Encouragement is Essential to Instilling a Culture of Academic Honesty

Karen Hong

Feedback - Fast and Efficient

Andrea Arnold

Developing Trusting and Positive Relationships with Students with the Help of Turnitin

Mehmet Mirat Satoglu

Mehmet Mirat Satoglu

Sarah Dowling

Championing Academic Integrity and Preparing Students for University Success

Toby Trewin

Passionate about Students Producing Original Work

Monica Morscheck

Teaching Students to be Respectful of the Authors’ Information

Earle Abrahamson

Earle Abrahamson: Engaging Students With Online Feedback

Dr. Joe Stevens

Turnitin Authorship Works Alongside University Admins to Ensure Original Work

Thomas Wong

Thomas Wong

Tania Bucic

Personalisation of the Feedback for Each Student

Grace Ranft-Garcia

Grace Ranft-Garcia | Students of Higher Ed

Erica Flinspach

Encouraging Originality and Celebrating Diversity on a Mega Scale

Radley College Implementing Turnitin to Support the Extended Project Qualification

Radley College Implementing Turnitin to Support the Extended Project Qualification

Max Watson

Going Beyond the Originality Report to Support Students’ Growth and Integrity

Yevgeniya Kim

Yevgeniya Kim

Michelle Picard

Using Literature Appropriately

Online Assessment Working for Students and Tutors

Online Assessment Working for Students and Tutors

Bobby Nourani

Values of Academic Integrity

Abdelrahman Kotb

Abdelrahman Kotb | Students of Higher Ed

Obehi Uadiale

Global Innovation Awards 2016: Winner

Scott Rosenkranz

Global Innovation Awards 2017: Winner

Online Assessment Working for Students and Tutors

Online Assessment Working for Students and Tutors

Dr. Amir S. Gohardani

How Data in the Digital Age Helps to Ensure Originality

Technology Enhanced Learning Team

Training Students and Teachers With Integrity

Melanie Sullivan-Gunn

Giving Students Stellar Feedback

Samia Hossfeld

Learners Gain Confidence and Skills with Turnitin

Giga Khositashvili (2019)

Inspiring an Entire Nation to Promote Academic Integrity

Kateryna Kostohryz

Kateryna Kostohryz

Macquarie University

Engaging Students with Feedback

Zeenath Reza Khan

Zeenath Reza Khan

Maria del Olmo Bañuelos

Learning From Mistakes and Building Strong Foundations

KAIST - Carter Payton

Feedback Studio Case Study: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Teamwork, the factor that amplified the use of Turnitin at Costa Rica Institute of Technology

Teamwork, the factor that amplified the use of Turnitin at Costa Rica Institute of Technology

Rachna Nath

Authentic Learning in the Science Classroom with PeerMark

Colin Allen

Colin Allen

Lisa Wathen

Global Innovation Awards 2016: Winner

Karen Sheldrake

Overcoming Adversity with the Support of College Faculty and Turnitin

Teresa Johnson 2

Teresa Johnson

Kathie Ardzejewska

Positive use of Turnitin

Miras Daulenov

Miras Daulenov

Sherna Matta

A School-Wide Paperless System for Grading and Saving Student Work

Ann Rogerson

The Importance of Academic Integrity

Graeme Kelly

Personalizing Feedback to Ensure Original, Quality Writing

Holly Wang/KAIST

Increasing Students’ Creativity for the Benefit of All

Martin Soden

Partnership Story

Elizabeth Bailey

Combining Video with Feedback Studio to Increase Student Engagement

Global Innovator

Celebrating Diversity and Encouraging Originality on a Mega Scale

Cathy Hill

Education with Integrity that Starts in Kindergarten

Implementing Turnitin Feedback Studio with confidence

Implementing Turnitin Feedback Studio with confidence

How academic integrity research changed the lives of a teacher and her students

How academic integrity research changed the lives of a teacher and her students

Stella Stefany - Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia

Decreasing Plagiarism by Including Turnitin in Student Writing Workflow

Sara Velic

Sara Velić

Walter Schmitting

Walter Schmitting

Julia Zaboklicka

Julia Zaboklicka

Sigurbjörg Jóhannesdóttir

Formative Turnitin Usage Takes the Stress out of Student Submission

Earle Abrahamson 2

Earle Abrahamson

Susan Koefer

Teaching the Art and Skill of Writing with Formative, Immediate Feedback

Fiona Hermann

Academic Integrity and Professionalism go Hand in Hand

Marc LeBane

Turnitin as a Positive Teaching Strategy

Ilakkia Anabayan

Ilakkia Anabayan | Students of Higher Ed

Ruslan Penchev

Feedback That Influences the Core Attitude of Students

Pushpamala Perera

Building a Strong Culture of Academic Integrity

Juan Frau Munar

Juan Frau Munar

Azin Aminian

Developing Academic Integrity and Language Skills with the Help of Turnitin

Finalist | Trendsetter: EdTech group [Turnitin AI] The EdTech Awards by EdTech Digest
Thursday 31 March 2022 | United States
Thursday 09 June 2022 | Los Angeles
Thursday 29 April 2021 | United States
Tuesday 12 October 2021 | United Kingdom
Monday 21 February 2022 | New York
Wednesday 09 June 2021 | Los Angeles
Friday 03 September 2021 | United Kingdom
Thursday 31 March 2022 | United States
Wednesday 29 June 2022 | New Orleans
Thursday 09 June 2022 | United States
Transform grading into learning

Grading can be learning, for both students and teachers.

Turning Plagiarism into Teachable Moments

With every setback, there is an opportunity for lessons. Plagiarism checking serves as a teaching opportunity to promote originality.

Transforming grading into learning: Whatever the subject matter, wherever the student and educator

Uphold data-driven assessment design and foster student-teacher feedback loops to transform grading into learning for both students and teachers.

How to Safeguard and Increase Your Impact Factor

In this whitepaper, we examine the markers of a reputable journal within the context of a growing research landscape.

Turnitin Feedback Studio Walkthrough

New to Feedback Studio? This video helps educators and administrators to understand the basic features of Turnitin Feedback Studio and how to start the new school year off right!

Peer Review in Remote Learning Environments

Best practices for implementing peer review activities remotely.

Mimicry and Plagiarism

The Western academic tradition is celebrated for its emphasis on deep and meaningful learning, while strongly discouraging students from copying. However, this pervasive stance against copying invites further analysis, particularly at this time of increasing trans-national education. Watch this webinar about the importance of mimicry and modeling to support students in unfamiliar discursive communities. The practice of "copying to learn" can increase the level of academic writing of students from disparate backgrounds with an approach that uses valued cultural methods.

Data-driven Decisions for Administrators

Best practices for reflecting on data to inform curricular planning decisions.

Reducing Contract Cheating: International Opportunities For Action Session 3

Contract cheating represents an international threat to the value of academic awards. Students using third parties to complete their essays and assignments are missing out on key learning opportunities.

Source credibility introductory video lesson

A video introducing the importance of evaluating the credibility of sources and an overview of all six steps.

Draft Coach and Your Turnitin Solution - For Instructors

Explore the value of Draft Coach for students and instructors, ways to use Draft Coach in the classroom, and how Draft Coach and Turnitin solutions can work together.

Understanding text similarity for students

Student-facing instructional video differentiating text similarity from plagiarism.

How to Use QuickMarks

Hints, tips, and where to click when using QuickMark comments in Feedback Studio.

University of Leeds widely adopts Gradescope for online assessment

Well-grounded by a clear digital strategy, rollout to thousands of faculty across disciplines took only two months, far quicker than anticipated.

Reducing Contract Cheating International Opportunities For Action Session 2

Contract cheating represents an international threat to the value of academic awards. Students using third parties to complete their essays and assignments are missing out on key learning opportunities.

How to Use Commenting Tools

Hints, tips, and where to click when using Commenting Tools in Feedback Studio.

Adopting Gradescope to transform digital assessment at the University of Edinburgh

In this panel discussion, hear how Edinburgh moved from a Turnitin-led pilot of Gradescope which led to widespread uptake, positively transforming their digital assessment journey.

How Will I Assess Students Remotely: Digital Exams and Assignments

Grading is time consuming and manual, and educators generally find that maintaining a consistent and coordinated level of grading is unfeasible without sacrificing their time—especially with paper-based work. For exams and assignments that don't rely completely on drawing or handwriting, can we use the current remote landscape as an opportunity to improve on grading efficiency and feedback consistency?

Jamie and Jason offer practical methods for adjusting traditional norms to enter a more digital future.

Source credibility video - Lesson 2: Author

A video designed to introduce the importance of evaluating a source's author when determining its credibility.

How to Use the Calendar

Hints, tips, and where to click when using the Class Calendar in Feedback Studio.

How to Use Voice Comments

Hints, tips, and where to click when using Voice Comments in Feedback Studio.

How to Share QuickMarks

Hints, tips, and where to click when sharing QuickMark sets in Feedback Studio.

Protecting Your Reputation from Plagiarism Accusations

Learn how top government agencies and organizations ensure the originality of their published content to safeguard their reputation.

Faster, Richer Feedback

Learn how to get the most out of QuickMarks in Turnitin Feedback Studio

Understanding text similarity for instructors

Best practices for differentiating between text similarity and plagiarism.

Making the Most of Feedback Studio for High School and Middle School

Join us for a walkthrough of Turnitin Feedback Studio where you can boost your skills.

How Will I Assess Students Remotely: Paper Exams and Assignments

Many educators ask their students to produce answers that cannot be entered directly into a computer or device; this is particularly true for STEM-based subjects. As institutions quickly adjusted to remote learning, paper-based work created an obstacle that, for some, has been impossible to overcome. As we move toward a future of blended learning, how do we continue to offer paper-based exams and assignments without compromising student learning?

Jamie and Jason discuss assessment digitisation and how this helps to overcome the challenges posed by paper-based assessment.

Administrator Onboarding for High School and Middle School

Join us for a walkthrough about Administrator features in Feedback Studio.

"What Now?" How to Turn Identified Plagiarism into a Teachable Moment for Middle School and High School

The Similarity Report is a powerful tool built into Turnitin Feedback Studio which educators can use to compare student writing...

Best Practices for Providing Effective Feedback

Research-based strategies for giving feedback to students.

How to Use Rubrics and Grading Forms

Hints, tips, and where to click when using Rubrics and Grading Forms in Feedback Studio.

Preparing Your Feedback Studio for Fall: How to Copy Classes

Tips and best practices for using the Copy Class function in Feedback Studio to prepare for Fall.

The SimCheck Advantage Session 1

SimCheck, the go-forward plagiarism solution for VeriCite customers, brings the features you loved about VeriCite and combines them with a scalable cloud-based platform, a modern interface, and intuitive user experience.

How to Use PeerMark

Hints, tips, and where to click when using PeerMark in Feedback Studio.

Draft Coach and Your Turnitin Solution - For Students

Discover how Draft Coach can support your learning, strategies for using Draft Coach while writing, and how Draft Coach and Turnitin solutions can work together.

Taking Integrity Online: Partnering with the Student Union to Promote Integrity

Hear from Academic Misconduct Committee Chair, Sandie Dann, and Student Union Advice Development Consultant, Kit Messinger, as they describe how their unlikely partnership at Loughborough University, through on-campus and online student-focused campaigns, has led to fewer students committing academic misconduct through ignorance and increased student engagement during misconduct allegations.

What Is Contract Cheating and What Can We Do About It?

Contract cheating is an emerging threat to the academic integrity of institutions of higher learning. Join Turnitin and the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) for a webcast in support of the 2nd Annual International Day of Action Against Contract Cheating. Dr. Tricia Bertram Gallant will overview the phenomenon known as contract cheating, what institutions can do to prevent it, and what faculty can do to detect it.

Draft Coach and Your Turnitin Solution - For Instructors - Microsoft Word

Explore the value of Draft Coach for students and instructors, ways to use Draft Coach in the classroom, and how Draft Coach and Turnitin solutions can work together.

Source credibility video - Lesson 3: Purpose

A video designed to introduce the importance of evaluating a source's purpose when determining its credibility.

The Honor Code: Guidelines for Academic Integrity

Student-facing video to introduce the idea of academic integrity and honor codes.

Turnitin's Customer-Driven Product Roadmap

Annie Chechitelli, Chief Product Officer, unveils the latest customer research on use of our solutions and provide a high-level walkthrough of our roadmap in response to the insights.

Source credibility video - Lesson 5: Academic

A video designed to introduce the importance of evaluating how academic a source is when determining its credibility.

The landscape for fairness, flexibility and validity of assessment design in VET education

In this video, we chat with Michelle Charlton, Principal, Specialised VET Services about assessment delivery in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector, and how learning providers can secure fairness, flexibility and validity within their assessment practices.

Best Practices for Effective Rubric Design

Research-based strategies for designing and sharing rubrics effectively.

Draft Coach and Your Turnitin Solution - For Students - Microsoft Word

Discover how Draft Coach can support your learning, strategies for using Draft Coach while writing, and how Draft Coach and Turnitin solutions can work together.

Introducing Turnitin Draft Coach

Turnitin Draft Coach™ helps students improve their academic writing and research skills with instant feedback where they write.

What's Ahead for Turnitin in 2021

Hear from Sr. Director of Product Management, Stephanie Butler, as she describes what's in store at Turnitin for the year ahead.

Best Practices for Remote Learning

Research-based strategies for engaging learners remotely.

Communicating Consistent Expectations

Best practices for implementing consistent expectations for students and faculty.

Equitable Evaluation and Excellent Expectation-Setting

Learn how to get the most out of rubrics in Turnitin Feedback Studio

Owning Originality: How to Empower Students with Turnitin and Microsoft Teams

Learn how the Microsoft Teams integration has streamlined workflows and communication for teachers and students.

Building and Maintaining Strong Student Relationships Remotely

As schools shift to hybrid or fully online environments this Fall, educators, staff, and students prepare to face a new normal. This session focuses on challenges and strategies for building and maintaining strong student relationships remotely.

Turnitin Feedback Studio: Quick Start Guide for Instructors

This video provides an overview of the key features instructors need to know to make best use of Feedback Studio, accessed through the Turnitin website.

Maximize Formative Learning Opportunities with Turnitin Feedback Studio

At Turnitin, we believe delivering timely, formative feedback throughout the writing process can transform plagiarism into teachable moments and help students achieve writing success. Join as for a deep dive on how to use Feedback Studio as a formative educational tool to help students identify their strengths and weaknesses, self-correct before final submission, and take ownership of their work.

Grammar Grading Made Easier

Learn how to get the most out of ETS e-Rater® in Turnitin Feedback Studio

The exploitative world of contract cheating and its growing threat to academic integrity

Essay mills are a growing market. Online comparison sites in the UK list over 1,000, with 125-230 added each month. While online learning environments have always been vulnerable to academic misconduct, it’s clear that essay mills have traded on the rapid digitalisation of global education… and they are profiting. So, where do we go from here?

Meet Gradescope

We are thrilled to announce Turnitin’s acquisition of Gradescope, an assessment platform that reduces the time associated with traditional grading.

Teaching the Future

Robert Wilson, Deputy Head of Elsa High School - Hong Kong, discusses the challenges facing teachers in 2016 and beyond.

What is Gradescope?

Gradescope helps instructors save time, feel supported, and reignite their passion for teaching.

Leveraging Higher Education Best Practices in the Secondary Classroom

Learn how to give practical and effective feedback that your students can use in their academic development.

Turning Academic Dishonesty into a Learning Opportunity

In this one-on-one discussion, you’ll hear about the challenges associated with upholding academic integrity—particularly in the online setting—and learn how to overcome them by leveraging formative assessment to develop digital literacy skills.

Remote Instruction for Auditory Learners

Best practices for engaging auditory learners remotely.

Converting Instruction to Fit a Remote Learning Environment

Best practices for moving instruction to remote environments.

How Will I Assess Students Remotely: Programming Assignments

Programming classes are rapidly becoming among the most popular in education. But, as more and more students are learning to code, educators are left with the increasing challenge of maintaining academic integrity in code assignments, whilst trying to provide timely feedback to their students. When we don't have access to a controlled, physical writing space for code assessment, what are the alternatives?

In this final instalment of the series, we discuss the benefits of realtime, online feedback in programming education.

Incorporating Integrity into Instructional Workflows: New Solutions for New Challenges

Get introduced to Turnitin Originality, as we discuss Turnitin’s commitment to developing products to help keep students on a positive academic path.

Gradescope for Engineering Educators

Gradescope was built by educators and designed to help faculty across a range of subjects, including all disciplines of engineering education, deliver quality feedback faster. This recording shows how leading edge technology can dramatically reduce the pain and time associated with traditional STEM grading. Walk away with tips on how to reinvest the hours you’ve saved from peer instructors who trust Gradescope to help turn grading time in to learning opportunities.

University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) builds a culture of academic integrity by pairing policy with technology

Keeping student and instructor needs at the core is key to upholding their rigorous standards of integrity while centering students in their learning.

Turnitin Feedback Studio: Quick Start Guide for Students

This video provides an overview of the key features students need to know to make best use of Feedback Studio, accessed through the Turnitin website.

Getting Started with Gradescope is Easy

Gradescope helps instructors save time, feel supported, and reignite their passion for teaching.

Turnitin guide to paraphrasing

Tips and tricks to help you master the art of paraphrasing!

Turnitin Virtual Conclave Leveraging Technology for Enhancing Education

How does technology inspire originality, creativity and authenticity among students? Is pedagogy driving technology adoption or is technology creating new models of pedagogy? How fast do we need to unlearn and relearn our methods of teaching to make effective use of opportunities that technology provides?

Coaching Conversations

Thoughtful insight and actionable suggestions on structured, coaching conversations for every type of writing need.

Source credibility video - Lesson 4: Perspective

A video designed to introduce the importance of evaluating a source's perspective when determining its credibility.

Remote assessments in secondary education: Challenge or opportunity

Remote assessments throw up both challenges and opportunities. How are some of India's leading secondary education leaders addressing it? Hear it from the experts!

Exclusive Preview: Microsoft Teams + Turnitin Integration

Turnitin is excited to partner with Microsoft to offer our originality checking service for any assignment created in Microsoft Teams. Teachers will be able to seamlessly access the most comprehensive plagiarism detection solution alongside their favorite Microsoft apps. Get a sneak peek into what we're working on!

Developing Writers: Feedback Tied to Criteria

Best practices for providing targeted writing feedback to students.

Taking Integrity Online: Conducting Online Misconduct Panels

For the last few months, the traditional process for academic misconduct hearings has taken a back seat, and panels have been forced to move online. Having effectively leveraged technology, Academic Integrity Coordinator, Dr. Mark Sergeant, has successfully transitioned to online-only panels. Find out how he and his team at Nottingham Trent University have increased student attendance and engagement rates throughout this process.

Powering the Feedback Cycle with Turnitin Feedback Studio for Middle School and High School

Students grow and succeed when they get high quality feedback from their teachers...

How to Share Rubrics and Grading Forms

Hints, tips, and where to click when sharing rubrics and grading forms in Feedback Studio.

Reducing Contract Cheating International Opportunities For Action Session 1

Contract cheating represents an international threat to the value of academic awards. Students using third parties to complete their essays and assignments are missing out on key learning opportunities.

Draft Coach at Corona-Norco Unified School District

See how Draft Coach is used at Corona-Norco Unified School District.

Source credibility video - Lesson 6: Relevance

A video designed to introduce the importance of evaluating a source's relevance when determining its credibility.

Data-driven Decisions for Instructors

Best practices for reflecting on data to inform instructional decisions.

Interpreting the Turnitin Similarity Report

Are you looking to better understand the Turnitin Similarity Report? Join us as we discuss how to quickly interpret and refine the report, why a high similarity score doesn’t always mean plagiarism has occurred, tips on using the report as a learning tool to improve student outcomes, and more!

Taking Integrity Online: The Tell-Tales of Contract Cheating

As contract cheating and commissioning become increasingly widespread and cheaper by the day, it's important that academic institutions respond and adjust their own procedures and practices. Lead on Contract Cheating at the University of Northampton, Dr. Robin Crockett will provide tips and advice to help educators proceed when they feel an assignment 'doesn’t look quite right'.

How to Use the Discussion Board

Hints, tips, and where to click when using the Discussion Board in Feedback Studio.

Source credibility video - Lesson 1: Origin

A video designed to introduce the importance of evaluating a source's origin when determining its credibility.

Turnitin Feedback Studio: Quick Start Guide for Admins

This video provides an overview of the key features administrators need to know to make best use of Feedback Studio, accessed through the Turnitin website.

Meet Gradescope

We are thrilled to announce Turnitin’s acquisition of Gradescope, an assessment platform that reduces the time associated with traditional grading.

Overcoming Academic Dishonesty: The Secret to Turning Students into Digital Citizens

In this joint webinar with Education Technology, Teacher and Academic Honesty Coordinator, Lasse Nielsen, discusses how to not only identify, but also to help students avoid plagiarising while learning remotely, and in blended programmes.

Unlock the Power of Administrator Stats in Turnitin Feedback Studio

Geared for administrators, this webinar dives into how Turnitin Feedback Studio reports can be used to inform key decision-making about educator and student supports. Learn how insights from our admin stats can help increase usage of Feedback Studio across your organization.

Addressing Integrity Development for the 'Real World'

Watch our panel discussion with educators from Lincoln College and Swindon College as we delve into how Turnitin’s similarity tools help to lay the foundations of integrity within the Further Education sphere and equip students with core skills that prepare them for their future.

Embedding industry practices into authentic assessment design

Chukwudi Ogoh, Turnitin Technologies Consultant, Assessment Solutions, Asia Pacific

Effective feedback design in assessment

Chukwudi Ogoh, Turnitin Technologies Consultant, Assessment Solutions, Asia Pacific

EdTech Industry Network Summit: Campfire panel

Annie Chechitelli, Turnitin Chief Product Officer

The future of assessments and learning-integrated work in education

Chukwudi Ogoh, Technologies Consultant, Assessment Solutions, Asia Pacific

What Is real? Teaching students how to evaluate the credibility of sources

Patti West-Smith, Turnitin Teaching and Learning Innovations

Testing times: Online assessment in focus [Gradescope by Turnitin]

Mark Espinola, Turnitin Senior Director of Product Management

How educators can champion a culture of academic integrity

Lisa LaBrake, Sweet Home High School

Leveraging effective feedback to impact student growth [Turnitin Feedback Studio]

Patti West-Smith, Turnitin Director of Customer Engagement

Tech leaders on the state of AI in education [Turnitin AI]

Annie Chechitelli, Turnitin Chief Product Officer

Show your work: Protecting academic integrity in an online environment

Annie Chechitelli, Turnitin Chief Product Officer

Mind the ethical edge: Delivering equal and unbiased AI [Turnitin AI]

Eric Wang, Turnitin Senior Director of Machine Learning

Stories from digital learning: Facilitating integrity & rigor

Marina Amador and Amy Dell, Corona-Norco Unified School District

How good AI can be AI for good in higher education [Turnitin AI]

Eric Wang, Turnitin Senior Director of Machine Learning

New challenges in plagiarism detection

Andreas Ohlson, Turnitin SVP, Strategy and Business Development

Building diversity with intention

Marissa Farrar, Turnitin Chief People Officer

What Is real? Teaching students how to evaluate the credibility of sources

Jill Crivelli and Katie Wike, Turnitin Teaching and Learning Innovations

Flipping the Classroom; How Feedback Studio Supports Digital Innovation at Texas A&M University

In this case study, we take a look at TAMU’s Engineering Department and its use of Turnitin’s Feedback Studio to decrease workload for teachers and ultimately, enable digital innovation.

Universidad Internacional de La Rioja Modernizes Higher Education

María Soria Oliver, director of psychology at Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, is creating a new culture of faster feedback and integrity with Turnitin.

Gradescope Ensures Efficient Marking After Abrupt Shift to Online Learning

Dr. Alison Voice was one of the first academics at the University of Leeds to discover Gradescope; however, it was the abrupt national lockdown in the UK, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, that accelerated its adoption across the university’s Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences.

Changing the Culture

Piero Cavaleri, Chief Librarian at Università Carlo Cattaneo (LUIC) explains how Turnitin's Feedback Studio helped students at the university understand why academic integrity and original writing are important, and how to properly use and reference the work of others.

Ease of Delivering Remote Exams Streamlines Transition to Online Learning

Professor Ashok Nedungadi needed a solution for delivering remote exams during the shift to online learning, and found a seamless transition with Gradescope.

Access to Digital Literacy Promotes Academic Integrity at Cranford College

In this case study, we examine the ways in which a West London-based community college simultaneously promoted digital literacy and addressed increasing plagiarism.

Elevating writing skills and integrity standards of medical students with NEO LMS and Turnitin

The success story of adopting Turnitin Feedback Studio with NEO LMS by St. Luke’s Medical Center College of Medicine - William H. Quasha Memorial.

Lecturers at FHWien der WKW Save Time While Reinforcing Academic Integrity

In this success story, we take a look at the university's transition from their staff-developed, in-house "plagiarism checker" to using Turnitin technology.

LSU streamlining the education experience for student and instructor with technology-driven advancements

In this case study we explore LSU’s journey with Turnitin products in serving a diverse group of students and faculty, with a Moodle integration enabling LSU to centralize and scale their educational services, including training and instructional design.

SciSpace (formerly Typeset) and Turnitin team up to streamline the research workflow

SciSpace helps researchers by taking the hard work out of the formatting, editing, and submissions part of the publishing process. This mission led SciSpace to partner with Turnitin.

Feedback Studio Helps Make Coeur d’Alene a District of Choice

In this case study, we explore how the Coeur d’Alene School District (CdA) revised curriculum and worked with the community to bring digital literacy tools like Feedback Studio to the classroom.

LSU streamlining the education experience for student and instructor with technology-driven advancements

In this case study we explore LSU’s journey with Turnitin products in serving a diverse group of students and faculty, with a Moodle integration enabling LSU to centralize and scale their educational services, including training and instructional design.

Improving Feedback and Innovating Curriculum in Harvard’s Mathematics Department

In this case study, we examine how Gradescope helps improve grading feedback and efficiency in mathematics courses and ultimately informs curriculum design at Harvard University.

Wikipedia uses iThenticate to Ensure Content Quality

In this case study, we examine the ways Wikipedia uses iThenticate to ensure originality in its wiki content.

Champions of Gradescope build a collaborative user community

In this case study, we explore how Gradescope has become a key resource for UIUC instructors. Advocates like Professor Jenny Amos have been critical to encouraging adoption across the institution and building mechanisms for sharing best practices.

Effective, efficient assessments at The University of Texas at Austin

Jen Moon is a full professor of instruction in the departments of Biology and Molecular Biosciences at UT Austin. She sits on the Technology Enhanced Education Oversight Committee, which evaluates and formulates policy on technology-enhanced education for faculty campus-wide.

Feedback Studio Saves Teachers Time, Upholds Academic Integrity

Palmerston North Boys’ High School, located in New Zealand, has a student body of 1,780 students, aged 13-18.

Feedback Studio supports open distance learning for more than 100,000 enrolled students

The University of South Africa (UNISA) is the largest open distance learning institution in the southern hemisphere and is using Feedback Studio’s platform to offer interactive and accessible learning to its students.

CollPoll and Turnitin teamed up to foster a culture of integrity in online learning

CollPoll, a comprehensive digital campus platform, partnered with Turnitin, a leading provider of academic integrity and assessment solutions.

Improving Learning With Expanded Use of Feedback Studio at Bradford College

In this use case, we take a look at Feedback Studio’s evolution from the College’s plagiarism checker to a fully utilized suite of features that facilitates student writing and feedback.

How San Diego State University Scaled Assessment for Large Courses with Gradescope

Engaging faculty early in a bottom-up approach helped achieve broader implementation and optimized instructor capacity and student learning.

iThenticate Upholds the Integrity of the Admissions Process

In this case study, we examine the ways in which iThenticate immediately upheld the integrity of the resident MBA admissions process at Smeal College of Business.

Creating teachable moments with Turnitin

Northeastern Technical College (NETC) is a public community college accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. NETC is one of the 16 technical colleges that make up the South Carolina Technical College System. They have been using Turnitin Feedback Studio for over nine years.

Building a culture of academic integrity to keep students and teachers engaged

Blinn College is a community college located in Brenham, Texas. It is a mid-size institution with additional campuses serving the Bryan, Schulenburg, and Sealy communities. They also partner with Texas A&M as a member of the ​​RELLIS Academic Alliance to expand their educational opportunities to students. Blinn College has been using Turnitin for 17 years.

Champions of Gradescope build a collaborative user community

In this case study, we explore how Gradescope has become a key resource for UIUC instructors. Advocates like Professor Jenny Amos have been critical to encouraging adoption across the institution and building mechanisms for sharing best practices.

UNSW Transition Program Online supports university readiness with OpenLearning and Turnitin

The UNSW Transition Program Online (TPO) put OpenLearning’s integration with Turnitin to work and shared their firsthand experience of its practical benefits.

Feedback Studio Prepares Cerritos Community College Students for Four-Year Degrees

In this case study, we take a look at how Cerritos College rolled out Turnitin Feedback Studio to departments beyond English and prepared students for transfer to four-year institutions.

Upholding Academic Integrity

In this case study, we examine the use of Turnitin Feedback Studio at Hale School to uphold academic integrity, reduce plagiarism cases, and make more effective use of teachers’ time.

Feedback Studio improves assessment integrity and quality assurance

We look at the implementation of Turnitin Feedback Studio at Royal Greenhill Institute of Technology (RGIT), a Vocational Education and Training (VET) organisation with campuses in Melbourne and Hobart.

Gradescope Increases Grading Consistency and Student Engagement in Computer Science Courses

In this case study, we examine the use of Gradescope’s autograder platform in higher education computer science courses and its impact on grading consistency, student engagement, and student learning outcomes.

CIO Supports Educator-Led Gradescope Rollout at Durham University

Chief Information Officer at Durham University facilitates streamlined move to online assessment through Gradescope implementation

Immediate, formative feedback with Draft Coach helps develop writing and research skills

Draft Coach fosters original thinking and supports students in the writing, research, and revision process, whether in-person or in remote learning environments.

Accelerated Feedback Leads to More Empowered Learning in Programming Course

In this case study, we explore how quick, quality feedback helped enable greater engagement and learning of computer programming for math & statistics students at Cal Poly Pomona.

Improving Student Outcomes Through Effective Feedback at Leyton Sixth Form College

In this case study, we examine the use of Turnitin Feedback Studio at Leyton Sixth Form College to enable feedback, support original student learning, and create teachable moments.

Turnitin Global Innovation Award Winner Helps Turn Gut Instincts into Actionable Insights

In this customer story, we examine how Turnitin helped Bloomsbury Institute to combat evolving forms of academic misconduct while continuing to support instructor and student success.

Gradescope Supports Bucknell's Urgent Transition to Remote Learning Assessment

Professor Stu Thompson was on a quest to save time, but when Bucknell pivoted to remote learning, he found that Gradescope offered much more than he anticipated.

Gradescope Revolutionizes Grading Experience for University Physics Courses

In this case study, we examine a physics professor’s adoption of Gradescope, which has saved him time, increased teaching efficiency, and upheld unbiased grading.

SLATE in Wisconsin 2019

Meet us at SLATE in Wisconsin. We'll be in Booth 412.

Meet Gradescope - Now Part of Turnitin

We’re heading to EDUCAUSE and bringing new tools to help you.

Jumpstart your Tuesday with breakfast and Gradescope, the best-in-class assessment platform that uses leading edge technology to dramatically reduce the pain and time associated with traditional grading.

Gradescope makes it easier for instructors to quickly grade assignments and gain additional insights about student learning in any area of study, including economics, business, and STEM. Under the Turnitin umbrella, Gradescope’s tools combine our commitment to authenticity with efficient, unbiased, and consistent evaluations for any assignment type, including paper-based problem sets, computer code, and engineering diagrams.

Come for the coffee and pastries, stay for the demo and live discussion.

Space is limited - register today!

Turnitin Network and Learn | South West Regional Forum

An exclusive roundtable discussion and networking event hosted by Turnitin

D2L Fusion 2018

Turnitin is heading to D2L Fusion 2018 in the beautiful city of Houston!

Join our team as we jump into in-depth sessions and discuss the topics in teaching and learning that matter to educators. We're also excited to network with educators, D2L experts, and learning leaders from around the world. Visit our Turnitin booth and talk with us about instructional technology innovation and how our tools help to support authentic student writing!

Time for Action: the challenge of contract cheating

This event, hosted in Tbilisi on 20 October 2022, was the first of its kind in the country and brought together experts from Turnitin - including our RVP for EMEA Aaron Yaverski - with academics from leading institutions to discuss what the future of academic integrity means for Georgia.

PETE&C 2020

Come check us out at PETE & C on February 23rd-26th!

BbWorld 2019

Shine a Light on Streamlining with Turnitin at BbWorld 2019


From October 30th - November 2nd, Turnitin will be in Denver, Colorado, at EDUCAUSE, higher education’s premier conference for those who lead, manage, deploy, and use information technology (IT) to advance higher education.

Schoology Next Conference

Turnitin is excited to be attending the Schoology NEXT conference in beautiful San Diego, California. NEXT provides attendees with the knowledge and experiences needed to advance what's possible in their classrooms and districts. Join Turnitin in San Diego as we connect with other like-minded educators about how they are achieving their goals and visit us at our booth to discuss how to support authentic student writing!

SABER Annual Meeting 2022

Join Turnitin and biology education researchers at the 2022 SABER Annual Meeting at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities.

Sneak Peek: Authorship

We’re heading to EDUCAUSE and introducing new tools to help you.

Jumpstart your Wednesday with breakfast and Authorship, the latest Turnitin technology that brings evidence and confidence to the process of investigating suspicions of contract cheating. Come for the coffee and pastries, stay for the demo and live discussion.

Space is limited - register today!

Turnitin Network and Learn | South East Regional Forum

An exclusive roundtable discussion and networking event hosted by Turnitin

Texas ASCD 2019

Attending Texas ASCD? We are too! Find us at Booth 103.

Canvas InstructureCarn

Join us at InstructureCarn in gorgeous Keystone, Colorado. Live your best Canvas life with Turnitin options that fit your workflow! The tarot cards don’t lie: using Turnitin and Canvas together is sure to bring you good fortune. Come visit us at booth #4 to learn more about Canvas and Turnitin's partnership, plus learn more about how to support authentic student writing.

ILA 2018 Conference

Join Turnitin at the International Literacy Association (ILA) 2018 Conference in Austin, Texas. ILA is an amazing opportunity for instructors and administrators to take a deep dive into literacy and best practices in instruction. Come visit us at our Turnitin booth, where we'll be ready to meet educators and to discuss instructional technology innovation and ways to support authentic student writing!

CUE 2020

Come say hello to us at Booth 405 at CUE 2020.

MassCue 2019

Meet us at MassCUE. We'll be in Booth 243A.

Meet Gradescope - Now Part of Turnitin

We’re heading to EDUCAUSE and bringing new tools to help you.

Jumpstart your Tuesday with breakfast and Gradescope, the best-in-class assessment platform that uses leading edge technology to dramatically reduce the pain and time associated with traditional grading.

Gradescope makes it easier for instructors to quickly grade assignments and gain additional insights about student learning in any area of study, including economics, business, and STEM. Under the Turnitin umbrella, Gradescope’s tools combine our commitment to authenticity with efficient, unbiased, and consistent evaluations for any assignment type, including paper-based problem sets, computer code, and engineering diagrams.

Come for the coffee and pastries, stay for the demo and live discussion.

Space is limited - register today!

Powering the Feedback Cycle with Turnitin Feedback Studio for Middle School and High School: A #TurnitinTeacher Talk

Students grow and succeed when they get high quality feedback from their teachers...

Turnitin Originality at the University System of Georgia Schools

Join Turnitin to learn about the new standard in academic integrity Turnitin Originality

Webinar: Prevention and Early Intervention

Dr. Lesley Sefcik, a Lecturer and Academic Integrity Advisor at Curtin University in Western Australia, discusses how prevention and early intervention can aid academic integrity.

Writing to Learn: Simple Strategies to Assess STEM Thinking

This webinar dives into the research and provides practical tips and resources on how best to incorporate writing into STEM classrooms.

Webinar: Teaching for Integrity

Academic dishonesty presents a pervasive problem, but also a promising possibility. In this Webcast, we will explore the theoretical and empirical underpinnings of a four-component model approach to promoting academic integrity in the classroom. In doing so, we offer teachers an opportunity to be the primary agents of change in transforming the problem of academic dishonesty into a possibility for positive youth development.

Combating Contract Cheating On Campus

This webinar focused on the processes Coventry University has implemented to use technology to investigate suspected cases of contract cheating.

How to integrate AI writing into your institutional policy and instruction

Register today to learn more about Turnitin’s AI writing detection and how to support faculty and students at your institution.

Webinar: Understanding Plagiarism with Help from Dr. Seuss

The problem of pupils plagiarizing papers plagues professors pervasively. While students express comprehension, their product is often transgression. We use Seuss to show what writers must know to lessen their teachers' depression.

Administrator Onboarding for High School and Middle School: A Getting Started Guide to Feedback Studio

Join us for a walkthrough and live Q&A about Administrator features in Feedback Studio

Reducing Contract Cheating Session 2

Contract cheating represents an international threat to the value of academic awards. Students using third parties to complete their essays and assignments are missing out on key learning opportunities

Exclusive Preview: Microsoft Teams + Turnitin Integration

Turnitin is excited to partner with Microsoft to offer our similarity checking service for any assignment created in Microsoft Teams. Teachers will be able to seamlessly access the most comprehensive solution to insure against plagiarism alongside their favorite Microsoft apps. Get a sneak peek into what we're working on!

Webinar: How to interpret a Turnitin Similarity Report

Senior Lecturer at the University of Wollongong, Dr. Ann Rogerson DBA MMgmt(Dist) MEd(Dist) JP will discuss how to interpret a Turnitin Similarity Report.

Interpreting the Turnitin Similarity Report Session 2

Are you looking to better understand the Turnitin Similarity Report?

Owning Originality: How to Empower Students with Turnitin and Microsoft Teams

Rob Barugh shares how adopting Turnitin’s integration with Microsoft Teams has enabled students to take ownership over the originality of their work.

College Readiness from 9th Grade Onwards

College-bound students start visiting college campuses as early as middle school. Dr. Lauren Scott, Senior Associate Director of Admissions at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, will join us to discuss:

  1. How high schools can better prepare college-bound students for their next step
  2. What high schools can do to encourage students who might otherwise stop at a high school diploma to extend their academic journey into higher education

Writing to Learn: Simple Strategies to Boost STEM Thinking

This webinar dives into the research and provides practical tips and resources on how best to incorporate writing into STEM classrooms.

The Mastery Collaborative Approach

Youth centered, culturally responsive-sustaining, and competency-based.

Webinar: How Learning Analytics Can Help Promote Student Engagement and Academic Integrity

Jason Stephens discusses how learning analytics can help promote student engagement and academic integrity.

Teaching Time Management to 6th - 12th Graders

Penny Kostaras will share what she knows about common struggles that middle and high schoolers face and what educators can do to help close those skills gaps.

What Is Real? Teaching Students How to Evaluate the Credibility of Sources

We explore the importance of teaching source credibility with NewsGuard and provide classroom-ready tips and resources.

Adopting Gradescope to transform digital assessment at the University of Edinburgh

In this panel discussion, hear how Edinburgh moved from a Turnitin-led pilot of Gradescope which led to widespread uptake, positively transforming their digital assessment journey.

Creating Learning Opportunities Outside the Classroom

Join us to discuss best practices, new strategies, lessons learned, and what it all means moving forward.

The Importance of Teacher Self Care

Anyone who’s ever taken a flight knows the phrase: “Secure your own oxygen mask first before assisting children,” yet many teachers focus on social-emotional learning for our students but not for themselves. Educators often experience secondary trauma and compassion fatigue and need to be able to process all of this in a healthy way.

Bronwyn Harris, author of Literally Unbelievable: Stories from an East Oakland Classroom, shares her observations, discusses possible solutions to the larger challenges, and offers teachers advice on building long-term self-care into regular routines.

Contract cheating – How do I identify it in student work?

Contract cheating – How do I identify it in student work?

Reducing Contract Cheating - Challenges and Solutions

Contract cheating represents an international threat to the value of academic awards. Students using third parties to complete their essays and assignments are missing out on key learning opportunities

Webinar: No Feedback Left Behind: Feedback Studio for iPad

Notice something different with Turnitin? Feedback Studio is Turnitin reimagined for the modern classroom.

How Will I Assess Remotely: Digital Exams and Assignments

Grading is time consuming and manual, and educators generally find that maintaining a consistent and coordinated level of grading is unfeasible without sacrificing their time—especially with paper-based work. For exams and assignments that don't rely completely on drawing or handwriting, can we use the current remote landscape as an opportunity to improve on grading efficiency and feedback consistency?

Jamie and Jason offer practical methods for adjusting traditional norms to enter a more digital future.

Wide Open Spaces: The Horizons of Rural Education in the United States

Join our panel discussion exploring the challenges and opportunities that go with teaching in America's small town and rural schools.

Webinar: Scientific Publishing's Wild West: Retractions, Post-Publication Peer Review, and Fraud

Ivan Oransky and Adam Marcus founded Retraction Watch in 2010. Unbeknownst to them, retractions had grown ten-fold in the previous decade.

Academic Integrity for Research Scholars

Join eminent academic Dr. Sumit Narula of Amity University to explore a range of current integrity issues impacting the academic and research community in South Asia and beyond.

Webinar: Turnitin Feedback Studio Q and A Webcast

Customer Success is excited to offer you exclusive access to a Q&A session with Mark Ricksen — Senior Product Manager at Turnitin for Feedback Studio.

Webinar: Creating Efficiencies in your Application Review Process

While yield season has (hopefully) just finished, travel season will be here before you know it. The admissions process can be high stakes for both the applicant as well as the counselor. Our goal is to help create efficiencies for your Counselors during this process by reducing the time spent evaluating applicant essays which include unoriginal or plagiarized content.

Webinar: Not a Bot: Preparing Students for Accepting New Tech in the Classroom

Back to school is always the time of year to take a deep breath before diving into the school year. In this 30-minute webcast, Elsie will share a few ways to test the tech waters in your classroom, so both you and your students can feel comfortable with adding new tech like Revision Assistant whether it's at the beginning of the year or in the middle of a unit.

Mastery-Based Teaching Moves and Grading Strategies for Remote Learning

Guests from the Mastery Collaborative will share competency-based approaches for effective remote instruction.

Delivering Assessments Remotely

In this webinar we will outline various assessment options to meet your immediate needs, including fully online assignments (no paper required), existing paper-based assignments, combining online and paper-based approaches, and programming assignments.

Top 10 Tips for Implementing an Academic Integrity Policy

Kathie Ardzejewska (PhD) will give her top 10 tips on implementing an Academic Integrity Policy. She has recently rewritten the University of Notre Dame's AI policy and will share some of the things she has learned from that process.

A Year in Review: Using Gradescope to Rethink Assessment at the University of Leeds

Catch up on our chat with Associate Professor and Digital Education Lead, Duncan Borman, who explains how Gradescope has moved from a small exam pilot to widespread uptake, helping the University of Leeds put its educators in a stronger position to deliver flexibly and at a distance in the future.

Turnitin Session: Inspire Student Success

Watch our on-demand webinar to discover how our Turnitin solutions guide students toward higher quality work, illuminating areas for improvement and closing skill gaps. Enabling instructors to efficiently deliver actionable and formative feedback—powering a cycle of continuous students.

Get Started with Gradescope for Remote Assessments

In this webinar we will introduce Gradescope, help you set up a course, and share tips on how to conduct assessments remotely.

Protecting Your Reputation from Plagiarism Accusations

Learn how top government agencies and organizations ensure the originality of their published content to safeguard their reputation.

The 21st Century School Library and the Ever-Evolving Role of Librarian

A panel of school librarians will explore what the future holds for a role that is central to cultivating lifelong learners and original thinkers.

Why Academic Integrity Matters: Emerging Themes in the Education Landscape

In an ever-changing education landscape, writing, research and learning with integrity are being prioritized by students and instructors around the world. Join Turnitin as we discuss the challenges faced in modern academia with Dr. Zeenath Khan, as well as the importance of honesty and integrity on campus and beyond.

Designing formative assessments for effective learning outcomes

Formative assessments help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and provides feedback for corrective action in time. In this webinar we explore how technology helps teachers in designing effective formative assessments.

The Journey to Mastery-Based Learning at Staten Island Technical High School

Team Members from Staten Island Technical High School will reflect on their institution’s transformation from grade-based learning to mastery-based learning.

Fostering Original Thinking in High Schoolers Through Scientific Inquiry

How can you inspire high school students to look beyond what is known and to push the boundaries of what is possible?

Webinar: Technology in Hong Kong Classrooms

Of the 1,100+ schools in Hong Kong; several have a reputation as tech-rich. They are seen as the developers of technologies that support teaching, learning, and creative inquiry in schools across Asia. She will share top 10's as used at several of these tech-rich schools. These include apps, tools and services.

Securing the integrity & delivery of remote & authentic assessments

No assessment is immune to cheating, and recent large-scale survey research suggests that exams are the site of increased cheating

How to Upgrade Education in Urban Areas

Amber Childress will join us to provide her insights on equitably elevating student success in urban areas.

Effective Strategies to Improve International Student Learning Performance Using Rubrics and Academic Learning Support

Dr. Rae Subramaniam from Kent Institute will explore strategies that work to improve international student learning performance by using rubrics and academic learning support. She has a postgraduate degree in Human Resources from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India, and has completed her Doctorate from Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne. Her thesis established the relationship between organizational learning, organizational climate, and organization innovation in the Australian Hospitality Industry.

She is passionate in the learning and teaching strategies of International students especially from the sub-continent.

Making the Most of Feedback Studio for High School and Middle School: A #TurnitinTeacher Talk

Join us for a live walkthrough of Turnitin Feedback Studio where you can boost your skills and get your questions answered.

How Will I Assess Remotely: Paper Exams and Assignments

Many educators ask their students to produce answers that cannot be entered directly into a computer or device; this is particularly true for STEM-based subjects. As institutions quickly adjusted to remote learning, paper-based work created an obstacle that, for some, has been impossible to overcome. As we move toward a future of blended learning, how do we continue to offer paper-based exams and assignments without compromising student learning?

Jamie and Jason discuss assessment digitisation and how this helps to overcome the challenges posed by paper-based assessment.

Introducing SimCheck

Turnitin proudly introduces, SimCheck! Join us online to see how SimCheck makes similarity checking easier than ever. VeriCite customers are invited to attend to get a first glimpse at the future of simple originality checking.

Better Assessment: Empowering Faculty to Strengthen Grading Practices

As you prepare for a return to campus, we invite you to reflect on your assessment practices: what you’ll keep, what you’ll never do again, and what you can refresh.

University of Alabama | Originality with Contract Cheating Dashboard & Authorship Report Webinar

New realities require new standards to ensure academic integrity. Join the Turnitin team in this exclusive webinar for the Community College League of California.

Webinar: Stylish Academic Writing

Professor Helen Sword, author of Stylish Academic Writing and The Writer's Diet, debunks the myth that "serious" academic writing must be wooden, wordy, and dull. Come learn the latest tips for making your academic writing as stylish as it is substantive.

"What Now?" How to Turn Identified Plagiarism into a Teachable Moment for Middle School and High School

The Similarity Report is a powerful tool built into Turnitin Feedback Studio which educators can use to compare student writing...

Webinar: A Student-Centered Culture

Through an emphasis on proactive outreach, multi-partial advocates in disciplinary conferences, and by building student-centered academic integrity hearings, students become better equipped to take responsibility for their actions. Learn about the benefits, the implementation process, and the key takeaways of having a student-centered culture at your institution in this session.

All-American: The Experience of Latin American Immigrants in U.S. K-12 Education

We will examine the unique needs of immigrant students from Latin America who have moved to the U.S. and what educators can do to set them up for success.

The SimCheck Advantage Session 1

SimCheck, the go-forward plagiarism solution for VeriCite customers, brings the features you loved about VeriCite...

Introducing SimCheck

We are thrilled to announce Turnitin’s release of SimCheck, designed especially for VeriCite users’ plagiarism prevention needs.

Join us on Thursday, January 31st for a SimCheck premier and learn how your school can migrate to the latest AWS backed cloud-based solution.

Taking Integrity Online: Partnering with the Student Union to Promote Integrity

Hear from Academic Misconduct Committee Chair, Sandie Dann, and Student Union Advice Development Consultant, Kit Messinger, as they describe how their unlikely partnership at Loughborough University, through on-campus and online student-focused campaigns, has led to fewer students committing academic misconduct through ignorance and increased student engagement during misconduct allegations.

The Good, The Excellent, The Wonderful - Positive Feedback Strategies to Enhance Student Engagement

How do you engage students in the writing process? How do you reach both struggling students who need more personalized and in-depth feedback while challenging students that excel to do better—in a limited amount of time? And, how can we, as educators, help students to do more with their writing and meet them with where they're at?

Join us for an instructional hands-on session with Jennifer Haber as she shares different strategies and QuickMark Comments for bridging the evaluative hurdles that come with teaching students. Namely, Haber addresses how Turnitin's online grading features have helped engage students, provide personalized and encouraging feedback for students, and made grading papers easier.

Webinar: Creating an Academic Integrity Community through Campus Partnerships and Educational Initiatives

In this session, Dr. Orr will present strategies and steps for creating such partnerships. Webinar participants will discover new ways to engage faculty, staff, and students in creating communities of integrity.

Using QuickMarks to save time and give richer feedback in the classroom

This webcast will give an overview of how the use of QuickMarks can save teachers time and allow them to give their students richer feedback.

What Is Contract Cheating and What Can We Do About it?

Contract cheating is an emerging threat to the academic integrity of institutions of higher learning. Join Turnitin and the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) for a webcast in support of the 2nd Annual International Day of Action Against Contract Cheating. Dr. Tricia Bertram Gallant will overview the phenomenon known as contract cheating, what institutions can do to prevent it, and what faculty can do to detect it.

AI: friend or foe?

In this webinar we heard from Robin Crockett on the usage, impact and consequences of AI writing tools, as well as his advice on what academics should look out for to identify AI generated writing.

Humanizing Academic Integrity In Higher Education

Register below to watch Humanizing Academic Integrity In Higher Education, a conversation with Dr. Drew Smith on bringing students back to the center of the academic integrity experience, what that looks like at a programmatic level, and how Turnitin is a piece of the puzzle for institutional change.

Help your students to take better notes

Help your students to take better notes with this Turnitin webcast.

Webinar: "Color Me Bad?": Fostering Plagiarism Awareness with Turnitin Originality Reports and The Plagiarism Spectrum

Students are often unaware of what constitutes plagiarism. The Plagiarism Spectrum was designed to help students see how plagiarism is defined and can take form.

Fast and Effective assessment: How to reduce your workload and improve student learning.

The Top Five Tips for Creating Fast and Effective Teacher Feedback

Disrupting Plagiarism: Empowering Students in the Formative Space

Join us to learn how Turnitin’s exciting integration with Microsoft Teams streamlines plagiarism detection to ensure integrity.

Humanizing Academic Integrity In Higher Education

Join us for Humanizing Academic Integrity In Higher Education, a live conversation with Dr. Drew Smith on bringing students back to the center of the academic integrity experience, what that looks like at a programmatic level, and how Turnitin is a piece of the puzzle for institutional change.

Get Started with Gradescope for Remote Assessments

Join us in partnership with the Texas Distance Learning Association.

Innovative cheating: Assessment issues for universities and beyond by Wendy Sutherland Smith

Students cheating in assessment tasks is a global issue of increasing concern (Lancaster & Clarke, 2016). In one form, contract cheating, students outsource their assignments/exams to someone else to complete, then submit the work as their own.

Academic Integrity Research Insights in Eurasia

Join researchers, Dr Tomas Foltynek and Dr Irene Glendinning as they share exclusive insights into the European academic integrity landscape.

Webinar: Teaching Students about Plagiarism Early

Understanding plagiarism and its many forms is an important lesson that should be taught at every grade level. In this webinar, David Wangaard president of The School for Ethical Education explores the different forms of plagiarism and why many students end up unknowingly plagiarizing.

Webinar: Improvisation and Plagiarism

For many teachers and students, the discussion of plagiarism centers on the dos and don'ts and the consequences for violating integrity policies. Instead of solely focusing on this negative classroom dynamic, Teresa "Teddi" Fishman is encouraging a more positive approach — one that elevates a student's view of creativity and original thought.

Together While Apart: Assessment

We explore the area of assessment in a remote and potentially asynchronous learning environment.

Upholding Research Integrity: University of Nevada Las Vegas & iThenticate

The University of Nevada Las Vegas recently gained the prestigious designation as an R1 institution. In this session, we will learn about the path to becoming a leading research institution, their plans for upholding research integrity, and how iThenticate is a piece of that puzzle.

Webinar: Giving Students Effective Feedback in the Private Education and Training Sector

Lynda Gorman will discuss the importance of giving students effective feedback specifically in the private education and training sector

Webinar: Teachable Moments: Using Current Events to Discuss Plagiarism

Plagiarism has been in the news quite a bit and there have been many scandals involving public figures in the past few decades. These events are startling and shocking, but can also be educational as they can demonstrate to students the importance of always using one's own voice when writing.

Webinar: Instructor Feedback Writ Large

In September 2014, Turnitin conducted an exploratory survey of over 2,000 students to explore student perceptions on instructor feedback. What do students generally think about the feedback they receive?

Webinar: Changing Culture to Promote Integrity: Why Progress Is Possible

There is nothing immutable about the cheating culture that now exists in many educational settings worldwide. On the contrary, we know the values of students can be changed when institutions invest in the right strategies. This session will explore key drivers of the cheating culture and outline what it will take to dismantle that culture.

8 Key Findings from Contract Cheating and Assessment Research

Associate Professor Tracey Bretag* will share the 8 key findings from the Office for Learning and Teaching funded project, Contract cheating and assessment design: Exploring the connection(

  1. Contract cheating is a symptom, not the problem
  2. Students ‘share’ their work a lot, and this can lead to cheating
  3. Students primarily outsource their work to people they know
  4. Three factors influence contract cheating: Language other than English (LOTE) status, dissatisfaction with teaching and learning and the perception that there are ‘lots of opportunities to cheat’
  5. Students don’t care about contract cheating, and we’re not talking to them about it
  6. Suspected cases of contract cheating often go unreported and penalties are lenient
  7. Authentic assessment is a good thing to do, but it will not solve the problem of contract cheating
  8. Assessment designs that are less likely to be outsourced are rarely used

*This project is co-led by Tracey Bretag and Rowena Harper at the University of South Australia, with institutional partners University of New South Wales, University of Sydney, Griffith University and Swansea University, UK.

What's Ahead for Turnitin in 2021

Hear from Sr. Director of Product Management, Stephanie Butler, as she describes what's in store at Turnitin for the year ahead.

Where are students really getting their assignments from?

The webinar presents summary data from the Global Essay Mills Survey (GEMS) project.

Stories from the classroom

Over 140,000 instructors across 2,600 institutions around the globe embrace Gradescope—register today to learn more!

Webinar: Wikipedia in the Classroom

Students use Wikipedia — but have you ever thought of asking them to contribute content to Wikipedia? In this presentation, LiAnna Davis from the Wiki Education Foundation will explain best practices for using Wikipedia as a teaching tool.

Turnitin and Microsoft Make Plagiarism Detection Easy With Powerful Integration

Join us to learn how Turnitin’s exciting integration with Microsoft Teams streamlines plagiarism detection to ensure integrity.

The Student View On Contract Cheating

In this webinar, we discussed how institutions can understand some of the pressures on students and help them to manage them.

Webinar: Turnitin and Canvas: Two Great Things that Go Great Together

What are two great things that go even better together? Canvas and Turnitin, of course! Interested in learning more about how you can better leverage the use of Turnitin Similarity Reports in your Canvas assignments? Want to know what additional extensions you need to setup the Turnitin LTI external tool so that it meets your faculty's needs best?

Better Assessment: Reflecting on a Year of Remote Teaching

We invite you to reflect on your assessment practices: what you’ ll keep as you head back to campus in the fall and what you’ll never do again.

Together While Apart: Instructional Delivery

We take a deep dive into instructional delivery challenges in a remote learning setting.

Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Implementing an Academic Integrity Policy

Kathie Ardzejewska(PhD) will give her top 10 tips on implementing an Academic Integrity Policy. She has recently rewritten the University of Notre Dame's AI policy and will share some of the things she has learned from that process.

The SimCheck Advantage Session 2

SimCheck, the go-forward plagiarism solution for VeriCite customers, brings the features you loved about VeriCite...

Turnitin Summit EMEA 2022 - Watch Recordings

Our Turnitin Summit was held on 2-3 November, watch the recordings now.

Streamline course sections with Gradescope

Managing assessment logistics in large, multi-section courses can be extremely complex. Instructors and course coordinators need to ensure fairness while also providing flexibility with submission windows, regrade requests from students, and various assessment types, which all take time and effort across the university.

Academic Integrity for the Community College League of California

New realities require new standards to ensure academic integrity. Join the Turnitin team in this exclusive webinar for the Community College League of California.

Webinar: Writing Instruction Beyond Standards: Digital Tools to Support Student Success

With so many districts adopting 1:1 technology initiatives that support math and literacy needs, there's been a gap in tools that address the development of student writing skills. Join us for an engaging session with Kristine E. Pytash who will share with us ways to leverage digital tools to support students in meeting writing standards and college readiness goals.

The exploitative world of contract cheating and its growing threat to academic integrity

Essay mills are a growing market. Online comparison sites in the UK list over 1,000, with 125-230 added each month. While online learning environments have always been vulnerable to academic misconduct, it’s clear that essay mills have traded on the rapid digitalisation of global education… and they are profiting. So, where do we go from here?

Building the Team: Elevating Excellence in High School Robotics

Learn about the the importance of originality and integrity in the pursuit of new approaches to robotics challenges.

College and Career Readiness in Rural Schools

What shifts do educators in rural schools need to make to best support each student's success on their lifelong learning journey?

Designing Feedback for Improved Learning

Designing Feedback for Improved Learning

Meet Gradescope

We are thrilled to announce Turnitin’s acquisition of Gradescope, an assessment platform that reduces the time associated with grading in traditional courses.

Join us on Thursday, November 8th for a Gradescope meet and greet and learn how leading edge technology can dramatically reduce the pain and time associated with traditional grading.

Webinar: Hall Pass from Elijah : Strategies for the Classroom

Hear best practices and tips for effectively using technology in writing instruction, including strategies for incorporating technology into the classroom and digital approaches for instruction.

Webinar: Create/Lead/Culture

The pressures of competition and peer culture can certainly stand in the way of students who want to have successful — and honest — academic careers. Join guest panelists David Callahan, David Wangaard, Jennifer Schroeder and Stephen Kuntz they discuss practical strategies students and schools can use to build a culture of academic integrity.

How to Interpret a Turnitin Similarity Report

In this webcast, Dr. Ann Rogerson, Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Business at University of Wollongong, Australia, will discuss how to interpret a Similarity Report. Tune in to better understand Turnitin Similarity Reports, find out how to analyze Turnitin reports at a class and individual level, and learn how to use reporting filters available in Feedback Studio.

Leveraging Higher Education Best Practices in the Secondary Classroom

Learn how to give practical and effective feedback that your students can use in their academic development.

Meet Gradescope

We are thrilled to announce Turnitin’s acquisition of Gradescope, an assessment platform that reduces the time associated with grading in traditional courses.

Join us on Thursday, November 8th for a Gradescope meet and greet and learn how leading edge technology can dramatically reduce the pain and time associated with traditional grading.

Turning Academic Dishonesty into a Learning Opportunity

In this one-on-one discussion, you’ll hear about the challenges associated with upholding academic integrity—particularly in the online setting—and learn how to overcome them by leveraging formative assessment to develop digital literacy skills.

How Will I Assess Remotely: Programming Assignments

Programming classes are rapidly becoming among the most popular in education. But, as more and more students are learning to code, educators are left with the increasing challenge of maintaining academic integrity in code assignments, whilst trying to provide timely feedback to their students. When we don't have access to a controlled, physical writing space for code assessment, what are the alternatives?

In this final instalment of the series, we discuss the benefits of realtime, online feedback in programming education.

Incorporating Integrity into Instructional Workflows: New Solutions for New Challenges

Get introduced to Turnitin Originality, as we discuss Turnitin’s commitment to developing products to help keep students on a positive academic path.

Equitable Evaluation and Excellent Expectation-Setting: How to Create and Customize Your Turnitin Feedback Studio Rubrics

Rubrics are an incredibly powerful tool to bring different people into alignment. Institutions at the department, school, and district level can use them to facilitate discussion and alignment amongst faculty and individual teachers can use them with their students to help support success and academic growth.</p><p><ul><li>In this session, we discuss:</li><li>How to create new rubrics in Turnitin Feedback Studio</li><li>How to customize and tailor a rubric from Feedback Studio's built-in rubric library</li><li>How to share customized rubrics with your Feedback Studio-using colleagues across your institution</li><li>What a well-defined and effective rubric looks like in Turnitin</li><li>How you can use Feedback Studio rubrics as a collaborative tool in conversations with both your colleagues and your students</li></ul></p>

Gradescope for Engineering Educators: Leveraging Technology to Help Transform Grading into Learning

Gradescope was built by educators and designed to help faculty across a range of subjects, including all disciplines of engineering education, deliver quality feedback faster. Join us on Thursday, June 27th for an introduction to Gradescope and learn how leading edge technology can dramatically reduce the pain and time associated with traditional STEM grading. Walk away with tips on how to reinvest the hours you’ve saved from peer instructors who trust Gradescope to help turn grading time in to learning opportunities.

Shared Instructor Sessions

Virtual gatherings designed to help instructors get to know the full potential of the services that Turnitin offers.

Webinar: Plagiarism Detected: A Practical Guide to Judicious Investigation of Suspected Academic Misconduct

When a faculty member suspects student plagiarism, it is important to not only determine if plagiarism occurred, but to do so in a fair, ethical and policy compliant manner. This session will present a process to investigate, document the plagiarism, and ultimately discourage plagiarism.

Owning Originality: How to Empower Students with Turnitin and Microsoft Teams

Join us as Rob Barugh shares how adopting Turnitin’s integration with Microsoft Teams has enabled students to take ownership over the originality of their work.

5 Ways Turnitin Supports Secondary Educators

Hear insights and find out how Turnitin is solving problems for schools and academies across the UK.

Webinar: Narcissism and Extrinsic Values: Understanding Student Trends that Impact Plagiarism and Cheating

Narcissism has increased along with related traits such as thinking one is above average, entitlement, inflated expectations, and extrinsic values such as focusing on the outcome of education rather than the process.

Webinar: The Cultural Implications of Contract Cheating

With the globalization and commodification of higher education, contract cheating has become big business and is quickly embedding itself within the education culture and dramatically altering institutional cultures across the globe. This session will explore the cultural implications of contract cheating.

Turnitin Virtual Conclave: Leveraging Technology for Enhancing Education

How does technology inspire originality, creativity and authenticity among students? Is pedagogy driving technology adoption or is technology creating new models of pedagogy? How fast do we need to unlearn and relearn our methods of teaching to make effective use of opportunities that technology provides?

Coaching Conversations

From offering formative feedback to addressing citation concerns, coaching conversations are key to making the most of every teachable moment.

Remote assessments in secondary education: Challenge or opportunity

Remote assessments throw up both challenges and opportunities. How are some of India's leading secondary education leaders addressing it? Hear it from the experts!

Webinar: Finding the Right Tools in a World Full of Wrong Ones

Des Moines' journey towards software-assisted writing improvement didn't begin with ultimatums or sales pitches; it began through an examination of where we were struggling and a dogged determination to find the right thing instead of just making do with what was well-known or widely used.

See Gradescope in action, and get your questions answered in a live Q&A

Join Jamie for a high level introduction to Gradescope, a demonstration of its features, and a practical look at how it can integrate with your existing systems, streamline your processes, and save you time.

Webinar: Plagiarism Spectrum: 10 Types of Unoriginal Work

Though most students grasp that plagiarism is an ethical issue, they may not fully understand how plagiarism can take form.

DET/CHE 2020

Checkout Turnitin at the 35th Annual DET/CHE conference!

Taking Integrity Online: Conducting Online Misconduct Panels

For the last few months, the traditional process for academic misconduct hearings has taken a back seat, and panels have been forced to move online. Having effectively leveraged technology, Academic Integrity Coordinator, Dr. Mark Sergeant, has successfully transitioned to online-only panels. Find out how he and his team at Nottingham Trent University have increased student attendance and engagement rates throughout this process.

Character Education Through Stories of Valor

Guests from the Congressional Medal of Honor Society will discuss character education and share resources.

Getting Started with Turnitin & Microsoft Teams and the Early Access Program

Turnitin and MS Teams has teamed up to present a brand new way to support academic integrity in your classroom.

Webinar - Turnitin Similarity Reports as Learning Tools

Turnitin Similarity Reports as Learning Tools.

Webinar: Grade Anything

Traditionally, English instructors have used Turnitin to evaluate papers and essays for plagiarism, grammar/mechanics and other writing skills. Now, with Grade Anything, Turnitin has opened up the door for instructors in other disciplines to provide feedback and evaluate other assignment types--not just papers.

District Leadership Roundtable: Lessons Learned and Looking Ahead

Join district leaders to discuss how COVID-19 has affected their districts and how they plan to ensure continuity of learning moving forward.

Faster, Richer Feedback: How to Create and Customize Your Turnitin QuickMarks

Learn how to get the most out of QuickMarks in Turnitin Feedback Studio

What Is Real? Teaching Students How to Evaluate the Credibility of Sources

We explore the importance of teaching source credibility with NewsGuard and provide classroom-ready resources and strategies for teaching students about source credibility.

The Intersection of Academic Integrity and Equity in Secondary Education

This panel discussion explores the common vocabularies of academic integrity and equity and identify opportunities for action.

Introducing Turnitin’s AI Writing Detection Tool

Watch this insightful webinar recording about Turnitin's AI writing detection tool.

The 5 Key Shifts of Mastery-Based Learning

Guests from the Mastery Collaborative will share their insights on competency based learning.

Exclusive Preview: Microsoft Teams + Turnitin Integration

Turnitin is excited to partner with Microsoft to offer our similarity checking service for any assignment created in Microsoft Teams. Teachers will be able to seamlessly access the most comprehensive solution to insure against plagiarism alongside their favorite Microsoft apps. Get a sneak peek into what we're working on!

Turnitin Daymap Integration

Turnitin and Daymap Integration Webcast

Webinar: Using QuickMarks to save time and give richer feedback in the classroom

David will give an insight into the use of QuickMarks that will allow teachers to give their students richer feedback faster.

Empowering Students to Disrupt Plagiarism

Join Turnitin as we showcase our ‘Disrupting Plagiarism: Building a culture of academic honesty’ instructional resource pack, a range of practical materials to provide teachers and students with a formative approach to maintaining academic integrity whilst addressing plagiarism meaningfully when it occurs.

Interpreting the Turnitin Similarity Report Session 1

Are you looking to better understand the Turnitin Similarity Report?

Join Turnitin at the 2021 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference

Turnitin is heading to Philadelphia for the 2021 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference! We can’t wait to join everyone in person and online to share how we can work together to support assessment with integrity for every classroom, every assignment and every educator.

Writing to Learn: Simple Strategies to Boost STEM Thinking

This webinar dives into the research and provides practical tips and resources on how best to incorporate writing into STEM classrooms.

Taking Integrity Online: The Tell-Tales of Contract Cheating

As contract cheating and commissioning become increasingly widespread and cheaper by the day, it's important that academic institutions respond and adjust their own procedures and practices. Lead on Contract Cheating at the University of Northampton, Dr. Robin Crockett will provide tips and advice to help educators proceed when they feel an assignment 'doesn’t look quite right'.

Together While Apart: Communication

Learn how to support asynchronous learning through effective communication strategies.

Meet Gradescope

We are thrilled to announce Turnitin’s acquisition of Gradescope, an assessment platform that reduces the time associated with traditional grading.

Join us on Thursday, November 8th for a Gradescope meet and greet and learn how leading edge technology can dramatically reduce the pain and time associated with traditional grading.

Gradescope makes it easier for instructors to quickly grade assignments and gain additional insights about student learning in any area of study, including economics, business, and STEM. Under the Turnitin umbrella, Gradescope’s tools combine our commitment to authenticity with efficient, unbiased, and consistent evaluations for any assignment type, including paper-based problem sets, computer code, and engineering diagrams.

Interested in learning more? Register today!

The Secret to Turning Students into Digital Citizens

In this joint webinar with Education Technology, Teacher and Academic Honesty Coordinator, Lasse Nielsen, discusses how to not only identify, but also to help students avoid plagiarising while learning remotely, and in blended programmes.

Grammar Grading Made Easier: How to Make the Most of ETS e-Rater® Inside of Turnitin

Learn how to get the most out of ETS e-Rater® in Turnitin Feedback Studio

Empower Students and Support Institutional Integrity with Turnitin

Join us and hear from our Chief Product and Marketing Officer, Valerie Schreiner, about Turnitin Originality and Turnitin Draft Coach - two new solutions that address emerging trends in academic integrity and also improve student outcomes by providing instant feedback within their working document.

Addressing Integrity Development for the 'Real World'

Watch our panel discussion with educators from Lincoln College and Swindon College as we delve into how Turnitin’s similarity tools help to lay the foundations of integrity within the Further Education sphere and equip students with core skills that prepare them for their future.

Leverage Gradescope to Support Remote Delivery of Paper-based and Online Assessments

Join Gradescope at Focus on Teaching and Technology Conference hosted by The University of Missouri at St. Louis.

Reducing Contract Cheating Session 1

Contract cheating represents an international threat to the value of academic awards. Students using third parties to complete their essays and assignments are missing out on key learning opportunities

The Importance of Teacher Self Care

Set aside time for self-care this holiday season. Watch our conversation with Bronwyn Harris to get ideas on how educators can unwind.

General Help Session

Every Monday | 10:00 am MST

Discover Turnitin Originality

Meet the new standard in academic integrity.

Turnitin On Campus Greenwich

14 June, 10am — 2pm, University of Greenwich, UK

Source Credibility Pack

An essential 21st-century skill is the ability to sort through and evaluate information critically in order to have an accurate understanding of the world. Source Credibility is the process of critically analyzing components of a source in order to determine whether it is a valid, trustworthy, and reliable source of information for the intended purpose. The resources found here— which can be used as a cohesive unit or incorporated into your curriculum plan—are designed to provide both teachers and students with an accessible and organized approach to evaluating the many aspects of source credibility effectively.

Academic Integrity Meets Digital Literacy

Turnitin partners with NewsGuard to offer free access to app evaluating the credibility of online news sources.

Turnitin Acquires ExamSoft, A Leading Assessment Platform

Turnitin, a leading provider of academic integrity and assessment solutions, announced today it has acquired ExamSoft, a software-based assessment platform, from Spectrum Equity.

Best Practices for Academic Writing

Some very practical tips and tricks on how to maintain integrity in your Academic Writing from Dr. Gustavo Sanchez, Professor at JK Lakshmipat University.

Try Revision Assistant for Free

Empower students to improve their writing with immediate, actionable feedback.

NewsGuard Guide for Educators

NewsGuard's guide for educators

Turnitin Feedback Studio VidBITs

A collection of videos showing our Best Instructional Tips to support instruction.

How can I more easily and effectively collaborate with my teaching peers?

Explore how teachers can simplify collaboration and foster a greater sense of connection.

NewsGuard Installation Guide for IT Admins

Packet from NewsGuard for school admins or IT heads for installation on multiple devices simultaneously.

Starting the Year

A new year brings new opportunities to establish a culture of academic integrity. From instruction to assessment, here’s everything you need to know.

Instructor QuickStart Guide for Feedback Studio

This QuickStart guide will help you get started with Turnitin Feedback Studio as an instructor.

10 activities to practice writing in the STEM classroom

Explore activities that strengthen both writing skills and STEM concepts. (US version)

Instructor Resource Hub

Resources to assist instructors with supporting students, and getting the best from Turnitin as institutions scale up engagement in their courses online.

Feedback Studio Help Guides

A collection of step-by-step, illustrated Help Guides covering all of the basics to get you up and running with your Feedback Studio Account.

The Similarity Report

The Similarity Report provides a summary of matching or similar areas of text found in a submitted paper. This guide will help you to understand how to read the report.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Global Conference 2022

6–8 October 2022, World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands

Get started with Gradescope

Join this weekly workshop and learn how you can use Gradescope to deliver and grade your existing assignments, whether online or in person.

Resources for Turnitin Draft Coach

Get resources for students, teachers, and administrators to make the most of Turnitin Draft Coach.

Supporting Your Research with iThenticate

Every Friday | 9am PT / 12pm ET

University of Leeds Widely Adopts Gradescope for Online Assessment

Leeds chose Gradescope by Turnitin as part of their digital assessment strategy and quickly moved exams online when the pandemic hit. Rollout to thousands of faculty across disciplines took only two months, far quicker than anticipated.

How do I get my students to understand that academic integrity matters?

Look at ways you can have successful conversations about the whys of academic integrity.

Turnitin Originality

Go beyond basic plagiarism detection to protect your institution from emerging trends in academic misconduct.

Academic Integrity Lesson Ideas

Ten activities to introduce, practice, and reflect upon the concepts of plagiarism and original writing.

There's a New Standard in Academic Integrity

Turnitin Originality is a unified solution ensuring that integrity lies at the core of all you do.

Using Turnitin Feedback Studio to Support Remote Learning

Best practices, teaching tips, and resources to use Turnitin Feedback Studio to support remote learning.

Student Resources Hub

This hub gathers some of the most useful content available to students using Turnitin solutions.

Microsoft Teams: New Instructors

Learn how to integrate MS teams with Turnitin.

Introducing Turnitin Originality

Meet the new standard in academic integrity.

Writing in AP Courses with Turnitin Feedback Studio

Deliver writing feedback and grade consistently with resources aligned to the AP scoring guidelines.

Annual Durham Blackboard Users' Conference 2020

Come along and see us at Durham University, from 7 to 8 January 2020.

Arming Students in the Fight Against Flawed Sources and Fake News

Learn practical tips, tools, and resources that can be used to empower students to overcome challenges associated with the rise of fake news and websites.

Student Collusion - The Problem and Prevention

Student collusion is unauthorized collaboration on work meant for individual assessment. Learn more about the problem and prevention in this one-pager.

Introducing Turnitin Draft Coach™

Turnitin Draft Coach™ helps students improve their academic writing and research skills by providing instant feedback where they write.

Online Educa Berlin (OEB) Conference 2022

23-25 November 2022, Hotel InterContinental Berlin, Budapester Strasse 2, 10787 Berlin, Germany
Visit us at stand D30

The Rise of Plagiarism: Contract Cheating

Is it their own work? The practice of engaging a third party to complete student assignments is a growing trend in academic misconduct.

Turnitin Draft Coach

Cultivate student writing and research skills with Draft Coach's real-time feedback while students write in Google Docs. Students get in-depth guidance about how to ensure original work, proper citations, and flawless grammar just when they need it. To access Draft Coach, your school must use Turnitin Feedback Studio, Originality, or Feedback Studio with Originality.

Enrolling in a Class on Feedback Studio

Use this helpful guide to understand how to enroll in a new class on Feedback Studio.

Digital Universities UK 2023

17–20 April, University of Leeds (UK, Leeds)

Plagiarism Spectrum 2.0

The Plagiarism Spectrum 2.0 identifies twelve types of unoriginal work — both traditional forms of plagiarism and emerging trends. Understanding these forms of plagiarism supports the development of original thinking skills and helps students do their best, original work.

“Where to next?” Feedback Best Practices from Hattie

Learn more about John Hattie’s research on giving formative “Where to next?” feedback in Turnitin Feedback Studio and how it leads to measurable student growth.

About NewsGuard

A one-page infographic guide to NewsGuard

NewsGuard Lesson Plan on COVID-19 “Infodemic”

Teacher resource packet from NewsGuard for a media literacy lesson through the lens of COVID-19 misinformation.

AoC Annual Conference & Exhibition 2022

15-16 November, The ICC, Birmingham, UK

Delivering Assessments with Integrity

Educator effectiveness and student learning depend on the integrity of exam....

Get Started with Gradescope for Remote Assessments

In this webinar we introduce Gradescope, help you set up a course, and share tips on how to conduct assessments remotely.

Faster, Richer Feedback

Learn how to get the most out of QuickMarks in Turnitin Feedback Studio.

Gradescope User Summit

Gradescope users share innovative approaches and best practices for accelerating grading and feedback.

Turn Grading into Learning

Gradescope is an assessment platform that reduces the time associated with traditional grading.

Forum for Open Research in MENA (F.O.R.M) 2022

26-27 October 2022, The Westin, Cairo, Egypt

Making the Most of Feedback Studio for High School and Middle School

Join us for a walkthrough of Turnitin Feedback Studio where you can boost your skills.

Expansion Pack Activities for Revision Assistant

Expansion Pack tasks are diverse, expertly-crafted, and flexible enough to fit into a wide variety of curricula. These ideas are for using the Expansion Pack assignments in your classroom independent of other Revision Assistant assignments.

Moodlemoot Italia 2022

22 — 24 September, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy

National Symposium on Academic Integrity (NSAI)

Wednesday 8 March 2023, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Majan University College

"What Now?" How to Turn Identified Plagiarism into a Teachable Moment for Middle School and High School

The Similarity Report is a powerful tool built into Turnitin Feedback Studio which educators can use to compare student writing.

How can I know whether I'm actually getting through to my students?

What is data actually saying and what should you do about it?

Live Product Training

Join live training sessions with Turnitin's Professional and Educational Services team.

Turnitin Privacy Policy

Turnitin vigorously protects your personal data and works hard to achieve extremely high levels of security. This infographic explains Turnitin's commitment to data privacy and security.

Understanding Draft Coach

Turnitin Draft Coach provides you with the ability to use Turnitin’s tools in your Google Docs to help you work towards the final draft of your assignment before you submit to your teacher.

Turnitin Feedback Studio Educator Training

A 10-week Guided Journey created to help you master Feedback Studio and reach the summit of ‘Mount Integrity’.

THE Digital Universities Week 2022

14 — 18 March, London, UK

Turnitin Feedback Studio

Understand similarity and deliver effective feedback with Turnitin Feedback Studio in this monthly session.


Uphold research integrity with iThenticate in this monthly session.

Disrupting Plagiarism: Empowering Students in the Formative Space

Interested in learning more about the importance of formative feedback? Join our webinar on Tuesday, August 5th.

Global Innovation Awards 2019

The 2019 Global Innovation Awards recognize institutions and educators who help students everywhere to do their best, original work.

Good Practice Note: Addressing contract cheating to safeguard academic integrity

Read advice on policies and practices to confront contract cheating from the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency in Australia.6

XXIX Asamblea Anual de REBIUN

23-25 November 2022, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

Exemplar Essays for Revision Assistant

The Revision Assistant team has created Exemplar Essays for the most popular prompts in the system. These sample essays can help teachers gain further insight into how Revision Assistant is assessing student work.

Student Voices on Academic Integrity

Thursday, September 2 • 12pm PT / 3pm ET

(US) 10 Activities to Practice DBQs and Historical Writing

Explore activities focused on the skills of document-based questions, social studies, and writing in the humanities.

Academic Integrity Lesson Seed Ideas for the Remote Classroom

The lesson ideas from this guide help frame your classroom conversations about academic integrity, plagiarism, and what constitutes original writing. They are organized by when in the writing process (before, during, or after) these activities would be most effective.

Student Resources Hub

This page gathers some of the most useful content available to students using Turnitin. We'll be updating this page as the school year wears on, so keep an eye on it!

How to Add QuickMarks in Feedback Studio

Directions on how to add QuickMarks to student papers in Feedback Studio.

Gradescope: Existing Users

Deliver assessments remotely.


18-20 April, Stockholm, Sweden

Feedback That Leads to Improvement in Student Essays: Testing the Hypothesis that “Where to Next” Feedback is Most Powerful

Feedback is powerful but variable. This study investigates which forms of feedback are more predictive of improvement to students’ essays, using Turnitin Feedback Studio–a computer augmented system to capture teacher and computer-generated feedback comments. The study used a sample of 3,204 high school and university students who submitted their essays, received feedback comments, and then resubmitted for final grading. The major finding was the importance of “where to next” feedback which led to the greatest gains from the first to the final submission. There is support for the worthwhileness of computer moderated feedback systems that include both teacher- and computer-generated feedback.

Equitable Evaluation and Excellent Expectation-Setting

Learn how to get the most out of rubrics in Turnitin Feedback Studio.

Feedback Studio: New Instructors

Every Wednesday | 1:00 pm MST

The Written Word

Tune it to Turnitin’s new podcast about words, writing, and why they matter.

Disrupting plagiarism pack

Explore resources designed to provide teachers and students with a formative approach to maintaining academic integrity and addressing plagiarism meaningfully when it occurs.

Turnitin Perseverance Pack

Foster perseverance skills in your classroom with Turnitin's free collection of resources.

Students need to understand that they are not born with resilience, but rather develop their tenacity through challenges over time. Fostering an environment that values goal-setting, problem-solving, growth, and reflection is crucial for students as they build their academic integrity and their ability to persevere.

From teaching strategies that will help students successfully tackle new learning obstacles to dynamic learning resources (did someone say a perseverance playlist?), this pack provides educators and students the tools and inspiration that are needed most when the going gets tough.

GESS Turkey

24-26 May, Istanbul, Turkey

Building and Maintaining Strong Student Relationships Remotely

As schools shift to hybrid or fully online environments this Fall, educators, staff, and students prepare to face a new normal. With that comes many new challenges, in particular, finding new ways to connect and build authentic relationships with students. How can educators learn about their students “from a distance?” How is communication different in this new setting? What can educators do to ensure their students feel heard? While it is a challenge, it is also an opportunity to focus on an aspect of education that research suggests directly impacts learning--positive student relationships and perceptions towards school.

This session focuses on challenges and strategies for building and maintaining strong student relationships remotely. The panel, featuring educators from varying backgrounds and perspectives in both secondary and higher education, will discuss:

  1. How the current landscape of education impacts student-teacher relationships
  2. Strategies for building and maintaining student relationships in a remote environment
  3. Resources, tips, and tools for supporting the development of student relationships

New Features in Feedback Studio

Every Wednesday | 7am PT / 10am ET

SURF Onderwijsdagen 2022

15-16 November, Den Bosch, Netherlands

Turnitin Originality Product and Feature Videos

Keep integrity at the core of education with Turnitin Originality feature videos that offer a comprehensive overview of the new standard in academic integrity.

Grammar Grading Made Easier

Learn how to get the most out of ETS e-Rater® in Turnitin Feedback Studio.

How to Safeguard and Increase Your Impact Factor

What are the markers of a reputable journal?

Toetsen & Examineren in het HO 2022

7 — 8 June, Utrecht, Netherlands

Viewing Instructor Feedback

Turnitin gives your instructor a suite of tools to grade your paper. Use the helpful guide to understand the feedback your instructor adds to your assignment in Feedback Studio.

STEM Education & Innovation Summit 2022

27 September, 2022, Dusit Thani, Dubai, UAE

Complete Collection of NewsGuard Resources

Get resources, from live virtual trainings, flyers to worksheets and more, to support your roll out of NewsGuard.

Feedback Studio: New Instructors

Every Tuesday | 11:00 am MST

Turnitin Source Credibility/NewsGuard Lesson Alignment

Alignment guides that integrate NewsGuard’s lesson plans on the COVID-19 infodemic & Turnitin’s Source Credibility Pack

Best practices for social studies writing with Turnitin (US)

Download five tips to strengthen writing in the humanities when using Feedback Studio.

Best Practices for Educators about Using NewsGuard

Summary of best practices from NewsGuard about how to incorporate it into the classroom.

Cultivating Originality: Summer Series

Join us for five different sessions all summer long focused on academic integrity trends, tips, and insights.

NewsGuard Implementation Guide for School Admins

Overview from NewsGuard about various options for installation and roll out depending on how devices are managed.

New York Times article on contract cheating

Learn how Authorship can help determine if your students are outsourcing their papers.

Learn About Gradescope from Fellow Instructors

Hear how easy it is to get started.

Contracting to Cheat in Higher Education

Find guidance on addressing the problem from the UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.5

(UK) 10 Activities to practice DBQs and historical writing

Explore activities focused on the skills of document-based questions, social studies, and writing in the humanities.

Submitting a Paper on Feedback Studio

Use this helpful guide to understand how student users of Turnitin submit papers to a class from the class portfolio page.

Bett UK 2022

23 — 25 March, London, UK

ZKI Früh­jahrs­ta­gung in Kas­sel

Tuesday 28 February - Wednesday 1 March 2023. Kassel, Germany.

ANKOSLink Conference 2022

21-24 November 2022, Asteria Kremlin Palace Hotel, Antalya, Turkey

AIQ Quiz

Test your knowledge of all things related to education and integrity, from in-text citation skills to finding credible sources.

Gradescope for Remote Assessments

Every Thursday | 9am PT / 12pm ET

Gradescope Reinvents Assessment for Remote Learning

John Hemingway, CIO at Durham University, describes how Gradescope reinvented assessment for remote learning for Durham instructors

The Plagiarism Spectrum

The Plagiarism Spectrum identifies 10 types of plagiarism based on findings from a worldwide survey of nearly 900 secondary and higher education instructors. Each type has been given an easy-to-remember moniker to help students and instructors better identify and discuss the ramifications of plagiarism in student writing.

General Help Session

Every Friday | 1:30 pm MST

Using ETS e-rater® in Feedback Studio

Directions on using ETS e-rater® in Feedback Studio.

Incorporating Integrity into Instructional Workflows

Meet Turnitin Originality in this discussion of our commitment to developing products to help keep students on a positive academic path.

AHE Conference 2022

22 — 24 June, Manchester, UK

Best practices for using Feedback Studio STEM writing tools

Download four tips on making the most of Turnitin to support STEM. (UK version)

Smart Education Summit 2023

Thursday 9 March 2023, Dusit Thani, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Powering the Feedback Cycle with Turnitin Feedback Studio for Middle School and High School

Students grow and succeed when they get high quality feedback from their teachers. Turnitin Feedback Studio is built to power and accelerate that process.

Ignite Your Gradescope Love Affair - A Power User Top 10

Gradescope was built by educators and designed to help dramatically reduce the pain and time associated with traditional grading. Join us on Tuesday, November 19th for tips on how to get the most out of Gradescope.

Hosted by long-time Power User Christa Hayes, novice and advanced Gradescope users alike will walk away with strategies for:

  1. Improving formatting and scanning
  2. Driving student engagement and teamwork
  3. Leveraging data and actioning results

Can’t make the live webinar? Register now and we’ll provide on-demand access.

Revision Assistant Scope and Sequence

Utilize this curriculum resource for grades 6 - 12 as you plan your writing unit and implement Revision Assistant prompts.

Source Credibility Pack

Discover all of the resources in the Source Credibility Pack.

Turnitin Educator Network

An online space for you to connect with Educators around the world and share ideas and conversations about Feedback Studio!

Student QuickStart Guide for Feedback Studio

This Student QuickStart Guide will help you get started with Turnitin and will walk you through the steps for submitting your first paper.

Administrator QuickStart Guide for Feedback Studio

This Quickstart guide will help you as an administrator get your instructors started using Turnitin Feedback Studio.

Student Guide for Using NewsGuard

Packet from NewsGuard for students explaining how to use its extension and interpret its ratings, reviews, and criteria.

Why is it Important to Update Honor Codes for Online Learning Environments?

Honor codes implemented in a supportive manner are part of this culture of integrity. So, how does this translate to online learning environments?

10 activities to practice writing in the STEM classroom

Explore activities that strengthen both writing skills and STEM concepts. (UK version)

What Can Assessment Do for Student Learning?

How do we leverage the data found in written assessment into student learning?

General Help Session

Every Wednesday | 3:00 pm MST

The Journey of Academic Integrity

The International Center for Academic Integrity defines Academic Integrity as a commitment…

Best practices for using Feedback Studio STEM writing tools

Download four tips on making the most of Turnitin to support STEM. (US Version)

Microsoft Teams and Turnitin Similarity

Turnitin has partnered with Microsoft to offer our anti-plagiarism solution for assignments in Microsoft Teams. See how teachers can easily create assignments that will be checked by Turnitin. Students can also access formative learning opportunities by reviewing our Similarity Reports and self-correcting work prior to final submission.

Turnitin Feedback Studio for Teachers

31 - Mayo - 2022 / Participants will review how to interpret the Similarity Report and use the feedback features strategically.

Protecting Students' Data Privacy

Join us on Wednesday, July 22nd, for an exclusive webinar on best practices to quickly identify and manage privacy risks, protect student confidentiality, and vet third-party vendors to prevent data breaches and ransomware attacks.

Best practices for social studies writing with Turnitin (UK)

Download five tips to strengthen writing in the humanities when using Feedback Studio.

Paraphrasing Pack

The Paraphrasing Pack consists of resources that are ready to be implemented in the 6th - 12th-grade classroom.

Working with Rubrics in Feedback Studio

Directions on work with rubrics in Feedback Studio.

Writing in STEM Classrooms with Turnitin Feedback Studio

From lab reports to essays to journaling and more, Feedback Studio empowers STEM educators to deliver writing feedback, grade consistently, and address grammatical errors.

NewsGuard FAQs

Customer FAQs for the Turnitin + NewsGuard partnership

Supporting Your Research with iThenticate

Every Wednesday | 10am PT / 1 pm ET

Announcing the 2019 Global Innovation Awards

Submit a nomination today to recognize an institution or educator that’s helping students do their best, original work.

Cool Tool | Turnitin Revision Assistant

EdTech Digest | Victor Rivero

An innovative way to deal with plagiarism

Edutopia | Shelby Scoffield

Paving the path for greater accessibility

The American Consortium for Equity in Education | Amanda Major, Roslyn Miller, and Valerie Schreiner

Turnitin launches Feedback Studio

THE Journal | Sri Ravipati

Kaavya Viswanathan: The untold story

Missing Pages | Bethanne Patrick with The Podglomerate

Deep dive: Is Australian education prepared for ChatGPT?

The Educator Australia | Brett Henebery

Turnitin announces AI detector

Times Higher Education | Tom Williams

AI: A blessing and a curse [Turnitin AI]

Strategic Finance | Barry Nathan, CMA

Impact of ChatGPT, AI writing tools on education

CNN Philippines | The Final Word


American Consortium for Equity in Education

Turnitin and Wikipedia team up on copyright

eSchool News | Laura Ascione

Using ChatGPT at University

University Compare | Ben Maples

How cheating in college hurts students

U.S. News & World Report | Josh Moody

Lee County educators dealing with students using chatbots to cheat

WINK News | Samantha Johns & Joey Pellegrino

Equitable exams during COVID-19

Inside HigherEd | Allan A. Bradshaw and Pamela Chui Kadakia

AI breakthrough ChatGPT raises alarm over student cheating

The Financial Times | Cristina Criddle & Bethan Staton

Do we need AI to develop human intelligence?

Jakarta Globe | Lily McCure

Announcing the NeurIPS 2021 Workshops [Turnitin AI]

Neural Information Processing Systems

Curb cuts as a model for accessibility in technology

The American Consortium for Equity in Education | JoAnna Hunt and Valerie Schreiner

Inside the Quest to Detect (and Tame) ChatGPT

The EdSurge Podcast | Jeffrey R. Young

Zero cheating is a pipe dream, but we still need to push academic integrity

Times Higher Education | David Rettinger and Erica Price Burns

What’s the antidote to ChatGPT?

Analytics India Magazine | Aparna Iyer

What's behind the rise in HSC cheating? [Turnitin Draft Coach]

The Educator Australia | Brett Henebery

3 Academic writing tips for international students

U.S. News & World Report | Anayat Durrani

Mind the artificial intelligence gap

Getting Smart | Eric Wang

Anti-plagiarism platform prepares for onsite classes

Business World | Brontë H. Lacsamana

What's behind the rise in HSC cheating?

The Educator Australia | Brett Henebery

Teachers are on alert for inevitable cheating after release of ChatGPT

The Washington Post | Laura Meckler & Pranshu Verma

How to spot an AI cheater

BBC News | Alex O'Brien

Redefining assessment to empower student learning

Education IT Reporter | Valerie Schreiner

New AI detector spots ChatGPT content

The Educator | Brett Henebery

You’re not going to like how colleges respond to ChatGPT

Slate | Chris Gilliard & Pete Rorabaugh

Pulse Podcast: Interview with Turnitin's Arjun Singh

Inside Higher Ed | Rodney B. Murray and Doug Lederman

What to see at SXSW EDU 2022 [Turnitin AI]

Campus Technology | Rhea Kelly

Turnitin unveils AI writing detection tool

Higher Ed Dive | Anna Merod


American Consortium for Equity in Education

10 minute IT jams - Who is Turnitin?

CFOtech Australia and TechDay | Sara Barker

Users are the benchmark for accessibility, not simply compliance

The American Consortium for Equity in Education | Valerie Schreiner

Unis face new cheating threat as regulator prepares crackdown

The Sydney Morning Herald | Daniella White

Paving the way to original thinking in schools

The Educator Australia | Brett Henebery and James Thorley

Turnitin: aún es posible identificar un texto generado por IA

Generación Universitaria | Luis Miguel Paredes

All about academic integrity

The American Consortium for Equity in Education | Larry Jacobs with Ian McCullough and Kim Huff

Plagiarism hunter gets $6M to flag copycats

TechNewsWorld | John P. Mello Jr.

Edtech Enters Its Golden Age

Forbes | Ryan Craig

Homeroom: My kid’s school is full of cheats

The Atlantic | Abby Freireich and Brian Platzer

Turnitin now with AI writing detection

Malaya Business Insight

How ChatGPT and AI tech impact the classroom

The News Record | Olivia Romick

Essay Mills (Prohibition): Volume 689

UK Parliament | Chris Skidmore

AI through time. [Turnitin AI]

ArtInUX | Kristine Kalnina

Testing Turnitin’s New AI Detector: How Accurate Is It?

Best Colleges | Mark J. Drozdowski, Ed. D


BFM The Business Station

ChatGPT is everywhere

The Chronicle of Higher Education | Beth McMurtrie

Not True That ChatGPT Can’t Be Accurately Detected

The Chronicle of Higher Education

Product developers weigh ed-tech impacts on college students

Government Technology | Brandon Paykamian

Adopting ed-tech system: Challenges, opportunities

The Manila Times | Tony Maghirang

Laterals, moves, in-house

Bloomberg Law | Rick Mitchell

I wish a bot were smart enough to write this column

The Hechinger Report | Olivia Sanchez

Turnitin: An ed tech original

Oakland North | Stefanie Le

The struggle for technological equity in rural New York

The American Consortium for Equity in Education | Susan Schnaufer

What do you need to know about academic integrity?

Digital Terminal India | Chaitali Moitra

Skills bill outlaws essay mills

Education Technology | Julian Owen

The true cost of essay mills

The PIE News | Gill Rowell

A simple formula

EdTech Digest | Elijah Mayfield

EdTech accessibility is a reflexive process

The American Consortium for Equity in Education | Melvin Hines and Valerie Schreiner

Notable Black Leaders 2022

Crain's New York Business | Hazel-Ann Mayers

9th-12th Grade Narrative Writing

QuickMarks are commonly used or standard editing marks that instructors can utilize when editing and grading papers in Feedback Studio. Offer 9th-12th Grade students meaningful feedback with these standards-aligned, educator-developed QuickMarks comments for narrative writing.

9th-12th grade science argument (CER) QuickMark set (US English)

Feedback set for writing that defends a position on a scientific topic.

Narrative Expressions

The QuickMark comments are commonly used or standard editing marks that instructors can utilize when editing and grading papers in Feedback Studio. Offer students feedback in a unique way with the Narrative Expressions set of QuickMarks, connecting keyboard emojis to writing in the classroom.

Source credibility QuickMarks (UK English)

Feedback set for writing that requires credible sources.

6th-8th grade historical analysis QuickMark set

Feedback set for writing that rigorously analyzes historical sources.

6th-8th Grade Informative Writing

QuickMarks are commonly used or standard editing marks that instructors can utilize when editing and grading papers in Feedback Studio. Offer 6th-8th Grade students meaningful feedback with these standards-aligned, educator-developed QuickMarks comments for informative writing.

Source credibility QuickMarks (US English)

Feedback set designed for formative and summative assignments that require credible sources to support ideas.

Short Answer QuickMark Set (US English)

Feedback set for short-answer writing on a topic.

Y10-13 Historical Analysis QuickMark Set

Feedback set for writing that rigorously analyses historical sources.

Spotlighting Strengths QuickMarks Set for Beginner Writers

Spotlighting Strengths QuickMarks are reusable, drag and drop comments in Turnitin Feedback Studio that highlight the strengths in a student's writing and encourage them to apply these strengths in other areas of their essay. This set is for beginner writers.

Short Answer QuickMarks (UK English)

Feedback set for short-answer writing on a topic.

Gameday Commentary QuickMark Set

The QuickMark comments are commonly used or standard editing marks that instructors can utilize when editing and grading papers in Feedback Studio. Offer students feedback in a unique way with the Gameday Commentary set of QuickMarks, connecting words and phrases from the field to writing in the classroom. Help students to be the captains of their own writing and avoid "out-of-bounds" errors with applicable writing suggestions for every sports fanatic.

Science short answer QuickMark set (UK English)

Feedback set for short-answer writing on a scientific topic.

Science short answer QuickMark set (US English)

Feedback set for short-answer writing on a scientific topic.

Social Studies Short Answer QuickMarks (UK English)

Feedback set for short-answer writing on a historical topic.

IB MYP Year 5 Language and Literature (UK English)

Feedback set for analytical writing in the IB MYP Year 5 Language and Literature course.

Spotlighting Strengths QuickMarks Set for Advanced Writers

Spotlighting Strengths QuickMarks are reusable, drag and drop comments in Turnitin Feedback Studio that highlight the strengths in a student's writing and encourage them to apply these strengths in other areas of their essay.

9th-12th Grade Analytical Writing

QuickMarks are commonly used or standard editing marks that instructors can utilize when editing and grading papers in Feedback Studio. Offer 9th-12th Grade students meaningful feedback with these standards-aligned, educator-developed QuickMarks comments for analytical writing.

Y7-9 Historical Analysis QuickMark Set

Feedback set for writing that rigorously analyses historical sources.

6th-8th grade science argument (CER) QuickMark set (US English)

Feedback set for writing that defends a position on a scientific topic.

IB MYP Year 5 Language and Literature (US English)

Feedback set for analytical writing in the IB MYP Year 5 Language and Literature course.

Y7-9 Science Argument (CER) QuickMark Set (UK English)

Feedback set for writing that defends a position on a scientific topic.

IB Diploma Programme Extended Essay (US English)

Feedback set for the Interim Reflection Session of the IB Extended Essay.

Academic integrity QuickMarks

QuickMarks are a unique way to offer writing feedback to students in the classroom. Support students' understanding of academic integrity with this QuickMarks set for Feedback Studio aligned with academic integrity best practices.

Social studies short answer QuickMark set (US English)

Feedback set for short-answer writing on a historical topic.

6th-8th Grade Analytical Writing

QuickMarks are commonly used or standard editing marks that instructors can utilize when editing and grading papers in Feedback Studio. Offer 6th-8th Grade students meaningful feedback with these standards-aligned, educator-developed QuickMarks comments for analytical writing.

9th-12th Grade Informative Writing

QuickMarks are commonly used or standard editing marks that instructors can utilize when editing and grading papers in Feedback Studio. Offer 9th-12th Grade students meaningful feedback with these standards-aligned, educator-developed QuickMarks comments for informative writing.

IB Diploma Programme Extended Essay (UK English)

Feedback set for the Interim Reflection Session of the IB Extended Essay.

Y10-13 Science Argument (CER) QuickMark Set (UK English)

Feedback set for writing that defends a position on a scientific topic.

Paraphrasing QuickMark set (US English)

Feedback set designed for formative and summative assignments that incorporate paraphrasing.

9th-12th grade historical analysis QuickMark set

Feedback set for writing that rigorously analyzes historical sources.

6th-8th grade argumentative QuickMarks

Offer 6th-8th grade students meaningful feedback with these standards-aligned QuickMark comments for argumentative writing.

Halloween QuickMarks

How should you comment on students’ papers in October? With spooky, fun Halloween QuickMarks™, of course! Turnitin QuickMarks are drag-and-drop comments that educators use to leave feedback on student papers. These seasonal QuickMarks will motivate students to read your feedback, help them remember your clever comments, and incorporate your suggestions in their next drafts.

Paraphrasing QuickMark set (UK English)

Feedback set designed for formative and summative assignments that incorporate paraphrasing.

9th-12th grade argumentative QuickMarks

Offer 9th-12th grade students meaningful feedback with these standards-aligned QuickMarks comments for argumentative writing.

6th-8th Grade Narrative Writing

QuickMarks are commonly used or standard editing marks that instructors can utilize when editing and grading papers in Feedback Studio. Offer 6th-8th Grade students meaningful feedback with these standards-aligned QuickMarks comments for narrative writing.

The Plagiarism Spectrum QuickMarks

Support students' understanding of plagiarism with this QuickMark set for Turnitin Feedback Studio. They are aligned with the Plagiarism Spectrum and help writers understand how to cite, paraphrase, and write authentically.

How To Promote Academic Integrity In Your Classroom | eBook

Educators are consistently advised to create a “culture of integrity” within our classrooms. So how do we go about establishing such a culture?

Everything You Need to Know About Contract Cheating | eBook

Expand your awareness and address contract cheating with confidence.

Cultural differences in plagiarism | eBook

Learn how global concepts differ from the Western definition of academic integrity and how to support students with this free, downloadable Turnitin ebook.

Academic Integrity Library eBook Bundle

Academic integrity is a foundational element of the student learning journey; together with these free Turnitin resources, educators can lay the groundwork for success.

You're the Star of the Story | eBook

Download this free ebook to keep students at the center of the academic integrity journey.

Everything you need to know about academic integrity

Academic integrity is more than a policy; this free Turnitin eBook dives into the robust culture of authentic work, teaching efficacy, and fair assessment

Academic Integrity and the Admissions Process | eBook

Download this free ebook to learn how to safeguard your institution's admissions process.

Academic integrity essentials

Academic integrity is an important component of the educational journey and this ebook outlines the essentials for creating a culture of integrity across all disciplines.

Upholding Equity and Integrity in Remote Instruction | eBook

A guide to help educators identify and address inequities that the pandemic-driven shift to remote instruction have made even more visible.

Strategies and Tactics for Combating Contract Cheating | eBook

Gain access to insider tips and actionable tricks for addressing contract cheating on your campus.

Academic Integrity And Your Institution’s Strategic Vision | eBook

Create cultures of academic integrity, enhance your institution’ s strategic plan, and secure a lasting reputation.

Disrupting Plagiarism Educator Guide

An overview, explanation of, and links to all of the resources in the Disrupting plagiarism set of resources.

Emerging trends in academic integrity

Academic integrity is key to an accurate assessment of student knowledge. Promoting integrity begins with building awareness of forms of academic misconduct.

Academic integrity library

Academic integrity is a foundational element of the student learning journey; together with these free Turnitin resources, educators can lay the groundwork for success.

Building Community in a Remote Learning Environment | eBook

Download this free ebook to learn how to build community in remote learning.

The Turnitin Family Expands

As the academic integrity landscape evolves, we are committed to supporting our university and school partners around the globe in their efforts to uphold the integrity of their institutions. We do that—in part—by developing new solutions to emerging challenges and by expanding and enhancing our technology. To further these advancements, we are pleased to announce that Turnitin has acquired Unicheck.

Turnitin Acquires Gradescope

Turnitin has acquired Gradescope, an assessment platform that reduces the time associated with grading in college courses via an optimized online workflow and clever application of artificial intelligence. Gradescope makes it easier for instructors to quickly grade assignments and gain additional insights about student learning in any area of study, including economics, business, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math).

EdTech Digest honors Turnitin Draft Coach and Turnitin AI

The EdTech Awards names Turnitin Draft Coach as the 2022 EdTech Cool Tool: Research and Reference Tools Solution Winner and Turnitin AI as a 2022 EdTech Trendsetter Finalist

Turnitin and eThink Education Announce a Partnership to Better Integrate Academic Integrity Solutions into Learning Management Systems

Turnitin, known for solutions that promote academic integrity and streamline grading and feedback, has partnered with eThink Education, a leading provider of fully-managed solutions for the open-source Moodle and Totara Learning Management Systems, to bring integrated eLearning solutions to academic institutions.

Turnitin welcomes new Chief Product Officer Annie Chechitelli

Annie Chechitelli joins Turnitin with two decades of product leadership from Amazon, Blackboard, and Wimba

Gradescope is a Finalist in 2019 CODiE Awards Recognizing Excellence in Education Technology

Gradescope by Turnitin has been selected as a finalist in the 2019 CODiE Awards in the Best Science/STEM Instructional Solution category.

Turnitin and F1 in Schools Partner to Provide Originality Checking at the F1 in Schools World Finals 2019

Turnitin, the world leader in feedback, grading, and plagiarism detection solutions is teaming up with F1 in Schools to check the originality of submissions for the F1 in Schools World Finals 2019 in Abu Dhabi.

International Day of Action Draws Attention to the Growing Threat of Contract Cheating

Turnitin joins the International Center for Academic Integrity to ignite a movement against contract cheating.

TopEdit and Turnitin partner to support research publication integrity in China

TopEdit, a provider of academic editing and publication support services to Chinese researchers, becomes an official partner of Turnitin’s plagiarism prevention service, iThenticate, in China.

Students can now submit assignments through their phone on the Gradescope Mobile App

Known for digitizing handwritten, paper-based work and cutting grading time in half, the assessment software is now available for students on the App Store and Google Play

Turnitin Scholarships Draw New Talent in Artificial Intelligence to the Bay Area

If development of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) should benefit all people, then its developers should reflect the diversity of the population. To help bring that diversity to the A.I. field, Turnitin is sponsoring several promising students of A.I. and deep learning to attend the Full Stack Deep Learning (FSDL) Bootcamp.

Former U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan Joins Turnitin Board

Arne Duncan, former United States Secretary of Education, has joined the Turnitin Board of Directors. Duncan, United States Secretary of Education from 2009 through December 2015, is currently the managing partner of education group Emerson Collective. Mr. Duncan brings considerable experience in large scale deployment and adoption of educational technology in K-12 and higher education

Turnitin Hires Global Talent and Culture Executive, Marissa Farrar, as New Chief People Officer

Turnitin, a leader in academic integrity and assessment solutions for schools, universities, and professional organizations hires Marissa Farrar, experienced global talent and culture executive, as chief people officer.

Turnitin Acquires Examsoft, Offering Institutions Flexible Options for Delivering Online and In-Person Assessments

Turnitin, a leading provider of academic integrity and assessment solutions, announced today it has acquired ExamSoft, a software-based assessment platform, from Spectrum Equity. ExamSoft empowers educational institutions and certification and licensure programs to protect exam integrity, streamline assessment processes, and improve learning outcomes.

Turnitin and Kira Talent Partner to Offer Robust Solution for Plagiarism Checking in Admissions

Turnitin, the leading provider of academic integrity solutions, and Kira Talent, the world’s only holistic admissions solution, announced today a new partnership to help detect plagiarism in admissions applications.

Turnitin Products Named Best in Show by Tech & Learning

Turnitin’s AI writing detection feature and Gradescope by Turnitin earned Best of Show honors from Tech & Learning for their efforts to transform education in schools around the world.

Gradescope by Turnitin launches in Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and Turkish

Popular for helping educators cut grading time in half and digitizing paper-based work, the software now fully operates in five new languages, in addition to English

Turnitin announces intent to acquire Ouriginal

Turnitin has entered into an agreement with Nordic private equity firm Procuritas to acquire Ouriginal, a company formed from the union of Urkund and PlagScan, established experts in plagiarism detection for academic institutions.

Turnitin Partners with NewsGuard to Offer Students and Teachers its Media Literacy Tools

Turnitin and NewsGuard announce a partnership that will help millions of students and teachers spot and avoid misinformation, improve their research abilities, and develop critical media literacy skills.

Turnitin celebrates 25 years in global academic integrity

Today, Turnitin celebrates its 25th anniversary, commemorating a quarter of a century in edtech innovation.

Turnitin turns on AI writing detection capabilities for educators and institutions (Southeast Asia)

New capabilities in the existing Turnitin workflow give educators highly accurate insights into the presence of AI-generated text for more than 62 million students.

Turnitin Adding Textbooks from W. W. Norton to Database Giving College Faculty a Way to Compare for Content Matches

Turnitin and W. W. Norton & Company have signed an agreement to supply academic textbook content that has been published by W. W. Norton & Company to the Turnitin database. Turnitin writing resources are used by educators in K-12 and higher education to support writing instruction, receive and grade student papers, and check for original content.

Turnitin Acquires ProctorExam

Turnitin has acquired European online proctoring company ProctorExam, a global leader in providing flexible SaaS proctoring technology.

Gradescope by Turnitin is now available in French

The assessment platform—known for using AI to help cut grading time in half—introduces French to its line of translated interfaces, which includes English, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese [Brazilian], Spanish, and Turkish.

Gradescope by Turnitin selected as a finalist in SaaS Awards recognizing innovation and excellence

Gradescope by Turnitin has been selected by the 2019 SaaS Awards as a finalist in the category for Best Product for Education or Non-Profits. This follows closely on the heels of being named best Science and STEM Instructional Solution by the 2019 SIIA CODiE Awards.

Illuminate Education Partners with Turnitin to Provide Assessment Resources for Remote Learning

Illuminate Education, a leading K-12 student performance solution, is partnering with Turnitin, a leading provider of academic integrity and assessment solutions. Together, they will equip teachers with knowledge and resources to encourage academic integrity and promote effective assessment creation and delivery in remote learning environments.

Turnitin and Unizin Partnership Improves Research of Student Writing Performance and Outcomes

A new partnership between Turnitin and Unizin will give college and university instructors better data about how students write and revise their work. Turnitin has been at the forefront of academic integrity and writing solutions for 20 years, and Unizin is a consortium of top U.S. research institutions dedicated to improving access, affordability, and learner success in higher education. Unizin’s Data Platform creates a unified data portrait of students, which makes it easier for faculty to customize instruction and better understand likely student outcomes.

iMaxSoft and Turnitin complete a technical integration between Turnitin Similarity and HelloLMS

iMaxSoft, the developer of HelloLMS, and Turnitin, a global provider of assessment and grading solutions, have announced the completion of the technical integration between HelloLMS and Turnitin Similarity.

Turnitin recognized by 2023 EdTech Digest Awards for outstanding contributions to edtech industry

For the 13th annual EdTech Digest Awards - the world’s largest awards program dedicated to education technology - Gradescope by Turnitin and Chief Product Officer Annie Chechitelli were recognized for their contributions in transforming education through technology by EdTech Digest.

Gradescope by Turnitin launches in South Korea

This expansion provides a top grading and assessment solution to South Korea academia

Turnitin Integration with Daymap Streamlines Workflows, Promotes Originality

Instructors and Students can now access Turnitin’s originality checking and feedback features via a new integration with Daymap.

Turnitin announces AI writing detector and AI writing resource center for educators

Turnitin has successfully developed an AI writing detector and company plans to add this functionality to its core writing integrity products as early as April 2023.

Turnitin announces new MOU and partnership with Japan Academic Association for Copyright Clearance (JAC)

Turnitin will work to protect the intellectual property of JAC’s rightsholders and raise awareness of issues such as publication ethics and research integrity.

Turnitin AI detection feature reviews more than 65 million papers

Today, Turnitin announced that more than 65 million papers have been reviewed since the April launch of its new feature that detects similarities to AI writing.

Turnitin Feedback Studio with Draft Coach wins Gold Stevie® Award in the 2021 American Business Awards®

Turnitin Feedback Studio with Draft Coach was named the winner of a Gold Stevie® Award in the Learning Capacity-Building Solution category in The 19th Annual American Business Awards® today. Over 3,800 nominations were submitted for this year’s award, a record number.

Turnitin acquires GradeHub

GradeHub’s modern and intuitive approach to bubble sheet exams add to Turnitin’s growing assessment capabilities

Turnitin Originality Gives Instructors and Administrators a Comprehensive Way to Uphold Academic Integrity

With the release of Turnitin Originality, schools and universities shifting to online instruction can move beyond text similarity checking and take a holistic approach to academic integrity

Gradescope by Turnitin named “Best STEM Solution for HigherEd” by 2021 EdTech Breakthrough Awards

Drawing in over 2,000 nominations internationally, the awards program recognizes industry-changing products and companies in educational technology

Moodle Partners with Turnitin to Integrate SimCheck into the World's Most Popular Learning Platform

Moodle, the world’s most popular learning platform, today announced its new partnership with Turnitin, a global leader in academic integrity and originality checking services.

Academic misconduct risk plummets by 85 per cent as NextEd Group drives academic integrity with Turnitin

ASX-listed education provider empowers 200 educators at 11 brands with capabilities to optimise learning across content formats and assessment methods

Turnitin Partners with Metametrics® to Add Lexile® Measures to Revision Assistant

Inclusion of Lexile® measures for Revision Assistant writing prompts aids teachers in assigning prompts that are appropriate to students’ reading level

Turnitin Announces Development of Solution to Address Contract Cheating in Partnership with Leading Educational Institutions

One in three college instructors report that their students have submitted papers written by someone else. However, instructors feel they lack the evidence and resources to take action.

Turnitin announces new MOU and partnership with Kyorinsha Co. Ltd.

Turnitin will work with Kyorinsha to protect the integrity of their customers' publications and will offer Japanese authors and editors access to Turnitin’s market-leading originality checking solution

Machine Learning Effective in Catching Contract Cheating Finds New Research

Three in five University students who engage in contract cheating will be caught by markers using machine learning software, new academic research has found. The research conducted by Associate Professors Phillip Dawson and Wendy Sutherland-Smith from Deakin University, in collaboration with Principal Product Manager Mark Ricksen from academic integrity solutions provider Turnitin, is the first of its kind into the potential promise of machine learning to address the problem of contract cheating.

Gradescope Grants Program Launched for Educators in Asia Pacific

Turnitin is pleased to announce that applications are now open for its 2020 Asia Pacific Gradescope Grants program to support the design and delivery of remote assessments.

Turnitin honored with three awards in one month from 1EdTech (IMS Global), EdTech Breakthrough, and Tech & Learning

In June, Turnitin edtech solutions were named to 1EdTech’s (IMS Global) Learning Impact Awards, EdTech Breakthrough’s Classroom Tech Solution of the Year, and Tech & Learning’s Best of Show at ISTELive 2022

DreamApply Partners with Turnitin to Offer Originality Checking Services in Admissions

Turnitin and DreamApply, Europe’s leading student application management system, are joining forces to help admissions officers confidently assess application essays and streamline the admissions process for High Education Institutes (HEI), worldwide.

Winners of Turnitin 2017 Global Innovation Awards Innovate, Implement, and Instruct with Integrity

Turnitin honors 46 institutions and individuals worldwide for their resourceful commitment to enhancing student outcomes with tools to support academic integrity in writing

Turnitin turns on AI writing detection capabilities for educators and institutions (NA and EMEA)

New capabilities in the existing Turnitin workflow give educators highly accurate insights into the presence of AI-generated text for more than 62 million students

eThink Education Partners with Turnitin to Provide Leading Originality-Checking Solution to Moodle LMS Users

Turnitin’s popular solutions integrate easily with eThink’s Moodle solution, providing a seamless experience for eThink clients.

Gradescope by Turnitin Recognized by SIIA as Best Science and STEM Instructional Solution

Gradescope by Turnitin won the 2019 SIIA CODiE Award for Best Science and STEM Instructional Solution. Gradescope is a feedback and assessment platform combining deep instructor expertise with the latest machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to dramatically reduce the pain and time associated with traditional grading.

Advance to Acquire Turnitin, Leading Provider of Academic Integrity, Grading, and Feedback Solutions

Advance today announced the acquisition of Turnitin, a leading provider of education technology for academic integrity and writing solutions, from an investment entity affiliated with Insight Venture Partners, GIC and their co-investors.

Turnitin Revision Assistant and Feedback Studio are Finalists in 2017 CODiE Awards for Best Education Technology

Judges say Turnitin products support teachers in writing instruction and describe Revision Assistant and Feedback Studio as “student centered,” “impressive,” and providing “intelligent markup.”

Winners of 2019 Turnitin Global Innovation Awards Champion Authentic Learning, Enhance Assessment Practices

Turnitin announced today the winners of the 2019 Global Innovation Awards which recognize educators, technology administrators, and institutions who have worked tirelessly to facilitate authentic learning, improve assessment practices, help students to achieve learning objectives, and support institutional strategy.

Turnitin named to GSV EdTech 150 most transformational companies in digital learning

Selected from over 3,000 companies, Turnitin is helping increase accessibility in education

Turnitin Partners with CORE, the World’s Leading Aggregator of Open Access Research Articles

Turnitin announced today a partnership with CORE, a service provided by The Knowledge Media Institute, a multidisciplinary research and development lab based at The Open University in the UK in partnership with Jisc, a membership organization providing digital solutions for UK education and research

Announced at ISTE 2022, Turnitin Draft Coach integrates with Microsoft Word for the web

With Turnitin Draft Coach, students access immediate, formative citation and grammar feedback on their essay drafts directly in Microsoft Word online, building students’ writing confidence and skills.

Turnitin Authorship Investigate Supporting Academic Integrity is Released to Higher Education Market

Turnitin announced today the general availability of Authorship Investigate, the first solution that supports higher education administrators in addressing contract cheating.

Turnitin’s ChatGPT and AI writing detection capabilities go live (Australia & New Zealand)

New capabilities in the existing Turnitin workflow give educators highly accurate insights into the presence of AI-generated text for more than 62 million students.

EdTech solution Gradescope by Turnitin launches in Japanese

Following the successful pilot program in September 2021, edtech solution Gradescope by Turnitin has now launched its Japanese language interface.

Bett Awards 2022 Finalist for Assessment, Planning & Progress Monitoring: Gradescope by Turnitin

Gradescope by Turnitin was selected for helping educators make informed decisions that improve learning outcomes.

Turnitin Named the Academic Integrity Partner of the National Honor Society

Turnitin and the National Honor Society align efforts to promote and encourage integrity in K–12 education

Turnitin acquires Ouriginal

Turnitin and Ouriginal join forces to help institutions around the globe promote academic integrity

Winners of 2018 Turnitin Global Innovation Awards Invest in Cultures of Integrity

Turnitin's Global Innovation Awards honor 28 institutions and individuals worldwide for their dedication to fostering cultures of integrity and teaching students to find their authentic voices.

Turnitin welcomes new General Counsel and Corporate Secretary Hazel-Ann Mayers

Hazel-Ann Mayers brings two decades of corporate legal leadership from CBS, Simon & Schuster, and Viacom and an adjunct professorship to Turnitin

Turnitin Acquires ExamSoft, A Leading Assessment Platform

Turnitin, a leading provider of academic integrity and assessment solutions, announced today it has acquired ExamSoft, a software-based assessment platform, from Spectrum Equity. ExamSoft empowers educational institutions and certification and licensure programs to protect exam integrity, streamline assessment processes, and improve learning outcomes.

Turnitin establishes local team in Malaysia

Starting 30 June 2023, Turnitin will serve customers in Malaysia directly with a local team of four employees, as part of the company’s expansion efforts in the Asia Pacific region.

Turnitin Originality Launches to Uphold Academic Integrity in an Age of Online Instruction

With the release of Turnitin Originality, colleges and universities shifting to online instruction can move beyond text similarity checking and take a holistic approach to academic integrity

Turnitin and Teach For Pakistan team up to help train the next generation of teachers and education leaders

The partners will focus on creating learning opportunities for primary and secondary school-aged children

Turnitin Appoints RepresentEdTech as Value-Added Reseller of its Solutions across Scandinavia

Turnitin, the leading provider of feedback, grading, and academic integrity solutions, today announced its partnership with EdTech agency and consultancy RepresentEdTech, appointing the firm as a value-added reseller (VAR) of Turnitin solutions in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.

Newport-Mesa Unified School District Recognized for Innovative Teacher Training Using Technology from Turnitin

Revision Assistant helps norm grading and essay feedback for teachers in creative application of education technology supporting writing instruction

Duke Kunshan University wins 2020 Asia Pacific Gradescope Grant from Turnitin

Turnitin announced today that Duke Kunshan University has won the 2020 Asia Pacific Gradescope Grants Program. The APAC Gradescope Grants program supports projects related to the use of online assessment platform Gradescope for various assessment types across multiple disciplines.

Turnitin Announces Updates to Privacy Center, SOC 2 Certification Ahead of the GDPR

Turnitin, a company at the forefront of academic integrity solutions for 20 years, announced today its commitment to stringent data privacy practices and compliance with the European Union’s (EU) General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR).

Turnitin Now Integrated with TASS LMS to Enable Schools to Easily Authenticate Student Work

Australian educators using The Alpha School System (TASS) can now check student work with Turnitin’s similarity checking functionality without leaving their learning management system (LMS) environment.

The Effectiveness of Turnitin in Higher Education in 2014

An analysis of over 54 million student papers from over 1000 U.S. higher education institutions shows reduction in unoriginal writing, time savings, and increases in student engagement.

Academic Research & Writing Principles checklist

Turnitin has developed this checklist as a guide to support students in their academic research and writing process.

Thesis or claim poster

This infographic defines and provides examples of both thesis and claim statements.

Insights Survey: Perceptions of Assessment and Academic Integrity

A survey of U.S. students and faculty exploring perceptions of assessment and academic integrity.

Writing and revision best practices poster

A full-color poster that outlines good writing and revision practices.

Student Collusion: The Problem and Prevention

One of the first steps to understanding collusion is to recognise that, even though collusion and plagiarism often have similar outcomes, they are quite dissimilar in nature and require different kinds of response and prevention. Download our guide to identifying the problem of student collusion and steps for combatting the issue.

Finals Study Strategy Pack

Follow this step-by-step approach to prepare for final exams by creating your own personalized finals study calendar and watch your worries melt away.

Integrity Matters | Issue 2

Issue 2 of our Integrity Matters newspaper, written just for your students, is out now!

How to design end-to-end assessments with integrity

End-to-end assessment design fosters iterative feedback loops between instruction and assessment, which play a critical role in measuring student progress, informing teaching efficacy and encouraging integrity at every step along the way.

Where Does Plagiarism Come From?

Find out how the sources of plagiarism can impact institutions and what you can do to be confident in the integrity of your students’ work.

Integrity Matters | Issue 1

Issue 1 of our Integrity Matters newspaper, written just for your students, is out now!

The Plagiarism Spectrum

The Plagiarism Spectrum identifies ten types of plagiarism based on findings from a worldwide survey.

Am I publishing in a legitimate journal?

Download Matthew Salter’s full checklist to help researchers avoid publishing in predatory and cloned journals.

The Plagiarism Spectrum

The Plagiarism Spectrum identifies ten types of plagiarism based on findings from a worldwide survey of nearly 900 secondary and higher education instructors. Each type has been given an easy-to-remember moniker to help students and instructors better identify and discuss the ramifications of plagiarism in student writing.

Short Answer Rubric (UK English)

Rubric for short-answer writing on a topic.

AP English Language: Rhetorical Analysis Rubric

Rubric for the Rhetorical Analysis free-response question of the AP English Language and Composition exam.

9th-12th grade science argument (CER) rubric (US English)

Rubric for writing that defends a position on a scientific topic.

Short Answer Rubric (US English)

Rubric for short-answer writing on a topic.

AP U.S. History DBQ rubric

Rubric for the document-based free-response question of the AP U.S. History exam.

Y7-9 Historical Analysis Rubric

Rubric for writing that rigorously analyses historical sources.

6th-8th grade historical analysis rubric

Rubric for writing that rigorously analyzes historical sources.

6th-8th grade science argument (CER) rubric (US English)

Rubric for writing that defends a position on a scientific topic.

Rubric trait: Paraphrasing

This rubric trait describes the skills students should gain during the paraphrasing exercises.

AP English Literature: Literary Argument Rubric

Rubric for the Literary Argument free-response question of the AP English Literature and Composition exam.

Annotated Bibliography Grading Form

Grading Form for evaluating an annotated bibliography.

9th-12th grade historical analysis rubric

Rubric for writing that rigorously analyzes historical sources.

Social studies short answer rubric (US English)

Rubric for short-answer writing on a historical topic.

AP English Language: Synthesis Rubric

Rubric for the Synthesis free-response question of the AP English Language and Composition exam.

11th-12th Grade Informative Writing Rubric

Offer 11th-12th Grade students a structure for informative writing with this standards-aligned rubric developed by educators for Feedback Studio.

Rubric trait: Source credibility (UK English)

Singular rubric trait for evaluating the credibility of sources in an essay.

Social Studies Short Answer Rubric (UK English)

Rubric for short-answer writing on a historical topic.

Y7-9 Science Argument (CER) Rubric (UK English)

Rubric for writing that defends a position on a scientific topic.

9th-10th grade argumentative writing rubric

Offer 9th-10th grade students a standards-aligned structure for argumentative writing with this educator-developed rubric.

Annotated Bibliography Rubric

Rubric for evaluating an annotated bibliography.

Y10-13 Historical Analysis Rubric

Rubric for writing that rigorously analyses historical sources.

6th grade argumentative writing rubric

Offer 6th grade students a standards-aligned structure for assignments focused on the defense of a position on a topic.

Y10-13 Science argument (CER) rubric (UK English)

Rubric for writing that defends a position on a scientific topic.

AP U.S. History LEQ rubric

Rubric for the long essay free-response question of the AP U.S. History exam.

7th Grade Informative Writing Rubric

Offer 7th-grade students a standards-aligned structure for informative writing with this educator-developed rubric for Feedback Studio.

6th-8th Grade Analysis Writing Rubric

Offer 6th-8th Grade students a standards-aligned structure for analysis writing with this educator-developed rubric for Feedback Studio.

8th Grade Informative Writing Rubric

Offer 8th-grade students a standards-aligned structure for informative writing with this educator-developed rubric for Feedback Studio.

6th Grade Informative Writing Rubric

Offer 6th Grade students a standards-aligned structure for informative writing with this educator-developed rubric for Feedback Studio.

AP English Literature: Prose Fiction Analysis Rubric

Rubric for the Prose Fiction Analysis free-response question of the AP English Literature and Composition exam.

11th-12th grade argumentative writing rubric

Offer 11th-12th grade students a standards-aligned structure for argumentative writing with this educator-developed rubric.

7th-8th grade argumentative writing rubric

Offer 7th-8th grade students a standards-aligned structure for assignments focused on the defense of a position on a topic.

9th-12th Grade Narrative Writing Rubric

Rubric for formative and summative assignments with tasks involving writing that tells a story, either personal or literary.

Rubric trait: Source credibility (US English)

A singular rubric trait for evaluating the credibility of sources in an essay or performance task.

AP English Literature: Poetry Analysis Rubric

Rubric for the Poetry Analysis free-response question of the AP English Literature and Composition exam.

9th-12th Grade Analytical Writing Rubric

Offer 9th-12th Grade students a structure for analytical writing with this standards-aligned rubric developed by educators for Feedback Studio.

Science short answer rubric (UK English)

Rubric for short-answer writing on a scientific topic.

AP English Language: Argument Rubric

Rubric for the Argument free-response question of the AP English Language and Composition exam.

6th-8th Grade Narrative Writing Rubric

Rubric for formative and summative assignments with tasks involving writing that tells a story, either personal or literary.

Science short answer rubric (US English)

Rubric for short-answer writing on a scientific topic.

9th-10th Grade Informative Writing Rubric

Offer 9th-10th Grade students a structure for informative writing with this standards-aligned rubric developed by educators for Feedback Studio.

How to Start the Spring Semester Off Right

How can students avoid the emotional sag of February and make good on all those promises to ourselves (and our parents and that one professor who really believes in us)?

9 Books to Read for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in the United States. To recognize the cultures, traditions, and history of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, we bring to you a list of 9 books written by Asian Americans to read.

Import Rubrics from Excel

Import rubrics from Excel is the ability to upload a .xls or .xslx file to the Turnitin rubric/form manager in order to create a new rubric.

Strategies to Resist Plagiarism

Student plagiarism is a challenging issue in education today. As educators, we have three options to choose from as we consider how to respond to the problem we and our students face.

3 Ways to Start Your First Year of Higher Education Off Right

Here are three tips to help you approach you transition to your first year of higher education with confidence.

Straight Talk From an Essay Mill Insider: Part 2 of 2

This is the conclusion of our interview with Dave Tomar, a former essay mill writer, current anti-cheating activist, and author of The Shadow Scholar. Part 1 may be read here.

How culturally responsive teaching can bridge learning gaps and promote academic integrity

When students come from outside the racial, ethnic, and cultural mainstream, they have greater learning challenges. Students not familiar with the vernacular of a classroom or even the language, have to make huge adjustments to navigate learning. One way for educators to address this gap is through culturally responsive pedagogy.

3 Changes to Look For in Secondary Education

COVID-19 has impacted education in myriad ways. Here are three changes to look for in Secondary Education classrooms this year and beyond.

How iThenticate helps government organizations protect their reputation

Plagiarism is no longer a problem unique to academia. Government organizations and officials have at various times, had to deal with issues arising from using material from pre-existing sources. In this blog post, you will learn how plagiarism can occur unintentionally, the potential consequences, and how technology can protect government reputations.

What Is iThenticate? Who Is It for?

If you’re an academic researcher, an administrator at a research institution, or an editor at an academic journal, you want your work to be void of plagiarism and beyond reproach, especially when it comes to research misconduct.

4 Ways to Reach Our Youngest Remote Learners

Four ways educators can connect, engage, and thoughtfully reach our youngest students remotely.

Cupids in Your Classroom

Five ways that you know cupids have visited your classroom, spreading love and cheer.

To ban or not to ban AI writing in schools?

AI writing and how to manage it in the classroom was top-of-mind for the education professionals who attended the International Committee for Academic Integrity’s annual conference March 9-12.

How to Cultivate Student Engagement with Online Office Hours

Office hours are a great opportunity to connect with students in an online learning environment. Here are some tips for effective virtual office hours.

7 Ways to Elevate Pedagogy in Large Lecture Courses

In this blog post, we examine how instructors can support learning in large lecture courses with large lecture pedagogy and methodology.

Turnitin Partners Program Part 2: Building the Moat and Filling the Gaps

Here are a few ways the Turnitin Partner program benefits you as you use your market expertise to better address your customers’ challenges.

Going Beyond Good Job: 4 Ways to Rethink Student Feedback

In this blog post, we explore the kinds of feedback students need in order to thrive.

The difference between subjective and objective assessments

Understanding subjective and objective assessments, and the difference between the two, is central to designing effective exams. Educators need a strong understanding of both types to accurately assess student learning. Each of these styles has specific attributes that make them better suited for certain subjects and learning outcomes. Knowing when to use subjective instead of objective assessments, and vice versa, as well as identifying resources that can help increase the overall fairness of exams, is essential to educators’ efforts to accurately gauge the academic progress of their students.

Thankful for Teachers

Join our Turnitin team in giving thanks for educators who have touched our lives in meaningful ways.

Is Struggle Essential on the Road to Academic Success?

How one Global Innovator in "Smalltown, USA" helps her students to embrace challenges and learn from their mistakes

Strategies and Resources for Resilient Learners

Helpful resources for creating resilient learners and helping them to learn how to tackle academic challenges

Balancing assessment security with student experience to validate learning

How can institutions shore up assessment security to validate learning outcomes and uphold fair, accurate assessment? Here, we explore the practices and trends that are gaining traction as we collectively rethink assessment.

Getting Organized: How Tech Can Help

Tips on tech resources that can organize even the busiest individuals' tasks quickly and efficiently.

Reflecting on the Top 10 Turnitin Posts of 2019

As you begin 2020 and reflect on this past year, here are the top 10 Turnitin posts of 2019.

International Center for Academic Integrity Conference 2021 panel recaps part 1 of 2

In this post, we offer recaps on two panels from the International Center for Academic Integrity 2021 conference that discussed emerging trends (contract cheating and proctoring solutions) and the ways in which they can be detected.

I have to attribute and cite. But how do I write citations?

Check out these resources for students who are looking for more information around citation formats and how to cite properly.

Seven Practical Solutions for Quickly Reducing Your Student Count

Did you know that for every student enrolled in an active class the closer you become to reaching your account's student limit?

An Update from Turnitin CTO Ron Park

An update from Turnitin CTO Ron Park on updates that will positively affect user experience when using our products.

Improving educational outcomes for underserved communities globally

This year’s International Literacy Day (ILD) is particularly resonant for us here at Turnitin. The 2021 theme - ‘Literacy for a human-centred recovery: Narrowing the digital divide’ - compels us all to interrogate how educational technology can alleviate the gaping inequities caused by last year’s sudden transition to remote learning.

How to Prevent Contract Cheating in Remote Learning

At Turnitin, we’re hearing the following academic integrity concerns when it comes to remote learning in recent days:

  1. When allowing students to write essays at home with open book essays, how do you know the student wrote the essay?
  2. When assignments are completed in non-regulated, unsupervised circumstances, how do you know if parents, friends, and other family members are “helping?”
  3. As summer approaches and exams are being moved online, will students think “I can get someone else to take my exam for me now?”

Here are some suggestions to prevent contract cheating in remote learning classrooms.

A Concerted Effort: Developing Students’ Academic Voices

Two professors from Ashford University investigate ways to better develop ethical writing practices in students.

Paraphrasing: The Literacy Hero We Should All Care About

Five reasons that paraphrasing skills are the superheroes of strong literacy curriculum.

4 reasons why fake news is so compelling

There’s nothing new about fake news. But why is it so convincing and pervasive?

Sneak preview of Turnitin’s AI writing and ChatGPT detection capability

AI writing tools are developing at a rapid pace and so is Turnitin’s technology to detect these emerging forms of misconduct. Today, we want to introduce you to our AI Innovation Lab to give you a first-hand glimpse of what our technology (in development) can do.

Turnitin tech talk: Full Page Handwriting Recognition via End-to-End Deep Learning

In part one of this two-part series, we detail the challenges of addressing Full Page Handwriting Text Recognition and explore current State-of-the-Art approaches.

Exciting updates in Gradescope and a new way to strengthen assessment integrity

In this blog post, we share with you Gradescope by Turnitin's recent enhancements, which combine assessment integrity with smart tools and flexibility to fit your needs.

ISTE Live 2023: Mutual trust between teachers & students in AI writing

Discover the power of mutual trust between teachers and students in AI writing, fostering collaboration and unlocking the potential for growth and creativity.

Thinking Like a Historian

Here are three engaging strategies for approaching DBQs and historical analysis writing in your social studies classroom

Supporting LGBTQIA+ students in the classroom

Students come to us from all walks of life and with all kinds of backgrounds and prior educational experiences. As educators, it is important to support learning by becoming aware of students’ cultural and social contexts and then foster a sense of belonging for all students. Doing so supports not only learning outcomes but academic integrity and a lifelong commitment to learning. In this blog post we will focus on LGBTQIA+ students, first starting with a definition of LGBTQIA+ and then expanding into ways educators can both build and enact knowledge and allyship.

Five ways in which to engage mobile phones as a learning tool

It's important to meet students where they are, try to operate within their workflows, and understand their perspective; and while mobile phones can be problematic, they are clearly embedded in educators’ and students’ lives, and need to be used for positive outcomes.Introducing ways to pivot mobile phones to support learning. And introducing the Gradescope Mobile app.

Ipsative assessments: What are they? And what are their benefits?

Unleashing the potential of ipsative assessments. Embrace self-reflection and continuous student improvement with these tips and the use of ExamSoft tools.

What is the Big Deal About Impact Factor?

One way to understand the breadth of your impact is how often and where your work is cited, measured by Impact Factor.

Reimagining research publication workflow with Typeset

Typeset users now have access to Turnitin Similarity—a fast and streamlined solution that ensures research papers are free from potential academic misconduct. In this blog post, we share the story of Typeset and Turnitin’s partnership, from its beginnings and motivation factors to the successful outcomes of this alliance.

Popular Blogs About Remote Learning for Educators

From community building and instruction to technology and academic integrity, here is a curated list of our most popular Turnitin posts on remote learning to serve as an ongoing resource.

Why you need to be aware of emerging trends in academic integrity

How an awareness of academic integrity trends helps you mitigate the effects of misconduct and nurture student learning outcomes at the foundational level

New Expansion Pack Prompts in Revision Assistant

An overview of 39 new prompts that Revision Assistant offers to facilitate writing activities

The Reflection Connection

Many teachers ask students to look back over their writing from a course or school year--here are some ideas to elevate reflection

10 online resources for new university students

The start of the academic year can be overwhelming, especially for first year students, and the resources available online are infinite making it a challenge to find useful and reliable information.

Integrity focused: Building trust between student and instructor

Dive into three ways trust can be built between students and instructors to not only strengthen academic integrity but also enhance academic outcomes


Here are ten IRL ways teachers went all in to channel the comedy of life in the classroom and created memorable teaching moments.

How to Discuss Mid-year Data with Students, Teachers, and Coaches

Tips on using data from the midpoint of the year for a more targeted evaluation of student progress, to reflect upon the progress students have made and to inform upcoming instructional decisions.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Plagiarism

Discover 5 interesting things you probably never knew about plagiarism throughout history and in the world today.

Turnitin Partner Program

By partnering with companies that share our vision and purpose, Turnitin creates powerful alliances that make learning more effective.

Going beyond paper: Three crucial benefits of digital student workflows

Learn more about the digital student workflow and how Turnitin can help to ensure it involves end-to-end assessment with integrity

Turnitin Partners Program Part 1: Build, Buy, or Partner

Turnitin’s growing partner program and the Turnitin Core API afford our partners many valuable opportunities.

Get Centered in 2018

To help stave off the mid-winter doldrums and enter the final months of the school year with positivity and focus, here are three ways students and teachers can get centered in 2018.

How to Motivate Originality with Student Book Choice

We examine the ways in which student book choice can reinforce academic integrity and motivate original thinking.

10 powerful ways to cultivate student engagement for academic success

Discover 10 effective strategies to cultivate student engagement and foster a dynamic learning environment for academic success.

How to Implement Citation and Paraphrasing Into The Writing Process

One of the biggest challenges students face when writing for academia is paraphrasing and citing their work. However, the process is much easier if you make it part of the writing instead of the editing process.

The Do's and Don'ts of Parent-Teacher Conferences

Some helpful and relevant strategies on what to do and what not to do in parent-teacher conferences

Building and Maintaining Strong Student Relationships Remotely: Part II

If students feel connected with school, there is more potential for academic success. Here are a few meaningful tips for building and maintaining relationships all year long with students in changing environments.

Originality in Poetry

Here are a variety of ways educators can bring poetry into the classroom and into students' daily lives.

Importance of Effective Feedback

Feedback is the key to approaching any learning outcome and hence integral to the system of education.

Together While Apart: Instruction

We dive more deeply into instructional delivery challenges in a remote learning setting in our second of three blogs on asynchronous instruction.

5 Learning Characteristics Teachers Need to Know About Their Students

From motivations to expectations, here are five learning characteristics instructors need to know about their students as they plan their course.

How to help students navigate fake news by teaching fact versus opinion

The consequences of not addressing misinformation and missing the opportunity to teach critical thinking are many. And it’s important to address the difference between fact and opinion early on. Here, guest blogger Lisa Macdonald discusses a lesson plan that helps students discern fact from opinion.

What is self-citation and what does it have to do with academic integrity?

Self-citation is an act of academic integrity when expanding on previous research or referring to previously published work. But when the calculation of impact factor becomes a primary driving factor, self-citation may venture into the murky territory of self-promotion.

Academic Dishonesty from an Admissions POV

Admissions professionals weigh in on academic dishonesty and its impact on the admission process

Five Things You Need to Know About Contract Cheating

Across the education landscape, students, educators, and researchers like you are working hard to combat academic dishonesty: here are five things you need to know about contract cheating.

Encouraging Academic Integrity Throughout the Writing Process

Empower students to take ownership of their integrity by encouraging authenticity throughout the student work process.

What do grading and marking assessments have to do with academic integrity?

Grading, often an exhausting and time-consuming effort, is a critical component of academic integrity. Gradescope has become a large component of our assessment and grading tools available to students and teachers, rounding out our academic integrity offerings. Which leads to the question, “What does grading have to do with academic integrity?”

Why fake journals exist: How to avoid them and uphold research integrity

Well-intentioned open access journals that engage in best practices have been a boon to the research community. But the flipside is that the burgeoning field of open access journals has given rise to fake journals, also known as predatory, deceptive, fraudulent, clone, or pseudo-journals (Beall, Nature 2012). These journals are ones that do not engage in peer review and have minimal or little copy edits. In other words, they exist primarily to extract publication fees from authors.

Emerging Trends in Academic Integrity: A free eBook from Turnitin

Check out our free, downloadable eBook that helps students, educators, and administrators to understand more about emerging trends in academic integrity

Overcoming the Challenges of Mathematics Grading at Universities

We speak with Dr Kiryong Chung, Associate Professor at KyungPook National University, about overcoming the Challenges of Mathematics Grading with Gradescope

Comprehensive assessment solutions: Dynamic tools to evaluate learning

Discover comprehensive assessment solutions with Gradescope and ExamSoft. Streamline grading, reduce bias, and enhance exam security with ease and confidence.

Drastic Measure

Julia Tereno's short story “Drastic Measure," submitted to our Students Against Contract Cheating competition, reflects the stresses many students face during their academic studies. We share it with you.

Extended Q&A: "Aligning STEM and the Humanities" With Tom Rudin

Tom Rudin, Director of the Board on Higher Education and Workforce at the National Academy of Sciences, shared his thoughts on how we can better support STEM education by supporting the instruction of critical "soft skills." Watch the webcast.

5 Ways Technology Transforms Writing Instruction: From Instant Gratification to Iteration

How we can teach students to meaningfully integrate technology into the writing process

Grade Assignments Fast: Turnitin QuickMark Drag-n-Drop Comments

How can you give effective feedback to students on their writing assignments -- FAST?

Create custom and pre-defined drag-and-drop sets of customizable comments, of course! Educators are always looking for ways to save time, while providing the best feedback they can on student writing.

Turnitin QuickMarks™ are drag-n-drop comments that can be used by an instructor when editing or grading papers within Turnitin Feedback Studio. While evaluating a paper within Feedback Studio, instructors can access a pre-set library of QuickMark "comments" that they can quickly drag-and-drop directly onto students papers.

Helping Students Spot Fake News and Low-Quality Sources

A recent study by Stanford University Graduate School of Education paints a very bleak picture about students' ability to spot fake news and low-quality sources.

Understanding false positives within our AI writing detection capabilities

Continuing with the theme of sharing updates on how our AI writing detection technology is performing in our AI Innovation Lab, we’d like to share some insight on how our model deals with false positives and what constitutes a false positive. Our efforts have primarily been on ensuring a high accuracy rate accompanied by a less than 1% false positive rate, to ensure that students are not falsely accused of any misconduct.

How In-Class Writing Assignments Prevent Contract Cheating

In this post, we examine how to fight contract cheating by supplementing student learning.

What is self-plagiarism and what does it have to do with academic integrity?

What is self-plagiarism? Self-plagiarism—sometimes known as “duplicate plagiarism”—is a term for when a writer recycles work for a different assignment or publication and represents it as new.

15 IRL Student Excuses for Missing Class

15 excuses students have made for missing class. Really.

Hand in Hand in Japan: Information Literacy and Academic Integrity Skills

A lecturer in the Department of Environmental Studies at Tokyo City University recognizes the challenges of laying the groundwork for a successful career in writing and communication for first year undergrads.

What Are the New and Emerging Plagiarism Trends?

As schools and universities around the world prepare to pivot towards remote learning, it’s important to take note of the new challenges and opportunities to uphold integrity in student work. While online learning environments have always been vulnerable to academic misconduct, as more schools participate in online learning activities, instances of academic misconduct may rise commensurately.

So what are some new opportunities for plagiarism and academic misconduct in online learning environments?

What Plagiarism News Stories Can Teach Students

Plagiarism news stories help make the issue of plagiarism real to the students and open a dialogue about why it is wrong

Using Turnitin's Key Features to Support Remote Learning

At Turnitin, we want to remind you that our solutions can support remote assessment if used in the right way...

Meet the Curriculum Team

We'd like to introduce you to the educators and practitioners that reside within Turnitin's walls.

Using Integrity as a Starting Point to Develop Strong Writing Skills

Max Watson, a 2018 Turnitin Global Innovator Award winner, shares how he utilizes Feedback Studio as a learning tool in all his classes.

A United Movement to Combat Contract Cheating

How Turnitin and the International Center for Academic Integrity are partnering with individuals worldwide to tackle the contract cheating industry.

5 Most Common Misconceptions Students Have About Plagiarism

Misconceptions about plagiarism need to be addressed; handling citation correctly isn’t just about avoiding trouble, it’s about becoming a better writer.

Meet the Amazing Educators Who Work on Gradescope

Want to meet some of the educators who work on Gradescope? Here they are.

Starting the Year: What Do You Need to Know About Assessment?

Upholding assessment with integrity--administering tests, quizzes, and assignments that accurately measure student learning--is critical to furthering student learning outcomes and teaching efficacy. To achieve assessment with integrity, let’s go over some foundational components of assessment.

Pursuing Dreams Abroad: One Student's Journey from Panama to the United States

An interview with a student who boldly attended university abroad and what his experience brought to his life.

When Document Metadata Goes Awry: The Importance of Looking at the Bigger Picture

How metadata can play an important role in academic misconduct investigations.

Plagiarism Proofing Assignments with Turnitin

In our first blog "Does Turnitin Detect Plagiarism?" we said that Turnitin does not detect plagiarism but, rather, generates a similarity index indicating text matches to the Turnitin databases. Instructors can work towards plagiarism proofing their written assignments by implementing Turnitin in their courses using some well-documented best practices.

Everything You Need to Know About Online Learning Environments

Remote learning? Hybrid classrooms? As we thoughtfully anticipate the semester to come, it’s helpful to understand the vocabulary around different in-class and online learning environments.

Starting the Year: What You Need to Know About Academic Integrity

Starting with the basics, what you need to know about academic integrity in order to uphold student learning, original thinking, and protect your institution's reputation.

Five ways to conquer final Exams with confidence

Five simple ways students can successfully organize and prepare for final exams.

Engineering Students Flip for Learning

How Turnitin helped one engineering professor at Texas A&M University flip their course and offer blended learning opportunities to students.

How are assessments being adapted to new learning environments?

The pandemic has initiated radical changes in education as schools quickly transitioned to online and remote learning. We have seen educators and administrators across the Asia Pacific region and indeed the world, make creative use of the tools and technology available to them, to minimise learning disruptions for students.

Growing Academic Integrity in a Vast and Culturally Diverse Setting

2018 Global Innovator Erica Flinspach discusses how she uses Turnitin as an investigative teaching and learning tool at the University of South Africa.

What is Juneteenth? Recognizing the Juneteenth holiday with leaders

Turnitin sat down with leaders of the BlackSource ERG community to hear more about their stories and how we can all honor Juneteenth.

A Unified Vision: Building the Foundations of Academic Integrity in Mexico and Beyond

Dr. Xicoténcatl Martínez Ruiz has emerged as an outspoken advocate for academic and digital integrity in Mexico. As the Editorial and Academic Systems Coordinator for the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) in Mexico City --the second best university in the country of Mexico-- as well as the Editor-in-Chief for the magazine Innovación Educativa, Dr. Martínez has witnessed a significant shift in how local and global institutions address academic dishonesty.

What Parts of the “New Normal” Are Here to Stay?

Education experienced unimaginable disruption and upheaval due to COVID-19. But educators also adopted new technologies and new pedagogical approaches to mitigate these challenges and support learning. In short, ever-resilient educators innovated. Let’s take a look at what we’ve learned and the opportunities for permanent, positive change in education.

Why Schools Need to Encourage Teachers to Report Plagiarism

The importance of documenting instances of plagiarism.

Academic integrity and AI writing: How to have essential conversations with students

Learn how to effectively talk to students about AI writing detection and academic integrity.

Fair, accurate, specific, and timely: FAST grading can be fast

FAST comments foster feedback loops that personalize learning and help students monitor their own progress. Feedback loops, too, help teachers understand where their students are in the educational journey. Doing so strengthens the student-educator relationship. But it is time-consuming. However, EdTech tools, including assessment and grading software, can help.

13 Common Myths About Turnitin Feedback Studio

There are many misconceptions and myths about Turnitin Feedback Studio--here is a list of common myths, busted:

How to ensure administering assessments are part of a constant cycle of improvement

Assessment can be— with the appropriate structures and best practices—a relationship-building milestone for students and educators that models integrity and accuracy. What are five ways educators can administer assessments with integrity that ultimately support the student educational journey?

How to build a culture of caring in secondary and higher education

By prioritizing the wellbeing of students over achievement, a culture of caring instills intrinsic motivation and boosts student engagement. In turn, student engagement then increases learning outcomes and strengthens teacher-student relationships. All of these factors also contribute to a culture of academic integrity.

Using Turnitin solutions in tandem for stronger assessments and fast student feedback

At Turnitin, we’re continuing to develop our solutions to ease the burden of assessment on instructors and empower students to meet their learning goals. Turnitin Feedback Studio and Gradescope provide best-in-class tools to support different assessment types and pedagogies, but when used in tandem can provide a comprehensive assessment solution flexible enough to be used across any institution.

What is the history of multiple-choice exams? What is its impact on education?

The multiple-choice exam format is a common way to assess student learning. Multiple-choice questions (or MCQs) are lauded as an efficient and objective method for measuring the breadth of student knowledge, often used in standardized and accreditation exams. In this post, we examine the history of MCQs and how they became prevalent in education today.

Our commitment to data privacy: Turnitin and GDPR

Turnitin offers information relating to GDPR standards passed. These include how Turnitin has supported these measures as well as how they will exceed them.

5 Tips to Make the Most Out of Student Writing Data

Five ways to analyze student writing data and use it to effectively in your district.

Crafting arguments with integrity: What does that look like?

Dive into Turnitin's Argumentation with integrity instructional resource pack with tips on creating arguments based on solid evidence and logic.

Is Recycling Your Own Work Plagiarism?

Writers often claim that because they are the authors, they can reuse their work, either in full or in excerpts, over and over again. How can republishing one's own work be defined as plagiarism if the author has only used his or her own words and ideas? This white paper explores the definition of self-plagiarism, how it crosses into copyright laws and ethical issues, and the different ways an author can avoid this increasingly controversial act of scholarly misconduct.

How failing safely can uphold academic integrity (and mitigate AI writing)

Providing a safe space for failure is a well-researched component of pedagogy. Doing so can also uphold academic integrity and mitigate AI writing misconduct.

Getting into the university mindset

As a student who has just completed her A Levels, Blair Fiander is keen to share some strategies on preparing for her future studies at university.

Designing programmatic assessments for effective learning outcomes

The move from classroom-based learning to online education and the challenges therein, have opened up several conversations about appropriate ways to design assessments for effective learning outcomes. In India, this has recently been triggered by a few factors, such as high-stakes assessments getting cancelled in the wake of Covid-19 infections risks in crowded classrooms, and low-stakes tests taking a centre-stage as the primary means of evaluating a student for their larger academic careers.

3 Ways to Start Your Freshman Year Off Right

Here are three tips to help you approach the transition to your freshman year with confidence and optimism.

7 Ways to Give Your Students a Sense of Belonging

A sense of belonging, like so many other nonacademic and contextual factors such as integrity, has a huge impact on classroom learning. Research has unveiled that it is core to academic success. In this blog post, we look at ways to provide a sense of belonging in your classroom.

Unpacking professional development for teachers: Opportunities to grow

Learn how impactful professional development for teachers can enhance their skills, instructional strategies, and classroom effectiveness for student success.

When setbacks are opportunities for change: Best assessment practices

Assessment transformed when instructors and students engaged in assignments and assessments asynchronously. So what were the challenges, what are the ideal principles behind assessment, and how can educators fulfill authentic assessment?

Math Lessons and Journaling

Ways that incorporating journaling into math class can help students further reflect on their strengths and weaknesses

The Importance of Teacher Self Care

Guest blogger Bronwyn Harris, author of Literally Unbelievable: Stories from an East Oakland Classroom, discusses the importance of teacher self care.

Take a Stand Against Contract Cheating

Take a stand: join Turnitin and the International Center for Academic Integrity to drive awareness and urgency around contract cheating.

How to Intervene When a Little Help Goes Too Far

Here are some strategies educators can employ in addressing situations where well-intentioned adults may have crossed the boundary between being supportive and actually doing their student's work.

Turnitin is Heading to Bett Show 2020 as an Awards Finalist

From January 22–25, Turnitin is travelling back to London, UK, for Bett 2020 - the global meeting place for education buyers. This year, we’re celebrating being shortlisted for a Bett Award and the official launch of our Microsoft Teams integration.

Why is Student Authorial Voice Important to Academic Integrity?

Mastering voice is an important goal of learning, one that demonstrates a student’s understanding of originality.

Colored Highlights in GradeMark

Turnitin recently added the ability to add colored highlights with comments to student papers in GradeMark. Instead of only a plain yellow highlighter, you can now choose from five colors—blue, green, yellow, pink, and purple.

Using student-centered learning to guide assessment and outcomes

Student-centered learning, not surprisingly, aims to place students at the center of the learning process, emphasizing their active participation, engagement, and autonomy. So how can you actually achieve this? When lessons are focused on student interests, needs, and abilities, they foster intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, by designing assessments specific to student interests and classroom engagement, educators can uphold academic integrity, because motivated students are less likely to take shortcut solutions.

AI plagiarism changers: What academic leaders need to know

Plagiarism changers, word spinners, text spinners, and the like are part of an ever-evolving challenge to academic integrity. By taking existing text and, using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and other applications, AI-powered plagiarism changers adjust words and phrases with the intent of evading plagiarism detection software. Raising awareness is one of the first steps towards upholding academic integrity. To that end, we will discuss what AI plagiarism changers are, and how they work.

What is category tagging? Why is it important to teaching and learning?

Assessment and testing can often feel like an endpoint, when really it is an intersection filled with information for administrators, instructors, and students alike. Category tagging is a way to glean further understanding and it is critical to next steps and when necessary, educator intervention; when these actions are taken, the institution, teaching efficacy, and student learning all benefit.

What's Wrong with Wikipedia?

Educators are well aware of the shortcomings of relying on crowd-sourced content for authoritative information, yet the fact that Wikipedia continues to reign supreme as a top match in Turnitin suggests that students don't see things the same way. In short, what constitutes "research" for students today has come to mean "Googling.

Turnitin Partners with CORE to Better Protect OAR Content

Open access content is particularly vulnerable to plagiarism. At Turnitin, we've partnered with CORE to better protect open access content from plagiarism.

What is a primary source? And why are primary sources important?

Explore the many different ways you can meaningfully teach primary and secondary sources.

In their own words: Our Ukraine-based team members share experiences and the powerful impact of volunteer programs

Turnitin's Ukraine-based team members share their thoughts on war and the positive impacts of volunteer programs. In the face of war, comfort comes from unique places--including helping others.

How academic integrity supports diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging

Building an awareness of inequities, and empowering ourselves as educators to promote academic integrity and making it more inclusive, is a first step towards making education a “great equalizer.”

Six Ways to Reshape Your Feedback and Increase Student Engagement

Earle Abrahamson, Senior Lecturer at the University of East London (UK), shares six key learnings on how best to reshape feedback and increase student engagement.

Keeping motivated while studying remotely

Check out these tips from Blair Fiander, founder of Blair's Brainiacs, on staying motivated and avoiding academic burnout while studying remotely.

How Can Educators Create An Inclusive Space for Transgender Students?

Creating an inclusive class for transgender students starts before you meet your students. This guide will help you prepare a welcoming space for TGNC students.

What is the Clinical Judgment Measurement Model? New item types for nurses

Preparing nursing students for the NCLEX is not an easy job, and with so many additional item types on the Next Generation NCLEX, it becomes even more complex. However, it doesn’t have to be. With ExamSoft’s all-in-one digital assessment platform, you can configure NGN item types and deliver them to your students.

How Will I Assess Students Remotely?

At Turnitin and Gradescope, we understand that instructors are hard at work moving classes online and managing logistical details. You’re trying to find the best possible solutions for yourself and your students, from videoconferencing platforms to online communications. And if you still want to provide assignments, exams, and quizzes, how on earth will you do it in the context of remote learning? Gradescope can help.

What is source code plagiarism and what does it have to do with academic integrity?

What is source code plagiarism? How does it manifest in student work and what are ways to mitigate such misconduct? Let's take a closer look at this emerging trend.

What is summative assessment? How to further learning with final exams

Understanding the meaning and function of summative assessment helps clarify its role within education as a critical component of bridging teaching and learning. In this post, we take a closer look at summative assessment’s qualities with the end goal of ensuring that summative assessment supports learning and informs teaching.

Building Better Instruction with Scaffolding

How scaffolding ensures safety, expands access, and boosts productivity in students of all ages.

How to be Original in South Korea

Cultural Differences in Plagiarism--an insightful exploration of plagiarism in South Korea

The Reading and Writing Connection with Steve Graham

Steve Graham, expert in educational psychology in writing, shares about the reading and writing connection on our podcast, The Written Word.

Should Classrooms Teach Alternate Citation Methods?

Students will often learn various citation standards as they narrow their academic focus, but there may be reasons for classrooms to begin teaching them sooner rather than later.

Taking action on contract cheating

Wednesday, October 19th is the International Day of Action Against Contract Cheating. In this blog post, we look at the experience of the UK, six months on from a new law banning the use and advertising of essay mills.

How Can Teachers Help Students Combat Test Anxiety?

Instructor support is critical in helping students overcome test anxiety. Here are six easy tips to help your students.

Why you need to include AI writing in your honor code and curriculum

Learn more about why and how you should include AI writing tools like ChatGPT in your classroom

What Can Data Do for You? Support Student Learning

Educators (implicitly and explicitly) track data at many points of teaching--and the data you gather can then guide instruction and improve student learning. Let's talk about how student data insights can help you teach more effectively by shoring up specific and relevant student learning gaps.

What does plagiarism look like in a world with artificial intelligence?

Advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing how we experience teaching, grading, and feedback. Learn how Turnitin is leveraging these technologies to help students and educators improve learning outcomes all around the world.

​5 Ways to Include Academic Integrity in Your Institution’s Strategic Plan

Tips on how to incorporate and prioritize academic integrity into your institution's strategic plan.

Rising class sizes and workloads: How to find more time

UK class sizes are some of the biggest in the developed world and as they increase, so does the pressure on educators. More pupils mean more time on administration and marking, which makes it difficult to maintain focus on helping students to succeed. It's little wonder that 44,000 teachers say that they are overworked. So how can educators find time to continue to deliver quality teaching and hit student attainment targets?

How to Overcome Academic Roadblocks

Strategies on how to deal with academic roadblocks and succeed in an increasingly busy academic environment

In the Spotlight: Mark Sergeant on Academic Misconduct Panel Hearings

Dr. Mark Sergeant, Academic Integrity Coordinator at Nottingham Trent University, UK, who has been involved in over 500 academic integrity panels, provides advice on conducting effective panels, regardless of the environment.

Dear Teachers: We see you.

Turnitin acknowledges teachers.

How to bring "Where to Next?" feedback to life in your institution: Part I

Learn more about how Dr. John Hattie's "Where to Next?" feedback has a demonstrable impact on learning and growth.

Educating Students: 7 Ways Feedback Improves Writing

Feedback is valuable information that helps improve writing skills. Instructors spend a lot of time providing feedback to students, but do students know why feedback is important and how to apply that feedback? Share these tips with students to help them get the most out of feedback and start seeing the impact on their writing. Use together with the online Feedback Quiz to optimize improvement.

Top Ten Turnitin Blogs of 2018

As we wrap up 2018, we reflected on our top blog posts of the year and wanted to share them again.

What 11 Things Educators Can't Wait to Do Post-Pandemic

It’s good to have goals and to have something to which to look forward. And to laugh. So here are some things educators can’t wait to do, post-pandemic (or in some cases, after this pandemic term).

Improving skills and increasing employability

The majority of teachers entered the profession not only to teach but to make a difference to young people's lives. With calls from employers to ensure students are equipped for the world of work, there's no better opportunity to action this mindset and help students get a rounded education that goes beyond the curriculum requirements. We look at simple ways for educators to build their students' skills, without adding to workloads.

A New Path and Purpose for Turnitin

Turnitin empowers students to do their best, original work across all subjects and assessment types. Introducing the next phase of our brand vision and identity.

Surviving the Holiday Season

Here are five helpful survival tips for teachers as they tackle the holiday season and approach the final weeks of the year.

Melania Trump Trumped by Plagiarism?

The 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, whether for good or bad, seemed poised to grab quite a few headlines and to stir controversy while it happened. Surprisingly, one particular controversy touched upon a subject that is quite close to what we do: the question of whether Melania Trump’s speech on Monday, July 18th, plagiarized an address Michelle Obama made to the Democratic National Convention in 2008.

Private tuition leading to contract cheating pressures among parents

With grades determined by teachers this summer, it’s inevitable that parents are more focused than ever to ensure their children submit faultless coursework.

What is the history of rubrics? Why do rubrics matter?

Rubrics are scoring criteria for grading or marking student assessment. When shared before assessment, rubrics communicate to students how they will be evaluated and how they should demonstrate their knowledge and to understand their own score. As pedagogy continues to transform, It’s important to consider the history of rubrics as a context for this pedagogical moment.

The Integrity Landscape

Academic integrity, much like academia itself, is a constantly evolving landscape. New technologies and ideas have always brought with them both opportunities and challenges.

International Literacy Day

In honor of International Literacy Days, these are three tips meant to help make sure your work is the best representation of you

How to become a Turnitin Content Partner

The industry’s largest and fastest-growing content database powers Turnitin’s software solutions. Featuring content from over 1,300 different publishers, the database includes over 600,000 books and 82 million articles, with 96% of the top 10,000 academic journals included therein.

Turnitin recognizes the importance of partnerships for further ensuring the success of our customers, which is why we are continually seeking new Content Partners in the publishing industry, in addition to fostering our existing relationships.

Teaching Real-Life Through Authentic Moments

How one teacher offers students authentic learning with a rich curriculum of real-life projects and unique experiences.

How Turnitin supports languages to ensure integrity in a global marketplace of ideas

Academic integrity is increasingly a global issue. Institutions connect beyond national boundaries, sharing research and resources. Students, too, often study in different countries, and enter a job marketplace that requires global communication. Furthermore, as we move through a post-industrial world, ideas become critical work currency. It’s important, then, to support academic integrity and transcend language barriers so we can foster original thinking and original ideas throughout the world, no matter where the learning is taking place.

AI writing detection update from Turnitin's Chief Product Officer

It’s been seven weeks since the initial launch of our Preview for AI writing detection. We remain steadfast in our strategy to be transparent with the education community about our findings and progress.

Education is Built on Trust: New Solutions for New Challenges

When a student graduates and takes their diploma out into the world, there’s an inherent trust in what that credential means. Protecting that trust is vital, particularly when new challenges arise to make academic misconduct easy to engage, difficult to detect, and time-consuming to address.

Three Ways Feedback Studio Can Make Reporting and Grading Easy

Three tips on how Turnitin's Feedback Studio can help make your grading and reporting run even more smoothly

Students Against Contract Cheating: Competition Winners

Competition winners, Rachel Baylis and Alice O'Dowd, share their thoughts on contract cheating and what inspired them to take a stand against this rising epidemic.

How to foster original thinking and revision with Draft Coach

How one instructor ensures original student work and engages in thoughtful feedback using Turnitin Draft Coach remotely.

Now What? Tips for College Students on Next Steps

As college graduates step into the unknown, these are some tips to help them find and get what they want

Evaluating the Credibility of Sources in the Age of COVID-19

How Turnitin's partnership with NewsGuard helps to develop digital citizens who produce research and writing with integrity, across every subject area.

Turnitin’s employee resource group sponsors scholarship to support Black STEM students

Each February, in celebration of Black History Month, Turnitin honors the contributions and sacrifices of African Americans who have helped shape the United States.

Write with Us Wednesdays: A Retrospective

All the articles from Write with Us Wednesdays at Turnitin, in one convenient location!

Blair’s top ten tips for independent study and revision

Whether you’re preparing for big exams or simply wanting to practice independent study, Blair Fiander, founder and CEO of Blairs Brainiacs, offers ten techniques you can use to make the most of your time.

What is contract cheating? What does it have to do with academic integrity?

Contract cheating occurs when students engage a third party to complete an assignment, which they then represent as their own work (Lancaster & Clarke, 2016). It can occur when someone other than the student—whether an essay mill, friend, or even a family member— completes an assignment on their behalf. Downloading a paper from a “free” essay site is also contract cheating.

Beginning of term activities to support inclusion and belonging

Enhance classroom unity from day one. Explore inclusion activities fostering belonging and academic integrity.

Starting the Year: How to Establish a Culture of Academic Integrity

Here are five essential components of establishing a culture of academic integrity on campus and online.

Crafting arguments with integrity: Why is that important?

Learn more about Turnitin's newest instructional resource pack and the value of argumentation with integrity as a skill in the classroom and beyond.

3 ways districts can make data-driven decisions with Revision Assistant

How teachers can use Turnitin's Revision Assistant and student data to inform their instruction and assessment

Downloadable Digital Receipts

In response to user requests, Turnitin will be making changes to how students can access the digital receipts for their submissions. We plan to make these changes in August 2012. The following are the changes that will be included in the new digital receipt process:

  1. The digital receipt will be downloadable as a PDF from the student's class homepage and from the document viewer—instructors will also be able to download this PDF digital receipt from the document viewer.
  2. The new PDF version of the digital receipt will include the submission date and time.
  3. The digital receipt that appears on the screen after the student has successfully submitted a paper will now include a message explaining how students can access this PDF version of the digital receipt for download and printing.
  4. The email digital receipt that is sent to students will no longer include text from the submitted paper - the emailed receipt will contain a confirmation message and directions for how to access the new PDF digital receipt.

The Growing Need for Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is emerging as one of the most important skills that any student can be taught.

A simple approach to better assessment

Easy formatting tips to mix question types with Gradescope.

What is Programming Plagiarism? Why Is It on the Rise?

What is programming plagiarism? It is, simply put, using another person’s source code and claiming it as your own. In this post, we investigate not only the increase of plagiarism in academic programming coursework but the reasons for the increase and what educators can do to mitigate programming plagiarism.

Do Multiple-Choice Exams Have to be Summative?

Multiple-choice exams are a popular format. How can one mitigate the format’s limitations? Here are three valuable ways

It's All Cyclical: Iterating and Innovating in the Classroom

Dr. Natasha Hill, dual credit and AP English teacher, shares her own special way of introducing new tech into the classroom environment

How to Uphold Integrity in Online Assessment Design

Integrity is not just about preventing plagiarism or academic misconduct but also about upholding best pedagogical practices to enhance learning and teaching efficacy. Nowhere is this more necessary than in assessment, so what do educators need to consider as they begin online assessment design?

Turnitin Tech Talk: Design Principles of AI-Assisted Grading

The mission of the Gradescope team at Turnitin is to give instructors grading superpowers. Learn more about the collaboration and design principles behind the development of AI-Assisted Grading.

What is authentic assessment? Bringing authentic assessment to life

Learn more about authentic assessments in the classroom and how they can more accurately measure student comprehension compared to traditional assessments.

Backward design: How can meaningful assessment empower students?

Discover the power of backward design in education. Learn how it prioritizes meaningful assessment and aligns learning objectives to enhance learning outcomes.

How to Support Learning Differences in Remote Classrooms

As you plan your curriculum online, it's important to remember that students with learning differences benefit from thoughtful accommodations in order to find success.

20 Years of Proven Results, 20 Years of Turnitin Research

What are researchers saying about Turnitin’s efficacy in reducing plagiarism and supporting student learning? Let’s take a look.

The QAA Academic Integrity Charter: Maintaining the world-class reputation of UK higher education

We are calling on you, as educators, teachers and higher education professionals, to join us and the wider UK higher education sector in signing up to the Academic Integrity Charter today.

Why Recycling Your Work is (Usually) Plagiarism

Is reusing your previous work a form of plagiarism? A look at the fundamentals of why plagiarism is considered unethical and how reusing your work without citation fits into it.

European Network for Academic Integrity tackles contract cheating and AI writing

Learn more about Turnitin's Director, Advocacy and Partner Marketing observations and thoughts from ENAI.

How to Bridge Inequities With Learning Communities

Studies have shown that learning communities are an effective way to promote a sense of belonging in online and remote learning. In this post, we examine the outcomes of learning communities.

Improving Instructor Intuition and Student Growth

Data can support educator intuition. Data-driven insights can be used to guide students, to present actionable information that cannot be questioned or debated, and to uphold equity and remove biases that may color judgment. And we've designed Turnitin Originality with the needs of instructors in mind.

What are online test banks and what do they have to do with academic integrity?

In this blog, we dive into the world of online test banks and their effects on the integrity of student work, as well as how to lessen their impact on learning.

How feeling seen in the classroom helps to improve student learning outcomes

Learn more about the measurable benefits to students' learning outcomes, engagement, and overall well-being when they truly feel seen.

Similarity in the Classroom

In Part 2 of our “Similarity or Plagiarism?” debate series, we tackle the nuts and bolts of how the Turnitin Similarity Report can impact classroom practice.

The Types of Feedback that Help Students the Most

When it comes to giving feedback, instructors often struggle to find ways to communicate to students what they need to do to improve their writing.

What Does College and Career Readiness Really Mean?

A few helpful tips on how graduates can best prepare themselves for college and beyond

3 Reasons Students May Struggle With Citation

Part of the solution is learning root cause. Why do students struggle with citation in their writing?

What are word spinners and what do they have to do with academic integrity?

Earlier, we touched on new and emerging trends in academic misconduct; in this post, we take a closer look at word spinners and ways to mitigate their impact on student learning.

Best Practices For Video Classrooms During COVID-19

Classes meeting on video conferencing platforms are a great option during COVID-19, but come with their own challenges

Survey results highlight parents' thoughts on AI writing, like ChatGPT, in education

Parents and guardians play a crucial role in shaping and mediating children's educational experience. At home, we have the opportunity to build upon what kids learn in the classroom, as well as the responsibility to teach and model the practices of personal integrity and critical thinking that will serve them in and out of school.

Strategies for Developing Effective Writing Prompts

In a recent live webcast, long-time instructors Matthew Davidson, chair of the English department at Sutherland High School in Pittsford, New York, and Charles Trafford, English teacher at Inglemoor High School in Kenmore, Washington, shared their experiences with getting their students to think critically and deeply about writing prompts.

3 Ways to Start Your Senior Year Off Right

With high school nearly over and graduation just months away, here are three ways you can start your senior year off with enthusiasm and motivation.

Moving the Needle on the Customer Experience

Our newly launched Turnitin Support Center provides a much richer support environment. The Turnitin Support Center ensures that customers get the very best answers to their questions no matter how they interact with Turnitin Technical Support, whether it be through email, live chat, telephone, or self-service.

Turnitin Solutions for Business Partners

Turnitin helps partners drive success by addressing a wide range of customer workflows in academic and business contexts.

How Much Do You Know About Turnitin’s Content?

Our unique offering at Turnitin is a content database against which all papers are checked for plagiarism. But what's in it?

How to Check for Student Collusion in Your Institution

Find out about the importance of Turnitin's student collusion checking

What are rubrics and how do they affect student learning?

Rubrics are not only part of assessment, but also a teaching and learning junction with the potential to increase student learning outcomes and uphold assessment with integrity.

What is the difference between assessment and grading? Why does it matter?

Assessment and grading are words that are often used interchangeably—and understandably so, since they are closely related. As a result, many equate assessment with grading. However, assessment and grading differ, starting with their goals.

New features and improvements coming early 2022 to Gradescope

Gradescope by Turnitin empowers instructors to reduce grading time while offering better, more thorough feedback for students.In an effort to streamline the assessment process even further, we recently released features that offer instructors better tools to conduct exams.

Don't Put Your Institution's Reputation in Jeopardy

Contract cheating calls in question the credibility of higher education qualifications. What is a degree at your institution worth if contract cheating is an issue, let alone a scandal?

A Similarity Report to be Proud Of

With large classes to support, it isn't surprising that some Similarity Report options remain undiscovered by our time-pressed instructors.

Förhandstitt - Turnitins teknik för att identifiera AI-skriven text och ChatGPT

AI-assisterade skrivverktyg utvecklas i allt snabbare takt. Det gör även Turnitins teknik för att upptäcka dessa nya former av fusk. Idag vill vi bjuda in dig vi in dig till vårt "AI innovation Lab" för att ge dig ett smakprov på förmågan hos den teknik vi utvecklar.

Turnitin Feedback Studio with Originality integrations to support learning within existing workflows

We’ve also designed Turnitin Feedback Studio with Originality--a heightened experience that not only offers similarity checking, feedback, and grading capabilities but also addresses contract cheating—to complement your teaching workflows. We want to share with you some integration developments involving Turnitin Feedback Studio with Originality.

Lessons Learned in Writing Instruction in 2017

Three tips from 2017 that helped us to grow as writers and editors!

The Power of Presentation Skills

Cultivating confidence and calm when speaking to an audience is important for students and teachers alike. Here are a few helpful tips for students and educators in honing the power of presentation skills.

What's New with Feedback Studio

Check out these updates for Feedback Studio!

5 Tips for Integrating Source Credibility Activities Into Your Curriculum

Here are 5 tips from a veteran classroom teacher on how to effectively bring source credibility activities into your classroom.

15 LGBTQ+ Reads for Every Student

In honor of Pride month, we put together a list of some of the best LGBTQ+ books for young people available now, with something for every student, from infant to high schooler.

5 Checks Every Student Should Do On Their Work

Here are five essential checks that every student should do before submission in order to ensure their highest quality work.

Authentic learning: What is it, and why is it important?

Authentic learning centers student needs and in doing so, fosters original thinking and original ideas, while supporting the entire educational journey. What is it, and how can educators foster authentic learning?

Together While Apart: An Educator Heart-to-Heart

Collective best tips from our Turnitin educators on how to make it through the end of a school year and into the next phase of global education.

3 Ways to Start Your Final Year of Higher Education Off Right

It’s hard to believe, but you’ve reached your final year of higher education, the end to about 16 years of schooling. So how can we help you get your final year off to a great start (as you cross this finish line)?

The efficacy of ExamSoft in supporting student and curriculum performance: Insights from 25 years of research

ExamSoft is the leading software for administering the U.S. bar exam and digital assessments in various fields such as nursing, pharmacy, and healthcare education. Years of peer-reviewed independent research detail the impact of ExamSoft on student learning, assessment design, academic integrity, curricula, and accurate assessment. In the field of assessment research, ExamSoft is often used as the testing tool platform to provide researchers with data—highlighting the software’s robust data collection capabilities. What are researchers saying about ExamSoft’s efficacy in testing and supporting curriculum? Let’s take a look.

How active empathy and allyship advance education in the classroom

How the concept of windows and mirrors creates crucial learning opportunities, strengthens allyship, and helps students to feel seen in the classroom.

Wikipedia Uses iThenticate to Ensure Content Quality

Here's a close look at how Wikipedia uses iThenticate to ensure content quality.

Plagiarism or Similarity

At this time of year, we hear a lot of chatter from students via Twitter (follow us: @turnitin) saying, "turnitin says my essay was 23% plagiarized," or "just submitted my paper to turnitin... 4% plagiarism is good right?," or "my Turnitin plagiarism percentage is only 18%."

There is a very distinct difference between what Turnitin flags as matching text (aka: similarity index) and plagiarism. Turnitin will highlight ANY matching material in a paper—even if it is properly quoted and cited. Just because it appears as unoriginal does not mean it is plagiarized; it just means that the material matches something in the Turnitin databases.

Turnitin and ExamSoft: Assessing with Integrity at Every Stage of the Education Journey

We are pleased to announce that we have acquired ExamSoft, a scalable assessment platform that helps institutions and certification and licensure programs protect exam integrity and streamline the process of assessment.

Together While Apart: Assessment

Explore the structure, logistics, and student mindset of assessment in a remote and potentially asynchronous learning environment.

3 Ways to Start Your Sophomore Year Off Right

Here are three ways you can set the right tone for a successful sophomore year...

10 Ways Gradescope Helps Improve Teaching and Learning

Read on to learn how Gradescope can guide instruction, refine assessment, and improve outcomes. Here are 10 ways Gradescope helps turn grading into learning.

How to pick the best software for grading and assessment

With a wide variety of assessment tools available to instructors, it’s more important than ever to have a clear idea of your needs and pedagogical goals as you make your choice. If you are looking for software that transforms grading into learning, here are some important questions to ask.

How to Prepare Students for Overseas Higher Education in the United States

Tips on how to prepare students for an overseas higher education in the United States.

5 Warning Signs of a Student in Danger of Committing Plagiarism

Here are five warning signs to look for in your students that indicate they may be tempted to commit plagiarism sometime in the near future.

How to Uphold the Best Practices in Online Grading

Assessment and grading are undoubtedly more challenging online vs. in-person, but the pedagogical principles remain the same. In fact, the setbacks we face today are an opportunity for innovation. In the case of online grading, we have the opportunity to take a hard look at the value of grades and prioritize equity. In sum, there has always been room for improvement to reach the ideals of pedagogical best practices and excellence.

So what can grading with equity look like in online learning environments?

What is Item Analysis? And Other Important Exam Design Principles

In this blog post, we define and explore exam design principles--how can we use item analysis to increase teaching efficacy and assessment accuracy?

Celebrating Diversity and Achieving Positive Academic Outcomes

How one educator sees diversity as an opportunity to better understand and help her students in unique ways.

Originality in Comics

Like any art form, comics have had their fair share of amazing stories, unbelievable coincidences and original artists who have broken the mold.

How grading can fortify curriculum and student learning: A whitepaper

The best practices serve as our beacon. As such, we bring you a whitepaper entitled, “Transforming grading into learning,” which discusses assessment as a data-filled intersection with great potential for learning.

Three ways educators can discuss ChatGPT with parents and families

Learn more about how educators can use ChatGPT and how to talk about AI writing with students and their families.

Meet (Even More) Amazing Educators Who Work At Turnitin

Meet More Educators Who Work at Turnitin Software -- we are an impassioned bunch of educators who care about academic integrity, learning, and education

Look For the Helpers in the Battle Against Contract Cheating

This year, Tracey Bretag and Cath Ellis were named by Times Higher Education as People of the Year: Who Mattered in Higher Education in 2019. And we applaud them. How can we follow in their footsteps and become helpers, too? Because each of us can make a positive change in either incremental or disruptive ways.

How to Uphold the Value of Paper Assessment in Remote Learning

Paper assessment (when students complete handwritten assignments) is, for many, the most trusted way for students to communicate what they’ve learned and for educators to understand the nuances of what it is students know (and don’t know). So how can we maintain the rigor of a known and trusted process of using handwritten work for demonstrating knowledge within the confines of a distance classroom?

Plagiarism checkers: How to pick the best plagiarism checker

We've made a list of the key criteria and questions for academic leaders to consider when finding the best solution for your students, faculty, staff, and institution

Building a technical integration with Turnitin

Our solutions can be used by integration partners to support learning with integrity and to enhance and safeguard businesses. Check out this step-by-step checklist on how to become a Turnitin Technical Partner.

15 IRL Ways Teachers Discovered Plagiarism

We asked teachers for stories about how they've discovered plagiarism in their classrooms. These are their answers.

Why Plagiarism Checking Should Be a Part of the Word Processing Process

If you consider features built into the computer process as expressions of what a culture values, it should be built into the process. Here at Turnitin, that is why we’ve integrated with Microsoft Teams (MSTeams).

5 Historical Moments that Shaped Plagiarism

Plagiarism has almost certainly been with us since the dawn of language and art. For as long as there have been words to repeat and art to copy, it stands to reason someone was doing so.

It’s worth taking a look back on how plagiarism has changed over the years and what exactly it may mean moving forward. Here are five moments that shaped plagiarism throughout history:

No Statute of Limitations on Plagiarism

You may be surprised to learn that there is no statute of limitation when it comes to investigating breaches of academic integrity. What you did in the past may come back to haunt you decades later.

Advancing education together: The impact of Turnitin’s strategic partnerships

Turnitin is committed to supporting educators and learners. This means not only providing industry-leading assessment and integrity solutions, but also blending harmoniously with the wider needs and requirements of our customers. We at Turnitin place immense importance on our partnerships.

In the Spotlight: Loughborough University on Partnering with the Student Union

How Loughborough University in the UK partnered with the Students' Union to prioritize academic integrity awareness on campus.

7 Ideas for the Last Day of Class

Here are some ideas for what to do on the last day of class—all of which meet student learning outcomes and even create space to have a little fun!

HERstory: How Turnitin Support became an incubator for gender equity part I

Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) initiatives have been building momentum for more than a decade and efforts have only intensified in recent years, as companies around the world grapple with deeply entrenched mindsets and systemic structures that perpetuate inequities. Companies, including Turnitin, have been in a position of celebrating even the most incremental progress toward often lofty, aspirational goals. Every once in a while, though, a shift occurs that signals deep, meaningful change, and when it does, that is a story worth telling. The tale of how Turnitin’s Support organization became an incubator for fostering gender equity is one such story.

The Detection is in the Details

There are a number of ways that technology can be used to identify potentially plagiarized content. This post examines the different ways, and how Turnitin uses search technology and content comparison algorithms to help educators help students learn how to use source attribution appropriately.

How can we authentically appreciate educators in 2021?

How can we honestly reflect on the challenges from this past year and authentically appreciate our educators who have seen and experienced so much?

Proven Tactics That Combat Contract Cheating

We asked a number of secondary and higher education teachers for their boots-on-the-ground tactics to fight back against contract cheating.

Mindfulness and Integrity in the Remote Learning Environment

Mindfulness allows us to be fully present, observing our thoughts and emotions in a non-judgemental way. If schools give students the opportunity to hone their mindfulness skills, there's a chance they will bring that focus and integrity to their academic decision-making when it counts the most.

Hispanic Heritage Month: Lessons to take into the classroom

There are a variety of ways for educators to highlight Hispanic Heritage Month. In this blog, we'll dive into the history of this historical holiday and ways that educators can recognize its importance, including aspects of Hispanic and Latin American culture and history that might be overlooked.

From pages to progress: Observing International Literacy Day worldwide

Empowerment through words: Learn about International Literacy Day's role in fostering growth, integrity, and a more literate world.

Teaching Writing in the STEM Classroom

Follow these few quick tips to create a clearer focus on student writing within your STEM classroom

What is academic misconduct? Cheating, plagiarizing, and other shortcut solutions

Aligning our understanding of definitions of academic integrity is important to promoting lifelong learning throughout the world in a post-industrial marketplace of ideas. It may feel like a leap to link academic integrity terminology to learning outcomes and global equity, but in this post, we examine the connection between terminology and equity.

A helpful glossary of terms for assessment with integrity

As we work to bring integrity to every type of assessment, we’d like to take a moment to provide a helpful glossary of terms for Turnitin’s assessment with integrity.

How to bring "Where to Next?" feedback to life in your institution: Part II

Building off of Dr. John Hattie's extensive research, here are five ways to get educators using “Where to Next?” feedback.

The Importance of Originality Beyond the Classroom

A few ways one student learned to stay true to himself and the lessons that he's learned about originality along the way.

End of Year Reflections

Summer signals the end of the school year for the northern hemisphere. Here are a few ways that students and teachers can look back on their school year.

Our 9 Favorite Education Blogs

In our community, each voice adds to the body of pedagogy and learning, whether in classrooms, at conferences, in teacher break rooms, or on blogs. So we at Turnitin want to recognize blogs that are doing the work of being excellent resources to teachers.

What makes effective test questions and answers for assessments?

There are many forms of test questions, each with their own strengths when it comes to upholding learning objectives. Some types of questions are efficient and measure breadth of student knowledge whereas other types of questions offer more opportunities to gain insights into higher order thinking. Let's take a deeper look at what makes test questions effective.

The Written Word

Classrooms all over the world use Turnitin’s offerings to improve writing, prevent plagiarism, and support academic integrity. The Written Word is a podcast that celebrates and shares best practices and new ideas from educators around the world.

AI terms + education: A glossary of what you need to know

A list of important terms relating to education and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for students, educators, and beyond.

How grading at scale makes large classrooms feel small

The best way to mitigate the negative impact of large higher education classroom enrollments is to change the process of instructional delivery. What are the negative impacts of large enrollment courses and what can educators do to make classrooms feel small? And how can Gradescope help?

Finding Integrity Beyond the Classroom

This article was written by Sean Tupa, Manager of Education Programs and Research at Turnitin, and was originally given as a speech at the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI).

The term "integrity," especially in the context of "academic integrity," is typically uttered from a defensive standpoint. For example, integrity is meant to be counterposed to the act of cheating, and of plagiarism. Integrity is mostly associated with terms like honor, honesty, and transparency. This is commonly understood, and for a good reason because, I believe, at least, these associations are good and true.

How to bring deeper meaning to the Similarity Score

In this post, learn how to make informed decisions around the similarity score with details on how the Similarity Report gets created, moving beyond the percentage and towards evaluating the rich information in the Similarity Report.

Grading and growth: What I learned from my teaching and time at Turnitin

One former educator reflects on her time in the classroom and how working at Turnitin has impacted her perspective

How to uphold assessment with integrity and ensure accurate measurement of student learning

The key to assessment with integrity is understanding that it's not just about mitigating academic misconduct, but also about nurturing students on their learning journey.

Cultural Differences in Plagiarism

How students from diverse backgrounds bring different perspectives on plagiarism to the classroom

A Season for Giving

Learn more about Turnitin's holiday give-back project that brought much-needed supplies to a local school district

Supporting Originality From the Start: An Update on WriteCheck

Since students now have easier access to drafts and feedback within Feedback Studio, WriteCheck has become redundant.

A Few Great Activities You Can Do During Testing Season

Whether it is state testing or final exams, here are a few great activities teachers can do with students in secondary education and beyond to survive exams with grace intact.

Starting the Year: Transforming Assessment into Learning for Students and Educators

Assessment is not an endpoint but a junction within the student learning journey. So after your students have completed assessments, what can educators do to transform assessment into learning?

AAPI Heritage Month: Top book recommendations to celebrate authors

A curated a list of AAPI literature for youth, middle grade, and adults to read or offer to your students for AAPI Heritage Month.

5 Reasons to Check Out the 2019 Turnitin Global Innovation Awards

Here are five reasons why you should get involved in 2019's Turnitin Global Innovation Awards...

Lessons from Mental Health Awareness Month with Turnitin leaders

Mental Health Awareness Month comes around each May, and with it, the opportunity for Turnitin to learn from some of its own leaders. This month, the team had the chance to hear from leaders of our Mental Health ERG called Integrity without Stigma (IwS), Samantha Bonk and Salvador Jimenez. Read on as Sam and Salva share their own stories, what mental health awareness means to them, and some practical tips for raising mental health awareness.

Building and Maintaining Strong Student Relationships Remotely, Part I

As educators prepare to teach in diverse learning environments, here are some ways to build and maintain strong student relationships remotely.

Bloom’s taxonomy: How do you use Bloom's Taxonomy in the classroom?

One way instructors can improve student learning outcomes, as well as assessment and teaching strategies, is to view student learning and curriculum through the lens of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

3 Ways to Start Your Junior Year Off Right

Junior year? No problem! Here's three ways that you can enter your third year of secondary education with focus.

13 Ways to Support Diversity at Your Institution

Increasing student diversity is a key directive for many institutions. But how do we support a dynamic student population once they arrive on campus? We examine the ways in which institutions can support diversity.

5 Things You Need to Know About Remote Assessments With Integrity

What are the five things educators need to know about remote assessments with integrity in online learning environments?

Why Did You Do It? The Psychology of Contract Cheating

Contract cheating is an extreme behavior that students undertake at great risk. So why do they do it? Let's take a look at how essay mills normalize contract cheating.

How to develop AI literacy amongst educators and students

Discover ways to foster AI literacy to improve academic integrity and learning outcomes

3 Ways to Get the Most out of Revision Assistant's Spot Check and Expansion Pack Assignments

Turnitin shares some of the best ways to use Revision Assistant's new Spot Check and Expansion Pack Assignments.

5 effective constructive feedback examples: Unlocking student potential

Enhance learning with effective constructive feedback examples. Inspire progress and development in various contexts.

HERstory: How Turnitin Support became an incubator for gender equity part II

In Part 1 of this series, we explored the numbers—how the Turnitin Support team moved from reflecting the same 70/30 split of males and females that is true globally in the profession to a nearly 50/50 split. The greater story is in the actual strategic steps taken towards equity, inclusion, and belonging, which we share with you in this blog post.

Making the Most Out of the Summer School Session

Don't wait on summer school planning. Here are strategies to consider in creating a comprehensive and rigorous plan for the summer school session.

5 Solid Ways to Introduce Feedback Studio

Here are five helpful tips on how to bring Turnitin Feedback Studio to your classroom in an interesting and purposeful way this year.

The Best of Both Worlds: Turnitin + Canvas

Turnitin has partnered with Canvas to create a seamless experience between assignments on Canvas and Turnitin's features

iOS Apps, and Optimization, and Offline Grading, Oh My!

Here are a few reasons you should download the Feedback Studio for iOS app!

All Things New with Revision Assistant

There have been a wealth of updates for Revision Assistant including new prompts, rubrics and more!

What is the potential of AI writing? Is cheating its greatest purpose?

At Turnitin, we’re incorporating the “big picture” of AI writing and its long-term benefits while at the same time safeguarding the true intention behind learning and knowledge acquisition. Turnitin CEO Chris Caren recently engaged with Jasper AI in an interview that addresses the potential and challenges of AI writing in the education space:

How to Build Community in an Online Classroom

Once students are in an online classroom and the rules of videoconferencing etiquette are sorted out, how do you give students a sense of belonging?

How teachers can prepare for AI-based writing

Educators can prepare in a variety of ways for the future of AI-writing, both in the classroom and beyond.

Plagiarism and Defamation

How a whistleblower at Indiana University, South Bend, emerged victorious in a protracted legal battle over alleged defamation, but only after years of work proving his case.

Turnitin Celebrates Students with Integrity from Around the World

Turnitin honors three students that embody the spirit, strength, and integrity of education around the world.

The pivots and pitfalls of digital transformation in the higher education sector in response to COVID-19

Australian education leaders share 3 key discoveries from the COVID-19 period of rapid learning and teaching innovation

Moving Students to Rigorous Depths of Knowledge in Social Studies

Three ways instructors can enhance student learning and strengthen student academic writing in the social studies classroom.

Apps and Resources for Students on the Spectrum

Here are some comprehensive and useful resources for students on the spectrum.

Is Plagiarism Just Bad Manners?

Turnitin responds to Malcolm Gladwell's claim that "Plagiarism is just bad manners."

How to provide quality assessment for all disciplines

One of the biggest challenges of remote learning has been figuring out how to enable authentic and accurate assessment with integrity when students and instructors weren’t in the same room. In this post, we highlight the ways in which customers used and will continue to use Gradescope to uphold best practices in assessment.

Essay Writing Services Uncovered

Essays from essay writing services often contain extensive material cribbed from online sources as well as material from banks of standard essays that have been recycled many times over. Students who purchase so-called custom-written essays may not be getting as original work as they think. Because of the size and reach of Turnitin's databases, Turnitin is likely to flag content in so-called custom essays as unoriginal.

In a blog posting by Dan Ariely (professor at Duke University and the author of "The Honest Truth About Dishonesty" and "Predictably Irrational") entitled "Plagiarism and essay mills," he explains the results of an experiment in which he purchased custom essays to check out their quality. After receiving the absurdly poor quality essays produced by these services, he concludes, "...the day is not here where students can submit papers from essay mills and get good grades for them. Moreover, we concluded that if students did try to buy a paper from an essay mill, just like us, they would feel that they have wasted their money and won't try it again."

Can Students Trick Turnitin?

Some students believe that they can "beat" Turnitin by employing various tactics. Turnitin understands that because plagiarism changes over time, we must always evolve to adapt to the latest academic integrity needs.

What Is the History of Grading?

What is the history of grading and how has it informed modern grading structures? Let's take a look and make room for innovation.

5 easy tips for safeguarding good writing practices and navigating AI misuse

Learn to protect writing integrity amid AI advancements. Discover five practical tips for maintaining good writing practices and avoiding AI misuse in the classroom.

Top Education Trends in Southeast Asia for 2022

As learning institutions respond to the evolving needs of both students and educators while navigating the uncertainties posed by the health crisis, here are the top trends that will shape the region's education systems in 2022

6 Informal Assessments to Engage Introverted Students

Create a more accessible classroom, online or in person, with these inclusive informal assessments for introverted students

How to Fight Plagiarism and Uphold Pedagogy with Unlimited Submissions

Feedback Studio's unlimited submissions can nurture the 5Cs of academic buoyancy as they pertain to plagiarism.

Your Professor Really Wants You to Use Their Office Hours

I've come here from my liminal role of student and teacher to tell you to USE YOUR PROFESSORS' OFFICE HOURS. You aren’t bothering them. Your question isn’t dumb. You don’t have to know everything. They’re there to help you. And when you use their office hours, you help them. Students asking for help helps professors to identify what is and isn’t working in the classroom.

Revolutionizing the Experience of Writing and Student Learning

At the 2016 Insight Analytics & Emerging Technologies Symposium, Elijah Mayfield discussed the potential real world impact of emerging technologies on teaching practices, based on direct observational research and classroom pilots with thousands of student writers. See Elijah in this related Revision Assistant video.

AI plagiarism changers: How academic leaders can prepare institutions

How can institutions safeguard themselves from the evolving landscape of academic misconduct and AI-powered paraphrasing tools? We’ll discuss the impact of AI plagiarism changers on academic reputations and ways to mitigate the negative impact of plagiarism changers at institutions in this blog post.

Let's Get Original

Three ways teachers can encourage and foster originality in their students within the classroom

Operation Varsity Blues and the Importance of Integrity

The crumbling of the myth of education as an equalizing force is knocking on our door. We all recognize that the playing field isn’t all that equal to begin with. But it’s a rude awakening when we are shown that the integrity of education and its equalizing factors, via the short-cuts of privilege, can be shaken to its core.

How Leveraging the Wisdom of the Crowd Can Solve Common Challenges

The story of a professor in Colombia who promotes collaborating across universities to build the education of the future.

Academic integrity library: A free eBook bundle from Turnitin

This eBook bundle dives into the fundamentals of academic integrity, offering students and educators everything they need to know

Meet the passionate people who work on Turnitin’s AI

Because AI relies heavily on its designers and engineers, we want to introduce you to our AI team at Turnitin. Who are the people behind Turnitin’s AI?

3 Effective and Meaningful Ways to Teach STEM

Three ways in which educators can bring STEM problem-solving and creativity to the classroom.

What is Contract Cheating? Why Does it Matter?

In honor of the International Day of Action Against Contract Cheating, Turnitin defines contract cheating, its impacts, and why you should care.

Turnitin Employees' First Jobs Out of University

Our Turnitin teammates share about their first gigs after graduating from university.

Effective Solutions for Mastering the Similarity Report

Scoring scenarios that will make you think twice about accepting a Turnitin similarity score at face value.

How will AI impact skill development in education?

Academic leaders should be confident that students graduate from an institution with the skills they need to progress in their learning journey, whether through further schooling or in the workplace. AI and its presence within education is complex, with direct impacts on skill development. How will AI impact skill development in education?

A research story: "Where to next?" feedback in Turnitin Feedback Studio impacts student growth

A deep dive into our Turnitin study where we partnered with Dr. John Hattie and harnessed data from Turnitin Feedback Studio to explore which form of feedback is most likely to enhance student essays

Self-plagiarism definition: Can you plagiarize yourself using AI?

Let’s examine what constitutes self-plagiarism (definition included), how it arises, and discuss solutions that relate to the broader dialogue in education on authorship and development of ideas in an AI world, to seize learners’ full potential.

Three Things Your Students Don't Know About Academic Integrity

In a fast paced and digital world, it's hard to know what constitutes plagiarism. Here are three things students might not know about plagiarism

What will the future of STEM assessment look like?

In this post, we present Roslyn Miller and Amanda Major’s insights on STEM and ELA assessment--the differences, the intersections, and ultimately, the best assessment practices.

How to Overcome Summer Blues for Educators

We share ways in which educators can make the transition into a long academic break easier on ourselves.

No, Not Everyone is Committing Plagiarism

In a remote learning environment, it can feel like everyone knows a shortcut, but in reality, a majority of students walk the path of integrity.

What’s Ahead for Turnitin in 2021

Chief Product and Marketing Officer Valerie Schreiner shares Turnitin's priorities for 2021, highlighting how our feedback, grading, and assessment solutions are working harder and smarter to support authentic student work.

Plagiarism and Aggregation in Ireland

Jonathan Bailey of Plagiarism Today talks about how a student newspaper in Dublin, Ireland recently apologized for instances of plagiarism.

Three Ways Teachers Can Use Automatic Grammar Checkers

Three ways teachers can use Revision Assistant to help them check grammar and spelling in the classroom

Creating Positive Plagiarism Deterrence

There are a lot of negative techniques for fighting plagiarism. How about some positive deterrence of plagiarism?

What is the difference between academic integrity and plagiarism?

It’s easy to see how academic integrity and plagiarism are interchangeable, but it’s also important to understand the difference between plagiarism and academic integrity as you navigate the student educational journey. In this blog post, we delve into the difference between "academic integrity" and "plagiarism."

Three Ways to Engage Families in Student Learning

Family engagement contributes greatly to student success and student outcomes in school. Here are three meaningful ways educators can engage families in student learning.

What is the history of exams as a career entry point?

Take a closer look at how exams emerged as a career entry point over the past 100 years and how modern technology is helping to transform them

Does Turnitin detect plagiarism?

Curious about the difference between similarity and plagiarism? In Part 1 of our series, learn more about how Turnitin tools REALLY work to support student learning.

20 Best Practices for Using Turnitin Feedback Studio

The modern teacher is being pulled in an infinite number of directions. Turnitin Feedback Studio is here to help.

How to Identify Contract Cheating Early Across Your Organization

Turnitin is using advanced forensic linguistics and probability algorithms built on years of research to identify when work is likely not written by the student. So how does it work?

How to ensure fair and accurate end-to-end assessment

Assessments are a checkpoint for student learning and teaching efficacy....

Flags Insight Panel For Focused Information

With Turnitin Originality, we’re making it easier for instructors to be notified of any text manipulations through the new Flags Insight Panel. The internet is full of articles listing tricks to “beat Turnitin.” They lead students through complicated hoops to manipulate their assignments in order to bypass the similarity checking algorithm. Unfortunately for them, we read these articles too, and have long been identifying when text has been manipulated.

How to Address Inequities in Remote Learning

In this learning review, we will focus on how remote learning fell short with regard to the digital divide and what we can do to improve in subsequent terms.

How to harness the power of our new education community

Three ways we can embrace a new sense of community so that traditional offline learning and eLearning can go hand-in-hand.

Introducing the Turnitin Resources Page

Your culture of academic integrity begins with Turnitin. Start the conversation with our collection of creative resources that foster original thinking and authentic learning in and outside the classroom.

How to innovate under pressure and uphold best practices: SDSU customer story

Every year since 2015, the world celebrates International IT (Information Technology) Professionals Day on the third Tuesday in September. And at Turnitin, we’d like to highlight one contributor in hopes of acknowledging all the work IT professionals do in the realm of education.

How to Uphold Academic Integrity in Remote Learning

We are in an unprecedented situation, and educators everywhere are encountering myriad and valid concerns in the wake of COVID-19 spread. One question is how to uphold academic integrity when students are not physically in a classroom. We want to offer you our suggestions.

Our social responsibility: Announcing Turnitin's philanthropic partners

At Turnitin, our mission is to ensure the integrity of global education and meaningfully improve learning outcomes. This commitment to integrity includes our own corporate social responsibility efforts.

Writing is Not All About Essays

Tired of the essay format? Why some tasks in the learning process are better suited to shorter-form writing.

CJE Build-Your-Own Question Bank for Next Gen NCLEX® success

Just what is the CJE Build-Your-Own Question Bank for Next Generation NCLEX®? Healthcare is more dynamic than ever, with nurses providing care in the face of unprecedented challenges and constantly developing tech solutions. To ensure public safety and successful careers in nursing, an increased focus on clinical judgment is crucial.

Best 2018 Summer Reads for Educators

Five stellar reads for educators to check out as summer begins, covering everything from curriculum to cultural competency.

5 Ways Turnitin Feedback Studio Can Thwart the Gremlins of Grading

Don't let the Gremlins of Grading bust your pumpkin this fall: here are five ways Turnitin Feedback Studio helps educators turn grading tricks into treats.

Plagiarism and Robotics

A few ways in which to consider how plagiarism may affect the field of robotics.

What does a cheater look like? How to help at-risk students

As instructors, we welcome a new cohort of students into our classrooms, whether they are virtual or in-person with each passing cycle. The last thing we want is to start off with suspicion. That said, students can be vulnerable to academic misconduct. How can we as teachers identify and support at-risk students?

Memes! How do you cite them?

In a world filled with "memes," we have to learn how to cite them properly if we want to use them in our work.

Extending Gradescope Complete Access for Instructors Through 2020

Gradescope Complete will be free through the remainder of 2020 to help instructors with the urgent transition to remote assessment.

5 Things Students Might Not Know About Plagiarism

Students might think that plagiarism is one of the most thoroughly explored and well-understood topics on the planet; however, that’s not always the case.

International Center for Academic Integrity Conference 2021 Panel Recaps Part 2 of 2

The International Center for Academic Integrity held its annual conference online in March 2021. In this post, we recap two panels that discuss methods of plagiarism prevention. One focuses on bridging cultural differences in academic integrity via an educative and supportive approach. And the other is a critical audit of existing plagiarism detection tools.

How To Support Your Extroverted Students in the Remote Learning Environment

Supporting students may be an educator’s most important task during this global crisis

What's new with Gradescope? Even more ways to grade fast and fair

As we close another year, we are thrilled to highlight a few of the latest Gradescope features that will continue to help instructors grade fast and fair.

3 Ways Essay Mills Make it Easy to Buy an Essay

Students and educators know that contract cheating is a growing reality. It is essential to understand the practices that make these industries thrive.

Assessment is NOT a Dirty Word

It's time educators reclaim "assessment". It’s part of what we do. It always has been and always will be an important part of the learning process.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education: What Will 2020-2021 Look Like?

Thoughtful planning--which was impossible in the face of a global emergency remote learning experiment--is now possible. 2020-2021 planning will inform how learning takes place in ensuing semesters and likely act as a precedent for how higher education proceeds. We want to provide insights on how to plan for the upcoming terms and beyond and offer a snapshot of what education at higher education institutions might look like in the coming term.

2019 Global Innovation Award Winners

Announcing our 2019 Turnitin Global Innovation Awards winners, celebrating individuals and institutions from around the world who champion academic integrity and producing their best, original work.

Reading and Writing About Civil Rights

There are a variety of ways educators can honor US Civil Rights leaders; here are a few resources for numerous activities that will get students reading, writing, thinking, and talking.

How instruction can uphold end-to-end assessment with integrity

End-to-end assessment supports the student education journey...

What is academic integrity? | Academic integrity definition

Academic integrity is more than a policy to uphold at your institution. While academic integrity should be addressed in honor codes, it is also important to understand its meaning and uphold it at all levels, from explicit instruction to formative feedback to final assessment.

Everything you Need to Know about Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences

Armed with the right attitude and a few key tips, teachers and parents/caregivers can approach this year’s virtual conferences feeling prepared and optimistic.

What the Best Plagiarism Checker in Admissions Can Do for You

Admissions must look for the best potential in each application. It means the weight of sorting out whether or not an application is plagiarized, should be off of the shoulders of an admissions committee and be achieved by software like iThenticate. So what can checking for plagiarism during the admissions process do for you? And what should you look for in a plagiarism detector?

Exploring 5 common myths about Turnitin

The student view of Turnitin—particularly on social media—is often surrounded by a shroud of negativity, being privy to comments such as: “Turnitin is bad vibes”, “12% similarity rate on Turnitin… thank goodness”, or “Turnitin is so annoying”.

This misconstrued image can unintentionally generate stress for students at a pivotal point in their academic schooling, so we want to debunk some of the most common misconceptions to get students off to a better start with Turnitin.

Being a second-year student at Durham University, I regularly use Turnitin to submit my assignments, but have never given much thought to the real purpose of the software and why my institution chose to adopt it. This changed when I became one of Turnitin’s summer interns.

How to Make the Best Syllabus Ever

Educators know that there’s always room for improvement. So, we’ re going to share some tips on how to make your syllabus the best syllabus ever.

F1 in Schools on Track to Ensure Integrity at the 2019 World Finals

How F1 in Schools raises awareness of STEM and Formula 1 among students around the globe, all outside of the classroom.

3 Things Journalism Writing Can Teach Students

3 ways teaching the fundamentals of journalism writing can help to improve students' academic writing and beyond.

ChatGPT essay writing: How to talk to students about AI and integrity

Students come to our classrooms with an awareness of AI writing tools. While many students comprehend that AI writing can be misused, it’s important to define the difference between proper and improper use of tools like ChatGPT. Having a discussion about learning and the ways in which ChatGPT can help or inhibit the ways in which students absorb information can highlight the intersection of AI writing tools and academic integrity.

3 Ways Academic Integrity Can Start in Primary School

3 ways that educators can cultivate academic integrity and authenticity in their primary school classroom.

Raising awareness of essay mills: How essay mills frame themselves as “help"

Recognizing how essay mills target struggling students and market themselves as “help” can be a first step in building contract cheating awareness

What Are the Best Books to Read for Black History Month?

February is Black History Month in the United States and Canada--and in honor of African American history, we bring you African American literature to read.

The Best of Turnitin 2017

The highlights of Turnitin throughout 2017: Awards, a podcast and more!

The top Turnitin blog posts of 2021 and what they mean

At Turnitin, like many of you, we often look back on the past year as we plan for the future. So let’s take a moment to review the top Turnitin posts of 2021.

Plagiarism and Programming: How to Code Without Plagiarizing

Jonathan Bailey examines the rise of plagiarism in computer science classes.

What's Ahead for Turnitin

A message from Chief Product Officer, Valerie Schreiner, on the exciting developments ahead for Turnitin.

Three best ways to engage fast and fair collaborative grading

Shortcutting grading is tempting. In fact, many educators feel they have no choice but to do so, in the face of immense workloads. These same educators believe that assessment and providing feedback to students are immensely important components of pedagogy. How can educators enable best practices of pedagogy while saving themselves time?

Setting teachers and students up for success for the new school year

Tomorrow’s growth depends on today’s preparation. Learn more about the key steps you can take to set yourself and your students up for success.

How to facilitate instructional practices with Turnitin Support

Learn more about how partnering with Turnitin Support can help facilitate instructional practices, enabling educators to use our tools effectively and meaningfully.

Top 15 Online Courses for Innovative Educators

For teachers around the world who never want to stop learning, we picked 15 online courses for innovative educators.

Another Way for Students to Look at Tests

“Tests” feel like tricks and traps set up to catch the weak points. On the other hand, an assessment isn’t a set of tricks and traps, but rather questions. There is another key difference to me: a teacher tests a student, but an assessment evaluates everyone, the teachers and the students. With that thought in mind, here are some helpful questions for students to ask while preparing for an in-class assessment:

Modeling Originality as a Lifelong Skill in Japan

For Tosh Yamamoto, journeying from Japan to the United States to earn his Ph.D. opened his eyes to a new way of thinking about originality.

Top Ten Reasons to Love a Library

Our top ten reasons to love all libraries.

A Student's Perspective on Turnitin: Then and Now

How having the opportunity to work for Turnitin for a summer gifted one student with very unique insight into the company.

3 Tips for Designing Scaffolded Tasks Effectively

Scaffolding directly impacts student success, so consider these three tips when designing instructional materials

The best writing AI practices unveiled: Mastering AI for simple tasks

Discover the secrets of mastering AI for simple tasks with the best writing AI practices. Unlock new levels of efficiency and creativity.

5 Reasons Schools May Underreport Plagiarism

Reasons why schools might underreport plagiarism and why longterm, this harms both students and institutions.

European study helps emphasise need to rethink AI writing and assessment

Since November 2022, generative AI writing has transformed many facets of life and education is no exception.

Five ways to prepare writing assignments in the age of AI

Five ways to approach AI proactively and create writing assignments that incorporate this rapidly evolving technology.

Positive Feedback Strategies to Enhance Student Engagement

Dr. Jennifer Haber, a professor at St. Petersburg College, shares her experiences on how to engage students in the writing process through positive feedback.

How to Help Students Embrace Revision in the Writing Process

Revision is a difficult writing skill to learn, but educators can support students by clearly defining and reinforcing revision in the writing process.

Top 10 Turnitin Bookmarks for Back-to-School

When crafting the bookmarks bar on your computer, here are the top 10 Turnitin links we recommend adding to make your semester smooth and successful.

How can educators connect teaching and learning with end-to-end assessment?

When students experience frequent, low-stakes formative feedback prior to summative assessment, then we have end-to-end assessment with integrity, where learning is connected to teaching throughout a student’s educational journey. End-to-end assessment, when enacted with integrity, is a large feedback loop where each quiz and exam are feeding knowledge into what the instructor knows and is adjusting in their content.

A year in review: The latest and greatest Gradescope updates

We added tons of enhancements to Gradescope in the past year to help support educators’ needs for assessment, grading, and feedback. Read on as we explore all the new capabilities, learn how you can influence what’s coming next, and register for our update webinar to see the newest features in action.

How to enhance authentic assessment with integrity

We recently had the privilege of conversing with Major and Miller via Zoom to discuss assessment challenges, recommendations, and the future of assessment.

Women’s Equality Day and Turnitin’s commitment to integrity

On Women's Equality Day, we highlight the work of Turnitin's female-identifying employee resource group. W.A.T.T. highlights and celebrates the work women do at Turnitin. By identifying the needs of our constituency and working with internal stakeholders to update policies and practices to address these needs, we hope our efforts support women at large.

Even Better Over Time: The Evolution of the Crossref and Turnitin Partnership

How the Crossref and Turnitin partnership makes it easier for researchers, authors, and publishers to publish their best work with confidence.

Prioritizing Educator Self-Care in a COVID World

Here are a few ways educators can build in time for themselves and prioritize self-care in a COVID-19 world.

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Plagiarism

What the development and evolution of Artificial Intelligence could mean for the future of plagiarism

Why academic integrity is important to teaching and learning

We’d like to take this moment to share why academic integrity is important to teaching and learning.

The Writing Process: Using ETS e-rater for Editing

Second installment of blog series, "Turnitin Strategies in the Writing Process" by Mary Lawson, Professor of English at Houston Community College

5 Ways to Teach Banned Books Better This Year

Teaching books that have been banned or challenged can be a trial for rookie and veteran educators alike. Consider these five strategies to approach these tricky lessons in a meaningful, tactful manner that won’t have parents (or your principal!) beating down your door this year!

Warning Signs a Website is Peddling Misinformation

The internet has made it easy to find information on any topic, but it’s also made it easier to spread misinformation.

9 Strategies for Well Being During Grading

Grading can be the dreariest part of teaching. Here's how to engage in self-care during assessment and uphold integrity

The Importance of Feedback Loops Within the Writing Process

Formative feedback is maximized when it occurs within the writing process as opposed to solely at the point of assessment. When inserted into the writing process, students can reflect and then apply these concepts in revision and subsequent assignments, enacting a feedback loop, separate from the pressure of final assessment.

New Grading Forms in Turnitin

Rubrics are a great way to consistently and objectively evaluate student work—but lets face it, rubrics can be time-consuming when what you really want to do is quickly evaluate student work based on a set of predefined criteria or learning goals.

Turnitin's new Grading Forms are simple rubrics that allow an instructor to give free-form feedback and scores for students broken out across a list of criteria.

Instructors can create grading forms from the Rubric/Form Manager in GradeMark or in their Turnitin class libraries. To create a grading form simply select "create new grading form" from the menu in their Rubric/Form Manager. The instructor will then be able to create a list of criteria and enter an optional description for each criterion. The instructor can set whether to use scoring in the grading form. If scoring is used, a score field will appear for each criterion in the scorecard view of the grading form. After a grading form is created it can be attached to an assignment in the same manner as a rubric.

All the Turnitin Feedback Studio resources and features to increase student learning

Turnitin wants to be a partner to educators everywhere as we help students navigate their educational journey. To that end, we are constantly updating our software and complementary resources to stay relevant to student and educator needs. So we want to provide some highlighted updates from this past year that help educators and students interface remote, hybrid, in-person learning, and everything in between with Feedback Studio.

Work experience: An approach for achieving 'outstanding' status

Top of mind for all educators in schools and colleges is maintaining a good reputation. Not only does this satisfy Ofsted, but also brings in more students and helps to sustain budgets. But it's not only exam results that affect a school or college's reputation.

Ofsted's guidance for schools for achieving an 'outstanding' status, specifies the need for "pupils and particular groups of pupils [to] have excellent educational experiences…and…ensure that they are very well equipped for the next stage of their education, training or employment." There is a similar specification for colleges.

By facilitating opportunities to access work placements, educators offer students broader experiences and the opportunity to develop life skills. But with the ongoing challenges with funding for work experience, how can schools and colleges deliver these without adding extensive pressure to stretched budgets and resources?

Assessment strategies in the classroom: Raising the bar for learning

Want to elevate learning with effective assessment strategies? Learn how ExamSoft can help you to align exams with course objectives for targeted evaluation and student success.

Q&A on Improvisation and Plagiarism: Fostering a Culture of Integrity

Plagiarism Education Week Q&A with Teddi Fishman, the Director of the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI).

In this 2015 Plagiarism Education Week webcast, "Improvisation and Plagiarism: Fostering a Culture of Creativity," Fishman shares her thoughts on how to promote a culture of creativity through improv exercises, role-play workshops, and other student engagement activities to help students understand what is "original."

Here are Teddi's thoughts on several questions (with some links to more resources!) from our audience members:

What are electronic cheating devices and what do they have to do with academic integrity?

We take a closer look at cheating devices used to purposely evade detection on exams with ways to mitigate their impact on student learning and accurate assessment with integrity.

Today's trends shaping the future of education

The acceleration of technology adoption and development during the pandemic has made all of us think differently about how knowledge is acquired, demonstrated, and shared.

Top Twenty Turnitin Tips for 2020

Need a Turnitin boost for the new year? Take a look at our top 20 tips, proven to enhance the customer experience, and get 2020 off to the best possible start in your institution.

9 Strategies for Supporting First-Year Students

A student’s transition to their first year at university is, without question, a critical one. So what can educational institutions do to support first-year students? Let's go over 9 ways to do so.

Turnitin tech talk: Full Page Handwriting Recognition via End-to-End Deep Learning

In part two of this series, we present our approach to Full Page Handwriting Recognition and the AI model we created and deployed to solve this problem.

How to Talk About Plagiarism When it Comes to Pop Culture

How can educators address plagiarism through a pop culture lens? These days it seems you can’t go more than a week without reading about another celebrity being accused of plagiarism. Whether it’s the allegations against Lizzo, the continued fallout from the Blurred Lines case or Katy Perry being accused of plagiarizing her song Dark Horse, plagiarism is perpetually in the news.

10 Quick Tips for Getting the Best Out of Feedback Studio

New to Feedback Studio? Get off to a great start with these quick tips that will help you provide feedback and interpret the Similarity Report with ease.

The latest innovative Gradescope features and a look ahead at what’s to come

At Gradescope by Turnitin, we are continuously working on initiatives to help educators and students benefit from better assessments. Today we bring you our most recent updates and plans for what is coming next.

How to transform autograding into smarter grading

Autograders are undeniably helpful for supporting student computer science assessments at scale. When paired with meaningful and personalized feedback, autograders can be an important part of personalized learning at scale.

What is an honor code and why is it important to academic integrity?

An honor code, like the one above, is a promise that all work is the student’s own, a concrete commitment to academic integrity. Students resort to academic dishonesty for various reasons, and the solution is both complex and simple: we need to make academic integrity a core value in our classrooms and/or institutions, beginning with a promise. So how can we establish a formative space that nurtures awareness of academic integrity throughout the learning journey?

Academic misconduct: Navigating parent-teacher conversations

Navigate sensitive parent-teacher conversations on academic misconduct with practical insights and strategies to promote understanding and support for student integrity.

Wikipedia Use Among Teachers

It turns out that teachers use Wikipedia much more often than U.S. adult internet users at large (87% vs. 53%), according to a Pew Research Center study, "How Teachers Are Using Technology at Home and in Their Classrooms" released on February 28, 2013.

Why Is It Important to Update Honor Codes for Online Learning Environments?

Honor codes reduce instances of academic misconduct. Research has shown that honor codes must be enacted in a supportive manner. When students have a sense of belonging, feel motivated, and have knowledge of academic integrity, they are less likely to engage in academic misconduct. Honor codes are part of this culture of integrity. So, how does this translate to online learning environments? What are some guiding principles to update honor codes and policies in online learning environments?

7 Startling Student Responses Teachers Have Seen While Grading

Some of the surprising student responses teachers have seen while grading.

What Does Global Ethics Day Mean to You?

Wednesday, October 19, marks Global Ethics Day. Launched by the Carnegie Council, Global Ethics Day explores the meaning of ethics in international affairs - including in education.

To mark Global Ethics Day, Turnitin asked educators across the world what academic integrity means to them, and why it is so important.

Making the Tough Call: Skill Deficit or Deliberate Plagiarism?

In most cases, instruction can resolve a skill deficit, but with instances of deliberate plagiarism, how do educators make the tough call?

How to prepare for and discuss the possibility of false positives

Tips for educators and students on how to approach the possibility of false positives in AI writing detection

Academic Integrity and the Rise of Open Access Repositories

Access supports egalitarian learning. At Turnitin, we’re all for equity within the classroom and beyond.

7 Ways to Celebrate Educators Remotely

From heartfelt letters to digital flower bouquets, here are seven highly awesome ways to celebrate educators remotely

Three Unique Academic Integrity Challenges in Computer Science

When it comes to academic integrity, every field of study faces unique challenges, both in terms of teaching integrity and in terms of detecting unethical behavior.

How a Zero Tolerance Mentality in Education Disrupts Effective Learning

Digital learning coordinator, Maria del Olmo Bañuelos, champions a combination of digital literacy and academic integrity

Essay mills and their growing threat to UK academic integrity

With the accelerated shift to remote learning, and with many students feeling anxious about their studies and career choices, essay mills have traded on the current situation, and are profiting in the process.

What Can Assessment Do for Student Learning?

Assessment is a critical junction for learning, because there is a wealth of information in assignments and exams that show educators what it is students know, don’t know, and why students do or don’t understand concepts. So how do we leverage that data for student learning?

AI writing: The challenge and opportunity in front of education now

At every turn, academic integrity has been both supported by and tested by technology. And, for nearly 25 years, Turnitin has been at the forefront of academic integrity and writing technology.

College Video Highlights How Turnitin Helps Improve Student Writing

Written by Lisa Boutin Vitela, Ph.D.

In January 2015, Professor Julie Trager and I began a two-week initiative entitled "Let's Write and Turn It On" to emphasize the importance of writing across the academic disciplines and to increase use of Turnitin at Cerritos College. Our initiative encouraged all faculty members to assign a writing assignment to be submitted and graded on Turnitin within the first two weeks of the semester. We distributed fliers and hung up posters that explained our initiative across campus. We also presented the features of Turnitin at meetings of the Faculty Senate and at the meetings of many of our academic divisions. Finally, we met with faculty for one-on-one tutorials in our Cerritos College Center for Teaching Excellence. Many faculty members joined us in our promotion efforts by sharing their success stories with colleagues.

Ghostwriting in academic journals: How can we mitigate its impact on research integrity?

We’ve established that engaging in contract cheating hampers learning and a form of misconduct so egregious there are now laws against it around the world. In academic research, other terms synonymous with contract cheating are more widely used; these words are ghostwriting or ghost authorship. And it is sadly prevalent. What is it and why is it so prevalent and how can we mitigate its impact on research integrity?

Top Ten Things No One Appreciates About Teachers

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, Turnitin narrowed down ten things we don't take time to appreciate about teachers

Upholding the Integrity of the Admissions Process

What happens in the admissions process and how can we ensure that integrity plays a central role?

Social media and citations: How to cite TikTok, Twitter, and beyond

Learn how to properly cite social media sources in your writing, including TikTok, Twitter, and more.

Building back better: how to foster an environment of academic integrity at your institution in 2021

We look at the practical steps education providers can take to ensure their students don’t compromise themselves and the values and reputation of the institution at which they’re enrolled.

Meet the Amazing Educators Who Work at Turnitin

The bench at Turnitin is deep with educators. Here are a few of us for you to meet.

Integrity and assessment digest: Top Turnitin blogs of 2022

Our top ten blogs from 2022 and how they can help support originality in your classroom.

2018 Global Innovation Award Winners

The 2018 Turnitin Global Innovation Awards celebrate students, educators, researchers and institutions with a passion for academic integrity and a commitment to student learning through the use of Turnitin tools.

Uphold academic integrity: fostering student-educator partnerships

Learn how to engage students to uphold academic integrity and empower them to take ownership of their own ethical standards.

5 Pioneering Women in STEM Whose Work Won The Nobel Prize

These five women created Nobel Prize winning work in the sciences, and I never learned about them in the classroom.

How to improve the world with educational technology

Emzini weCode is the largest online computer science class in the African continent as well as the first of its kind. It was founded by Eric Khumalo, who uses Gradescope to support student learning and end-to-end assessment. Let's take a closer look at his and Emzini weCode's story.

How metadata helps foster Courageous Conversations about contract cheating

We believe detection is a last step, not a first one–and that misconduct can serve as a teachable moment.

The discussion that takes place after an offense like contract cheating is a significant part of a person’s learning journey. Courageous Conversations, modeled on restorative justice, can transform misconduct into a teachable moment. In this post, we discuss what a Courageous Conversation is, information that can help foster a constructive dialogue, and the outcomes of Courageous Conversations.

In the Spotlight: Robin Crockett on Contract Cheating

Dr. Robin Crockett, University Academic Integrity Officer at the University of Northampton, UK, addresses some of the academic integrity challenges educators have encountered in this new teaching environment.

Supporting the Turnitin Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Learn more about how we’ve proactively fortified our teams to work on additional resources and increased accessibility so that Turnitin can be a reliable partner with you as circumstances change and evolve in the wake of COVID-19.

Summertime Success with Revision Assistant

At the start of summer, Scott Rosenkranz, was faced with a challenge: he had 15 days spread over four weeks to cover one semester's worth of units for an English class.

Tell Us How You Really Feel: One Student’s Take on Turnitin

You would be hard-pressed to find a student who has something positive to say about their experience with Turnitin. Most of them know little about the company and the work that is done: Turnitin is perceived as nothing more than a policing tool for teachers. What students don’t realize is how putting time and effort into their work now, with a little help from Turnitin tools, actually sets them up for success in the future.

Why item analysis should be a part of your instruction workflow

Assessment is an intersection with rich data and while grading feels like drudgery, it is a way to gain insights on student learning and exam effectiveness. The information gleaned from assessments is critical for teaching and learning; moreover, it is an inflection point through which students can learn, assignments can be bolstered, and curriculum improved. Let's take a closer look at item analysis. And in the case of ExamSoft, category tagging.

How can you measure test validity and reliability?

Dive into the differences between test validity and reliability and how they can affect student learning outcomes and a program's overall success.

New Strategies to Reduce Plagiarism

"Curriculum redesign as a faculty-centred approach to plagiarism reduction" is research paper published by Sue Hrasky and David Kronenberg from the University of Tasmania, presented at the 4th International Plagiarism Conference in June 2010.

In it, they first look into two fundamental strategies on approaching plagiarism: proactively educate students on plagiarism, proper citation, and acceptable collaboration; and/or reactively catching and punishing instances of plagiarism. Both of these traditional approaches puts the onus of responsibility on the student. When an accusation of plagiarism occurs, the blame rests with the student rather than with the faculty or the institution.


The Evolution of Citation on Twitter and Facebook

How citation methods for Twitter and Facebook have evolved and will continue to grow over time.

Straight Talk From an Essay Mill Insider: Part 1 of 2

We reached out to Dave Tomar, a former essay mill writer and author of The Shadow Scholar, an exposé of contract cheating. Would he do an interview for Turnitin?

Immediately, he said yes--his insider responses highlight the pervasive nature of contract cheating in higher education.

When does paraphrasing become problematic?

What is the purpose of paraphrasing? And when can students and educators recognize when it's become problematic?

What Now? Core Principles to Enhance Unexpected Remote Learning

Four basic pedagogical principles that can help to guide educators as they navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of online learning.

How Do You Give Thanks for Teachers?

Three ways you can express gratitude for the educators in your life this holiday season.

Werewolf? Walking Dead? Engaging Students in Writing with Halloween QuickMarks

How should you comment on students' papers in October? With spooky, fun Halloween QuickMarks™, of course! Turnitin QuickMarks are drag-and-drop comments that educators use to leave feedback on student papers. These seasonal QuickMarks will motivate students to read your feedback, help them remember your clever comments, and incorporate your suggestions in their next drafts.

13 Things Teachers Really Do During the Summertime

What teachers really do during the summertime--in case you're wondering.

AI-generated text: The threat, the responsibility, and the promise

Learn more about AI-generated text and how Turnitin is partnering with educators to face the threats, responsibilities, and promise of this moment

Six ways to embed AI writing tools in every teacher toolkit

Explore how AI writing tools can transform teaching. Learn six practical strategies to seamlessly embed them into your toolkit.

Together While Apart: Classroom Communication

Of the many shifts in instructional delivery, one of the most dramatic will be the methods by which educators communicate with their students. Here are a few tips in our first of three blogs that address asynchronous instruction.

There's a New Standard in Academic Integrity

To support the shift to new learning environments, we are pleased to introduce Turnitin Originality, a tool to help address emerging academic integrity challenges and to help teach the value of original work.

How to Address Academic Integrity In Your Course Syllabus

Nowhere is it more important to define academic integrity than on your course syllabus. Let's go through the major components of a course syllabus and look at ways to address academic integrity throughout.

Top 10 Blog Posts That Educators Loved in 2020

As part of educators’ dedication to their work, many turned to thought leaders in education for support, including Turnitin. Here’ s a round-up of some of your favorite blog posts from this year.

Originality in Coding

Coding may be a unique and creative field, but the importance of giving credit to others' work is no less important

Introducing Turnitin employee resource groups

We have launched, with the support of Turnitin’s Diversity Council, a Women’s Employee Resource Group (ERG), LGBTQ+ ERG, and Black ERG, enabling employees to surface ways to better the lives and careers of historically marginalized voices.

Rubrics to the Rescue

How Turnitin's rubrics are useful in facilitating transparency in the grading process for both teachers and students

VeriCite and Turnitin are joining forces

Turnitin has acquired VeriCite to meet our customers' evolving academic integrity needs.

Turnitin Tech Talk: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Turnitin

Here is some of the most interesting work we are pursuing in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Turnitin.

5 LGBTQ+ Must Reads

Dive into these five compelling books on Queer identity

How to Address Academic Integrity in Your Classroom

Educators are consistently advised to create a “culture of integrity” within our classrooms. So how do we go about establishing such a culture?

What is the Impact of Self-Plagiarism for Researchers?

If you’re a researcher with the goal of publishing and making an impact on the research landscape, self-plagiarism and citation errors matter.

The launch of Turnitin’s AI writing detector and the road ahead

Today, we are pleased to announce the launch of our AI writing detection capabilities in Turnitin Feedback Studio (TFS), TFS with Originality, Turnitin Originality, Turnitin Similarity, Simcheck, Originality Check, and Originality Check+. The detector will support over 2.1 million educators and more than 10,700 institutions, reaching more than 62 million students. It is a milestone that represents an incredible commitment from the Turnitin team as well as our customers.

Are You Admitting Students with Plagiarized Application Essays?

It's easy to assume that applications are honest representations of student potential. But are they?

All Assessments Are Not Created Equal

Choosing a balance of assessment formats that enable feedback loops and learning insights is not a light task. Let's examine different forms of assessment to help teachers make thoughtful decisions when it comes to how we evaluate our students.

A Student's Perspective on Contract Cheating

It’s easy for students these days to feel like they are drowning in tasks. College, and even high school workloads, can be completely overwhelming, which is one reason why contract cheating has found its way to campuses around the world.

Five Ways to Spot a Fake

Here are five tips to help tell the fake news from the real news.

Teaching With Technology: Empowering Students to Take Control of Their Own Learning

Susan Van Doren, a George Whittell high school English educator, describes her experience working with students throughout the writing process.

Turnitin showcases homework progress: Launches new AI writing landing page

In response to the interest around AI-generated text and to showcase Turnitin’s progress on its AI writing detection homework, Turnitin is excited to announce the launch of its new AI writing resource page.

5 steps to gaining confidence in essay writing

First year university students often feel immense pressure to achieve academic success while also participating in the stereotypical student experience such as joining societies, attending events, and making new friends. Balancing this with new academic processes such as increased workloads and prescriptive referencing rules—all vastly different to the experience at secondary school or college—can be extremely challenging.
